Hello John, thanks for your reply. Mr. Taylor was exactly as you described him. I cannot remember the shell casings on his can, but I do remember the enormous plimsoll he also used to inflect pain. A bit of a sadist, in fact come to think of it most of the staff were. I suspect it was so recent after the war they used the pupils to vent their frustration on. I also remember Mr. Roberts and Mr Griffith, they both gave me a love of working with wood. Do you recall being called to watch a demonstration, “form class 1, form class 2,” and woe betide anyone that was not ready when they were. I also started in the third stream, and progressed to the first, and stayed on for the extra year for the UEI, exams. After that I did two years evenings and day release at Brooklyn tec. Happy days, and there were girls at Brooklyn. Even more happy days. I have been trying since starting these post to think of the science teachers name at Birchfield and it’s just come to me “Mr. Wall.“ Great guy, loved his classes.
Great to reminisce with you, stay safe. Alf Charles