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Berners Street, Lozells

berners st showing 179...186..berners terrace and the new inns pub.jpgand mikes map...yes mike its long gone now but all those houses..terraces and back houses would still have been there when i lived a few streets away...oh the new inns closed in 1927
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hello barrie well its nice for you to have a photo of it...maybe mike could help us with the name of it as its just down as a mission hall on the map.


Did I tell you that I demolished that Mission Hall when it was a fire disposal warehouse. It caught fire itself one night and was left in a dangerous condition and we had to go along and demolish parts of it to make it safe. The thing was it was still full of stock and we couldn't keep the locals out while we did our work. When we had made it safe we had to leave it for a couple of weeks until we got authorisation to clear the site and finishing the demolition. When we got back the locals had stripped it clean.

Did I tell you that I demolished that Mission Hall when it was a fire disposal warehouse. It caught fire itself one night and was left in a dangerous condition and we had to go along and demolish parts of it to make it safe. The thing was it was still full of stock and we couldn't keep the locals out while we did our work. When we had made it safe we had to leave it for a couple of weeks until we got authorisation to clear the site and finishing the demolition. When we got back the locals had stripped it clean.

well i never knew that phil...what year woud that have been...


To be honest I'm not sure, but I would think it would have been the mid to late 70's because it was quite a while before the first Handsworth riots in 81.
thanks phil...i didnt leave villa st until 72 so like i thought that side of berners st was still there then...

LYNN; Thanks for the picture the very first house next to the school building as you walked passed it you can see the steps
thats where we lived and a matter of yards from the corner pub [ good old days i say ;]
and if my memory serves me correct i was to meet some-one off this site at that pub before the fimal closed down and i think it was you lynn ;
but due to untold story i never made it as it was my local;its a pitty the bounders whom hacked this site i coulld have brought it back again
but anyway rest assured i lived there with happy memorys i will get my son to trawl through the history on my threads that i can call back on our system
have a good day astonian;
good morning alan and yes it was me who was to meet you at the union before it closed...great shame that you could not make it but things happen....not many old end pubs left now alan but the gunmakers just up from the union is still up and running but for how long i dont know as ive heard that it could be going up for sale and as we all know pubs that are sold do not always re open as pubs..this has happened with the union im afraid...have a nice day alan

I am surprize that the gun makers is still running indeed i expect alot of the older generation and the old locals have all moved on or passed away
our house in berners street next to the school was 156 berners street they knocked our house down in the eightys and put three new ones in its place
and looked what hapened they knocked the whole street down in the end
the school was taken over by some fire salvage dealers so i presume what mike said it must have been the same people fropm the chapel
the large vans and lorries was coming in constant day and night had some good nights in the union and the guns knew alot of the familys as i said many years ago
in the early seventys there was an house fire around the corner by the little cafe and the bus stop it was gutted ;
It was my friends house luckily they was out on there return home they found two fire engines fighting the blaze is kids was only toddlers at the time
i recall a little shopping precint was the first change of wheeler street more or less facing alma street
its a little parade of shopps i was going to open up a chippie in there but like fate treats me badly i lost out some one beat me to it ;
Still Not to worry im a fighter and a challenger in life a kid from the old school and alway say never die
and i can recall alot of old summe lane and familys in fact the whole of aston and seen over the decades how aston and birmingham changing as if only yester day
but its also marvellous to hear when you travel all over the country just how many people do orininate from aston ;
best wishes Astonian;
View attachment 92080hi folks just to update this thread a bit as so many of us seem to have had rellies in this street at sometime..

posting 2 photos of the new inns pub...first one taken in 1904 second one taken prob in the 40s or 50s when the pub looks to be in a sorry state..

also many thanks to mike for supplying me with a map marking out no 186 where suzannes rellie lived..suzanne mike thinks 5 /186 was directly behind 186..also showing berners terrace for you..

my gt gt grandmother lived at no 179 on the 1901 census and that house is still standing..it was opposite the new inns pub so who knows maybe she nipped in there for a jug of ale...


Hi Lynn and Mike

Many thanks to both of you. This really gives me a good idea of the housing. 5/186 is where my Gt grandparents lived at least in 1930. In 1935 they were at what was described as 5 Berners Terrace, Berners Street.

happy to help suzanne...ive now put berners st down on my list of photos to look for when i next go to the library so fingers crossed...

Ooh! Look forward to seeing anything you find Lyn.


watch this space suzanne...just emailed to try and get an appointment for the week after next for the archives dept as i find its best to give the library 2 weeks notice these days..after 6 years i am still searching for a pic of the pub where our dad was born and im not giving up..

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What pub are you looking for where was he born ;is it the one in villa rd ? ,
Astonian; Alan;;;

hi alan...looking for the globe inn..corner of hospital st/william st north...bombed and raised to the ground in december 1940 killing the landlord and at least 1 customer..landlords wife and other customers survived after taking refuge in the cellars...i do have a drawing of the pub but i am after a proper photograph of it..

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hi lynn
I Will start looking for you through the books i have i recall from one book there is a mention of the globe
but i will take time as i have a load of books thati never knew i had but for my old dutchess found a load of them last week in her clear out
i will take the opportunetity today whilst she is away down in bournmouth line dancing group all women;
she went on friday morning and back tuesday so i will not have her around bothering me
it seems if i ever get near to the comp ;she winges and say you are on there again ; ah;she always wanting some think done
thats why of late i donot spend time like i used to over the years as i did
still i will lok out for you and browse ; incidently my older brother whom died two years back that was is local he spent a fortune in that globe
well i sign off now speak soon as i can , Alan;;;
Lyn, I would be interested to see the drawing. Eric

hello eric..this came out of a very old book...im not even sure now who sent it to me but it gives a great discription of the globe even saying what colours the outside brickwork was...reading on the inside sounds quite impressive as well...there is one thing i have not done yet and thats to find what house it was ie ansells etc...must try and find that out..

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Lyn, Have studied drawing and read notes about brick work etc... as I would like to try a painting, looking carefully at the sign it looks like Ansells to me with the curly (orange) sign underneath the pub name. It mentions a double gate to the yard, would presume that is on the left, possibly hidden by what appears to be a bus or similar motor, certainly not on the right looking at the drawing. Eric
eric that would be fantastic if anyone can make something from a very poor sketch you can..i would agree that it does look like an ansells sign to me but as for the double gates i thought to the right of the pub but to be honest its only a guess so i will leave that to you..

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Lozells road corner with berners st.jpgjust getting back to berners st i have not seen this one before...corner of berners st with lozells road..oh alan before i forget thanks for looking out for a photo of the globe inn as said in an earlier post i am hoping the library may have one for me...
How is for a first attempt. Please point out any errors as you are more familiar with the pub than me, If you think double gate were on right I can paint it again with gates on right. No problem. EricGlobe Inn (2).JPG
wow eric how did you do that so fast..its looking fantastic and all from a rough sketch...i love it just as you have set it out...wonderful thank you so much as you have just bought the globe inn back to life.

lyn x
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Lyn, I will wait until you visit archives in case you manage to obtain a photo which I could do a more accurate painting from. Using your old drawing entails a bit of guess work and artists licence, particular with colours, its also a bit blurred but being old enough to remember using old pubs of this style does help, a lot of old corner pubs had a lot in common. You are welcome to this one unless I turn out something beyyer. Eric