That would be a find if we could find the history book with Church in, quite apart from giving the final stamp of official approval in being taught to the young of Birmingham, it may contain another representation and new data....
The first mention of any Huggins, other than pork butchers, in Birmingham is in 1855 ...
... I remember my history text book at school having a picture of Dr Church's steam coach in it. It said that it did London to Birmingham run ...
It would be nice to attain some precision as regards Dr Church's genealogy and family. He must have had at least one daughter, since he returned to the US in 1861 (this is the previously accepted date, though the 1864 obituary says "five years since", which would make it rather 1859) to live with his son-in-law.
[Plaintive "HELP PLEASE?". All together now: "So rise the steam and come along ..." :222:][/SIZE][/FONT]
Sorry after 50 years I just don't remember. Apart from the caption, I don't think there was any reference in the text of the book. All I can remember is that it had a red cover. I was studying English & European History 1789 -1914 at the time for GCE O Level. I was at George Dixon's and the history master was Geoffrey Sandercock.
I don't remember the book, but I was at GD and remember Geoff Sandercock (actually the late Geoff Sandercock now, sadly) although he wasn't one of my regular teachers.
Sorry I have been 'absent' for a few days, pressure of work you know. Anyway, found and had a smile at this 'magical' scholarly tale!
Molesworth, thanks for that Watt vignette! I always thought the horsepower was a dodgy unit, when two real horses could out-perform 5 hp motor bus! So it's Europe-approved SI watts for me from now on! ....Did you notice the red Tardis parked behind the Watt statue in Leeds?Hmm ...
(Singing ... "So rise the steam and come along ..." :1311