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Search results

  1. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    Thank you Lady Linda for all the information. I will process it and see what I find. You are appreciated :) Another Linda
  2. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    Hi Lady Linda, you stated the on-line Rolls finish in 1955. Do they state who was still living at 157 Bolton? I am trying to figure out when the daughters and son possibly left the house and got married. Ancestry.com only has the census up til 1901. Thanks ahead of time if you are able to help...
  3. LindaJenkins

    Army Pay Corps

    Oh Bernard, You are too kind. :beam: I would say you are in pretty good company with the fine men you listed. Thanks for the info on my Dad. ~ Linda
  4. LindaJenkins

    Yardley Cemetery

    Thanks so much Eric! Very very appreciative of the pictures! (insert smiley face clapping hands here)
  5. LindaJenkins

    Army Pay Corps

    ok. well thanks. Dad didn't ever say he was an accountant either. Although his school record when he was 9 said his math skills were excellent! :)
  6. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    OH! Thanks!
  7. LindaJenkins

    Army Pay Corps

    Can anyone tell me what the Army Pay Corps were. I have a picture of my dad in a uniform. He looks extremely young. He was born in 1930. The picture looks like its from 1945-1950. He never told me he was in any type of military organization. Thanks ~ Linda My handsome daddy :)
  8. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    She was listed in 1901 as married, but Thomas wasn't mentioned then either. There is a word that I cannot read in the 1901 census under employment for Ann.
  9. LindaJenkins

    Birmingham City Police 1839 - 1974

    Here is the other one, had to resize it.
  10. LindaJenkins

    Birmingham City Police 1839 - 1974

    My great grandfather was Thomas Edward Williams, 1881-1949.... He lived in Birmingham and was a police officer. I know it was before the dates you have listed, but thought you might like to see the 2 pictures I found.
  11. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    Thanks Sue!
  12. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    I would assume that is it! Yes those are all her children and I would say 1874 would be right. Thanks so much for that information. I only have up to the 1901 Census. Was Thomas on the 1911 Census? I still have no date of death on him. Sometimes this can be so confusing and other times it falls...
  13. LindaJenkins

    Lea Family

    Hello again~ I am looking for the Lea side of my family. Nellie Lea is my great grandmother. She was born in June of 1879 and died June 1925. Her father was Thomas Lea (1852 or 54) and her mother's name was Ann. I cannot find a maiden name for her mother other than her married name "Lea". I...
  14. LindaJenkins

    Yardley Cemetery

    Thank you Eric! :)
  15. LindaJenkins

    Yardley Cemetery

    Hazel at Yardley Cemetery was very helpful. She found my great grandmothers burial site. It has room for 3 graves. Apparently only 2 are being occupied. The other is my Grandmother's sister. If anyone is going to Yardley Cemetery any time soon I would be so appreciative of you taking a look...
  16. LindaJenkins

    Photo requests

    Miriam, I don't have any close relatives still alive (that I know of) that would know that information. Sorry, Linda
  17. LindaJenkins

    Photo requests

    Hi Phil, I showed my Mum the pictures you posted. She just about fell through the floor when she saw the Dairy. She said it was just up the street from her. Looking at the picture of the dairy, she said the open door to the left was where they put the horses from the horse drawn carriages. She...
  18. LindaJenkins


    I will have to check into that Kathy, Thanks!
  19. LindaJenkins

    Photo requests

    i found my mum's childhood house on Google earth last night... she was amazed. How awesome it is to be taken right to where your mum grew up in a matter of seconds!
  20. LindaJenkins

    Handsworth - Island Road

    Yes! I did late last night. I just need to figure out how to use google earth better :)