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Birmingham Town Hall

Thanks Mike and Jennyann. Looks like the building on the right in Mike's photo #126 is the one which would have been cleared behind the hoardings in db's 1970s photo #114. It's fairly unlikely I suppose, that the building that then went up in the 70s in it's place has since been demolished (although not impossible). So Ell's streetview of this spot (post #112) must still be the 1970s building. Just looks very new. Viv.
If you go back to Google Street view Viv, you will noticed the two plaques on No 1 Victoria Square. The one on the right says "This stone was laid on Thursday 12th April 1983 by Councillor B V Smith, West Midlands County Council". (it looks like 1963 but it can't be that as the WMCC lasted from 1974-86)

I've not got any direct photos of this building, but I've got this (during the beginning of 2009's Frankfurt Christmas Market)

The Helter Skelter slide in Victoria Square - Birmingham Frankfurt Christmas Market by ell brown, on Flickr
I see what you mean Ell, it does say 1983 WMCC. So I expect the site may have been empty for a few years before One Victoria Square was built. Viv.
There's this in Pevsner

On the S, first a plain block by Watkins Gray Woodgate International, 1983-5. The corner attempts an oriel, nicknamed 'the Chieftain tank' by a former chair of the City Planning Committee.
Hi Dek and Carolina - sorry will try posting soon when I can work out the probem. Now you'll just need to exercise patience to find out which one I went to!! :devilish::devilish: Viv.
Think I'll try one at a time! The first of a series of pictures showing events at the Town Hall through time.Viv

Firstly the 1846 music festival
Secondly an 1849 soiree showing specimens of papier mache, silver plate, electro plate and glass on a display in the centre of the floor. Professor Faraday gave a brief address on the electric light illustrated using Mr Gasslot's enormous battery of 100 plates. Mr Stimpson played the organ.

Next, June 1858 Queen's visit - arrival at the Town Hall


And the luncheon room for HRH's
Now we have a bit of a riot: 1924 Police clearing a charging crowd of Pro-Boars outside the Town Hall during the speech of Lloyd George MP. Stones and rocks were thrown through the windows hitting people insude tge Hall. Some 400 -500 police were involved. One person died and many people were injured.

And finally the first show I went to at the Town Hall in 1972. Only 60p, bloomin' good value! Viv.

Hi Keegs. Incredible It's impossible to see Bowie once, you have to see him again and again! He's a showman and for me his music's stood the test of time. Saw many others there too, memorable ones being Captain Beefhart - quite wacky, seem to remember a ballerina prancing about the stage (!) and Beefhart in an amazing cape. And Pink Floyd too. Oh and Rod Stewart, another value for money entertainer. Good times. Viv.
In 1901 Lloyd George was not the favourite of many Birmingham people and his appearance at The Town Hall quickly led to mayhem and the politician
had to don a policemans uniform to aid his escape.
I don't know about you stitcher but I recon the bloke in the bowler behind the newspaper vendor was" i'm who killed that bloke" on the advertising, using a bit of Lancashire "By eck 'e' looks a rum un".
I don't know whether it was the photography in those days but a number of individuals give that impression on old photos.
In 1939 our magnificent Town Hall did not look so regal with the sand-bags for protection.
I have put this on the Town Hall thread because it is advertising a charity Bash at the building. I hope I am orrect in assuming it means Birmingham Town Hall. The link for me was that we had a Lord Mayor W. Saunders in 1930-31. Can anyone explain the two small swastikas??
The Swastika is a ancient sysmbol and it is only its adoption by the Nazis that has cause the stigmatisation of it. I believe that the first National Savings Stamps issued bu the Post Office during WWI had a large swastika on them. Have a look at the Wikipedia page for Swastika.
Thats interesting, I have only ever aquainted the symbol with natzism. I never realised it was used by others as well.
It is seen on a lot of buildings in India. My friend was horrified to see it on a wall around a church untill I explained it was an ancient symbol.