It will be in the recollection of that class of our readers who have given their attention to mechanical subjects; that somewhere about the middle of 1806, in consequence of the death of a celebrated artist of that day, William Pitt, in whom the exclusive steam patent of the country was then vested, a fresh privilege was obtained by one Henry Petty, to run a steam carriage through Whitehall, and the purlieus of Westminster-hall. At that period steam had not been applied to the purposes contemplated by Petty, and consequently his plans were considered as a novelty, if not an innovation. This carriage was named by the proprietor, the "Lansdowne Steam Carriage"; while many people in ridicule, called it the "New Tax Cart "; others called it the "Go-Cart" — while many said it was "no-go Cart". The ignorance of the people of that day was so great, and they were so wedded to old habits and fashions, that they almost universally set their faces against the transference of any branch of William Pitt's patent, to a person so little known as Petty, and the more particularly as he attempted to apply the powers placed in his hands to alter established customs, and to introduce a jogging, crazy, and odious tax-cart in place of the easy vehicle which they had formerly used. They cried out against the new conveyance, which threatened, from the complication of its machinery, to destroy all the passengers, but it was agreed on all hands to give it, at all events, a fair trial.
Accordingly Petty was permitted to try his invention, and after some difficulties in the stable yard in getting the cumbrous machine out, it was at last brought into Whitehall, exactly opposite the old Treasury Chambers. It was contrasted at once with the old simple conveyances, and even the most experienced job-proprietors confessed they could make nothing of it: it had four wheels like other carriages, but then there were so many chains and drags placed in a confused manner under the driver's seat, that at the first sight, it was predicted that it would meet great resistance on the road. The principle on which it was propelled, was certainly a principle of resistance, for, contrary to the accepted mode of impelling vehicles, instead of moving forward in obedience to the usual laws of motion, it was pushed on by the agency of certain claws or bills, that striking against the ground on which it was supported were forced back again by resistance, and thus gave an accelerated speed to the carriage in the opposite direction. At the back of the body was placed the cylinder of the steam engine, by which Petty was always kept in hot-water, and from certain tubes that communicated with the working machinery, the carriage and the driver were constantly obscured in smoke. There were also a great many back-sliding blocks connected with the main pivot, and from these again, a variety of petty supporters, that running here and there, made up a show of power, but did not really contribute to the safety of the undertaking. Independent of these were some levers that acted apparently on a reciprocal principle, moving backward and forward alternately, and keeping their places with evident hazard to the whole body: they were suspended afterwards in the performance of their offices, from having become hacked by the opposition. Various devices were curved on piston-rods and blocks — such as a Fox's head, the Grenville-arms, a grey mare, a hare-skin, &c; and it was ornamented with ribbons, and stars, and titles, borrowed from different books of heraldry.
When Petty took his seat near the guiding-pin, there appeared a great awkwardness in the want of proper reins; and the unpractised way in which he seized the chequers that were connected with the handle, led to an apprehension that he would destroy the whole economy of the system by some improper movement. Great crowds were collected to see the first start of the new carriage, and a most powerful opposition was raised by the friends of William Pitt, who were indignant at the assumption of this new charioteer. First of all issued a dense smoke from the vents behind, and the driver and his friends inside, were completely hidden in the mists and vapours: a rumbling noise, and a hissing followed: and with a violent shock, the carriage set off. Its motion was zig-zag and irregular, and it rocked and vibrated at every stone it struck against. It had not gone far when it was discovered that it would not do, in consequence of wanting a safety valve; but Petty would not consent to give up his seat until a concussion took place amongst the minor springs, which, communicating with other parts of the machinery, completely burned out the bar that was engraved with the Fox's head, which was linked to the Grenville head-pin, and this caused such a dreadful shock to the whole machinery, that Petty was thrown out of his place, and nearly fractured his skull.