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Photo requests


knowlegable brummie
If anyone is in the neighborhood of 62 Island Road, Handsworth and/or 255 Cherrywood Road, Saltley...

These were my mother's and grandmother's homes from 1910 - 1937.

This Forum has been such a blessing with the information I have received. My thanks to all of you lovely people.

Hello Linda,
Here is the only picture of Island rd, Handsworth that i can find.I think it was taken in 1933,but i do not know what section of the road it is,i am sure another mmber of thisView attachment 70318 great forum will be able to tell us.Moss
Looking down to Sandwell road with Handsworth Dairies on the right were the van belonging to Handsworth Dairies is pulling out of their premises
Hi Linda

Some photos of Island Rd in 1905, 1906 & 1972.



Here also are some photos of Cherrywood Rd they are various dates that I can't be sure of.



Wow! Those photos are all great! I'm sure they will bring back loads of memories for my mother.

Thank you all so very much.

Miriam - My relatives that lived on Cherrywood were the Farndon's. Thomas and Nellie were the parents, Gwendoline and Winnie were their girls. Nellie passed away in 1924 and Thomas married Emily. Maybe you knew them? It is such a small world.
Morning Lynda. So sorry I didn't know ypour family - my brother was 16 when we were bomb out of 322 - he has no recall either. but he thinks your relatives would have lived near to the "Whynot Pub". Miriam.
Has anyone got any 'old' photos of Rookery Road or Avenue Road which is in the same area? Thanks

Hi Carolina,

Which Avenue Rd do you mean?. I assume you mean Rookery Rd Handsworth so I've included these images.






Phil thanks Rookery Road photos are great. My grandfather had a shop there early 1900s but I dont know the number. Avenue Road is also Handsworth thats where my dad was born in 1910. Carol.

Sorry I cant help you with The Avenue Handsworth I don't know the area that well but I think it was a road or a street and may only have been a terrace off Afred St.

Phil thanks I have googled it and Avenue Road is actually off Uplands Road. I might do bit a research on google and see if I can find anything. Carol
Good old Google Maps, have actually found the house No 22 Avenue Road, but looking a little different I am sure from when my dad lived there - note the settee in the garden!!
i found my mum's childhood house on Google earth last night... she was amazed. How awesome it is to be taken right to where your mum grew up in a matter of seconds!
We drove round there last week Michael's gt grandmother lived there. So disappointed to see how scruffy it is furniture in the garden seems to be the norm....very sad where has pride gone!!

Michael's gt grandmother Elizabeth Pockett lived at 3/22 Avenue Road in 1911. I assume it would be 3 back of 22 what a coincidence!
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Wendy it certainly is a coincidence - their name was Taylor and were grocers, who originally had a shop 2 Lichfield Road Aston and then moved to Handsworth and had a shop in Rookery Road. I have a photo of when they were living there, shame your relative is not alive to see if she recognised them. Regards Carol
Hi Linda

Some photos of Island Rd in 1905, 1906 & 1972.

Hi Phil,
I showed my Mum the pictures you posted. She just about fell through the floor when she saw the Dairy. She said it was just up the street from her. Looking at the picture of the dairy, she said the open door to the left was where they put the horses from the horse drawn carriages. She wanted me to tell you "thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing the memories back!"

So, my thanks to you! You fullfilled my request.


I'm so glad that the photos posted here by myself and others brought a little joy to your mother and was able to stir a few memories, after all that is part of what this site is all about.


I don't have any close relatives still alive (that I know of) that would know that information. Sorry, Linda
Hi just loving the photos around handsworth, especially the island rd ones Hooked you received my last message re no 62. My parents had a shop in rookery rd in the 1930's opposite the farcroft hotel .. I went to rookery rd school.till I was 8
Hi I was born handsworth and went to Rookery rd school. I lived by Island rd
my parents had a music shop opposite the farcroft in the early 1930's does anyone remember this would love to hear
Hi Valerie - it might be better to make your request in the Streets or possibly the Schools section. Best of luck.
Hi Linda.
My husbands nan was born at 152 cherrywood road in 1922 or 23.and her grandparents lived next door at 154.