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Aston Pictures

That picture top left of Wills street the green door is the entrance to St Marys school playground thanks for the picture


Having looked at this particular photo again (out of interest because although I had walked Wills Street thousands of times, I never knew St. Mary's was there) I can see Charleville Road in this distance, which was where my husband was born. He attended St. Francis school, whilst I was at Angelsey Street.
super pics again ray....i really do look forward to seeing them..we never know whats coming next....lol...

thank you...

Ray;once again you've made my day,thankyou so much,have you any of the other side of the railway bridge? I found one of 'Snuffy' Rowleys the other day,that was one to remember, once again, thanks a million!
Super photographs again Ray.....these photo's are as important as the late Keith Berrys are....I hope you have many more to post...no matter which part of the city they were taken in.....I hope you don't mind if I copy and pass them on to John Colin (JKC)....I know he loves the ones you took around the Burlington Street area.....please post as many as you can.....
Ray great pictures A.Thompson Butchers was Moms favourite all her life. When we lived in Aston it was Aston Cross and when we moved to Erdington it was Hawthorn Road.
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Those pictures are priceless and brought back so many memories, glad you were able to take pictures of the church..can not think of its name now....but only found out in later years it was the church my grandparents and father went..all l know it was methodist....do you have any pictures of church lane as thats where my other set of grandparents lived...once again thanks for the memories....Brenda
i totally agree brenda...we may never see the likes of these again...think the church is st pauls....

hi ya ray super pics of the Lichfield road only reconisable by the Vine pub top of Sandy lane will you be putting any pics on of Sandy lane ?
Was there a Pub called The Britaina or something like that on Lichfield Road?
Hi Ray,
Great photos! They bring back a lot of memories even though it wasn't really my neck of the woods. As I stated before, I lived in the Aston Road end of BRACEBRIDGE STREET (nudge, nudge - wink, wink)!!!
Rob I do remember a pawnbrokers in Church lane but not it's name. I didn't understand what it was when I was little. My mom always shopped in Church lane and I remember the shops but not by name. Can you remember the butchers just at the begining of the road?. Jean.
Astonite,that picture was great...but was'nt that church road and queens road.....maybe i'm getting a little confused...my grandparentsther lived at the upper part of church lane they had a little newsagents,can'nt remember the number l think it was sixty something,their name was Coates.. glad someone took the picture before it was all gone, the newsagents was on the lefthand side further up the lane past the V where l think was church road and church lane met...correct me if l'm wrong ....Astoness thankyou for the church name so it was St Pauls of all the times l passed it l never knew anything about it in fact l never knew it was a church....Brenda
Church lane,lichfield rd
Astonite, that's just as I remember it! When was it taken do you know? I used to walk that way to the Villa ground (until I got educated that is) to avoid the hill and the crowds in Park Road.
I remember the "Ilsley's" sign on the wall. It always made me think of the Ilsley Brothers from Nechellsl (Cromwell Street??).
Dave brought a little tear to my eyes as mom used to walk me up Church lane onto lichfield road in my pushchair to fetch the meat from Thompsons. My friend lived on the other side of the road on the corner but I can't remember the name of the street but she was Brenda Brown. Thanks for the photo Astonite. Jean.
The picture of Church lane, Lichfield rd is 1952, what a pity about the Brit, many happy memories of drinking in there before I was legally old enough!
hi ray
i would also like to say a very big thank you to you ,for those unforgetable
memories of growing up of the litchfield rd aston that instantly came flooding
back to me ,as if it was only yesterday .i can have an instant memory for each and every one pic shot you have put on
the shot of the pic facing mattys and yes [ the widdows arms ]
some say not ,but i stick to my guns ,and i can see the terrace where i was
born with astons the cake shop at the bottom of the terrace where i got my
1d cakes and a bag of mixed broken bisuits at the age of 6 years old
and the memory of sitting on the street floor [ the pament] watching , and
listening to the pigs being delivered and screaming from the back
and alsp my fasiacion of watching the pork pie,s coming down the factory
and being hoisted up stairs on the lift by the gates to be stored ,
and also when they was coming down to the shop and wheeled into the shop
i used to go up the side of the shop and climb on a ledge and peer through
the window and watch the men slaughter the pigs see how they done it
with a stun gun , and stab to let them bleed then stick them
in a tank of boiling water and scrub them ,
between the age of 6 ,and ten i was always at that gate every day waiting for
for the pigs to come some days they would see them come
and many times i would see the guys chasing them down the tram tracks
stopping the traffic every day i sat at them gates the guys got to know me as
that little boy whom sat at the gates i got to know peter thompson
and afew other workers there another nice guy was named alan
i remember when he broke up from work he said he was going on holiday
i was about eight at the time they knew my mother he said do you
want to come to the sea side with us i said oh yes
and i followed him over the rd to the bus stop he said go and asked your
mom then so he crossed me back over the rd i ran up the terrace and
told mom she said don,t be silly you little boy so i ran back down he terrace
only to get bit on the back side by bruce , [ a ginger haird dog ]
belong to georgie jarrett i had to go back to the house crying and alan
the chap jumped on the tram and gone when you are a kid two weeks seem
a life time i asked peter about him he said hes on holiday
and the rest i used to help a postman before going to school all down to
the last chance cafe so you see i have some great memorys even fetching
te coal from illselys with one of there barrows the old lady
was a old moaner there when kids fetch the coal and had to pay a deposit
to borrow a barrow , ray ther was a wine and spirit cash and carry
just down past the car sales it was just passed the post ofice
i know there was a off licence as well but these was two different companys
they had two parts of there business on each side of the road
any idea what it was called, many thanks astonian ;;
I spent the first few years of my life in Pugh Road so Lichfield Road was our locals shopping area, I remember Mom taking me to Thompsons the Butchers, Woolworths and Nellie Heath's China Shop were you could put aside some special item and pay for it weekly. In Pugh Road itself we had Donnelly's (general store) and Bentleys the outdoor...happy days
Astonite thank you for that picture of church lane....thats the scene l remember..l would go with my mother every saturday to do the shopping at Thompsons of course then a visit to the g/parents down the lane...and then of every sunday morning my brother and l would visit them again in our sunday best...thank you again, you've really made my day...Brenda