I remember You.Re: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
My name is Graham Bradbury. I am in your photo of Birchfield rd Sc. Mid row 2nd from the left. The back row from the left 1st is Ross Muller then Chris Burke. Mr Hunt's son began with a G ( may have been Geoff ??) lots of memories. Who was the main PE teacher?
You may remember me I was the Major General in Pirates at the school in 1962.
Hello Geoff,I remember You.
Hi John, I’ve just found this website. I hope you and Dave are both keeping well? RegRe: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
Re:Birchfeild Secondary Modern School
my name is john (goggs) bailiff, i am new to this very good forum. i attented the school for three years untill it closed. i was in 3e with my brother david and all the rest of the gang. some of there names are, paul callow, reg squires, steve copper, john painter, ian leak, chris heart. we all played football, rugby or in the band or both. hobnob or boggy evens was or form master, john oldham headmaster, spud taylor for music and re. if any one remebers me please get in contact with me.
Howard, I’ve just found this website. I remember playing in the band with you and the other lads. Great days! Has anyone heard from Ken Hall? Ken got me to join the band, by lending me his trumpet. RegRe: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
WoW!! This has just got to be one of the best days, so glad I found this site, part of my past has just returned to me. Hiya Tony B how are you and all you fellow ex Birchfield School members this is Howard Johnson (1962-1965 ) for all those who remembers me. Agree with you Tony ( Bug House??? ) where did that come from, had some great times there, class 3E the best. Yes remember those times mentioned above and more. Out of all the ones mentioned above the only one that I have seen recently is Pete Adams and that was about two years ago. a few other names to remember, John Lakin, Dave Robinson, Brain Hill, Dave Betteridge Masher March to name a few. Hope we can get to swop a few memories. Glad to hear from you.
Re: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
Hello everyone. I attended this school between 1957-61 and started a life long love of art here. I was one of the pupils who painted the backdrops for the school plays. Was not much good at anything else, but I have vivid memories of Mr Williams and the music teacher Mr Lowe. I recall the rows of seats in the music block upper floor and always trying to get to the highest row at the back. The only names I can recall of school pals are Dennis Sutton who live in my road, PeterHowell and a boy called Purcell who I swapped war comics with. Nice to see this site keeps these memories alive.
Hi i am Peter Howells brother John. Bad news Peter pasted away on 5th November 2018
Yes I was there the same years. I was woodwork monitor in my last year and played rugby for the school, scrum half.I went to Birchfield bug house from 1958-1962 is there anyone else who attended around that time.
Hi GeoffYes I was there the same years. I was woodwork monitor in my last year and played rugby for the school, scrum half.
Hi JeanHi Geoff did you live in Holte road by any chance?. Dave Pete felt the end of f...y Taylors cane on many occasions.
Hi Howard (or should that be bone LOL) hope you and yours are ok. regards tony bradburyHello Tony and all ex Birchfield Secondary Modern School pupils of the 60's. Howard Johnson here ( 1962-1965 ) Sorry " Frantic " don't know where " bug house " came from but after 62 this was a brilliant school until 65 when it was time to evacutate when the walls decided it was time to rest.
Had a great time whilst there, met some great mates, learned to play rugby which became a great part of my life, learned to play music ( trombone )in the brass band thanks to " Spud" Taylor, learned to dodge flying blackboard rubbers, and thanks to Mr G.Williams learned to write with my left hand when I broke my right arm in the playground playing in goals at lunch time break.
Teachers :- Mr Tom Brassington (headmaster) Jim Riddesdale ( deputy head ) Mr Evans ( boggy to his mates ), Mr Ifion.Williams, Mr Obongawna ( Hobnob to his mates ), Mr Lane ( Bronco to his mates ) Mr Griffiths
Pupils to remember :- Dave Robinson, John Lakin, Ralf Cahn, Paul Robinson, Phil Storer ( good footballer ), Micky Shakespear, Bernie Burrows, Steve Holloway, Warren Raybould, Brian Hill, Dave Betteridge to name a few.
It would be great to hear from any of you guys.
Hi RossRe: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
Hello Graham, have just found this site, you mention me Ross Muller and Chris Burke. I used to come to your house in Glendower Road and see your model aircraft you made which were brilliant and it got me started making models which I still do today to my wife's annoyance. Wasn't Mr Hunts son called John. Wasnt the PE teacher Mr Evans (Boggy) as he was known. I do remember you in the Opera. Happy days.
I hope you are well as we are all getting on in age.
Regards Ross
Hi Morturn Thanks for the advice . Can you on my behalf delete the ref to my email. Regards Graham
Me too. Started HTS in January 1953.Re: Birchfield Secondry Modern School
I had to go to that school in 1952 to take the entrance exam for Handsworth Tech. school :crazy2:
Hi Graham my name is Larry Wright i was in T Iommi's class along with Albert chapman, Ozzy was a year younger but we were good friends from 1963 to 69. I still see Albert chapman. In your school photo i am 2 down 4 across. Are you in the school photo ??Hi Ian You may be getting this message twice. I was the major general in the production. The image below is from our school production in 1962. I also have found you listed in the production programme. You may remember me??? I was friends with Chris Burke & Ross Muller. I have other photographs. I suspect you were a couple of years below me, perhaps in the same year as Ozzie (John Michael) Osborne who was also in Pirates.
Regards Graham Bradbury