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Search results

  1. H

    Definition of “Brummie”, “Astonian” etc

    Yowm a brummie if yo had Stockton's Bread Puddin' as a kid. Sitting in the back of my Grandad's shop at 10 Greenway Street on match days when the Blues was playin' at ome.
  2. H

    Chocolate Concrete

    O my goodness do I remember? I went on to be a teacher and had years of it then too!! Lovely stuff. I'm going to make some now!! Thanks!!!
  3. H

    humphries marriage

    Hello. I am nephew of Kenneth & Audrey - son of Roland. My Dad will have info. maybe. My mail is longwayhome@onetel.com Regards - Gerald Humphries.
  4. H

    Greenway Street, Small Heath

    Hello there. My Dad was born and grew up at 14 Greenway Street in 1920 - his mom and dad - Bill and Lizzie Humphries kept a shop there - next to Stocktons Pie shop. Dad's Gran - Mary Ann McNab managed the Electric Laundry for years. Regards - Gerald - Argyll.
  5. H

    Museum Rules For Attendants

    My great uncle worked at the Museum for many years and I have a copy -original - of 1930's regs for attendants. It is a draconian and ex service set of do's and mostly dont's (in two images due original document size) please contact me. Fascinating Museum history. Gerald Humphries
  6. H

    Harvey Joseph and Caroline

    Greenway Street Hello there. Yes. Bill and Lizzie Humphries kept the shop in Greenway Street. They were my grandparents and their son Roland my Dad. Caroline was Bill's sister and I would like to find her family. Regards Gerald Humphries
  7. H

    Harvey Joseph and Caroline

    Looking to trace family connections for Joseph and Caroline(Humphries) HARVEY. They were married in Solihull in 1901. Caroline was the daughter of Joseph and Ann Humphries (my gg grandparents) who both originated in Frome Somerset and spent many years at 23 Greenway Street Small Heath. Be p...
  8. H

    Malcolm McNab

    Here is my G Grandfather taken around 1901. He was a chandelier packer and lived in Greenway Street with Mary Ann (Sambrook) who went on to manage the Williams Electric Laundry. As a child seeing this I was fascinated by the broom he wore under his nose and how ever managed to eat!
  9. H

    War on waste in Brum

    Interesting. In the town I live in which has many Victorian and Edwardian houses you can still see where hundreds of decorative cast iron railings were taken out for the war effort - supposedly for the iron. In fact they were all dumped out at sea here - it was just a 'morale booting' ploy.
  10. H


    Yes - I guess this picture of Gfather was taken before they left for France. I don't suppose anybody could have forseen the horror that was to be. So many young men sent by old men to die wastefully. Both Grandfathers were gassed during that war and suffered for the rest of their lives.
  11. H

    Hobmoor Ford

    I have three books with really excellent photos of the area/Small Heath. They are all well known but for those who haven't seen them a real treasure trove. Old SMALL HEATH - John Bick Stenlake Pub. Images of England : Small Heath & Sparkbrook Margaret D Green Tempus Pub Images of England ...
  12. H

    Hobmoor Ford

    There are a number of pics of Hobmoor Ford and Lane but I came across this one in an old suitcase of Dad's. I haven't seen this one before and thought it might be useful to anyone interested in the area.*‚** It is a Newspaper photo - re: dots. The bridge was, I think, built in 1926 which dates...
  13. H


    Thanks to all for response and help - much appreciated. Here is a pic of Gfather with pals. He is on the right demonstrating the official bicycle mounting position.
  14. H


    I have my Grandfather's WW1 medals as well as several photos of him in uniform. He was in the ARMY CYCLE CORPS and served in France.  Does anyone know anything about the CYCLE CORPS please. Gerald - Scotland
  15. H

    School Dinner

    School Dinner staff are the unsung heroes of all time. I was a teacher for 3 decades and was always astounded at how clever these ladies were at making a small budget into nourishing grub. As he years went by the budget got smaller and school dinners became impoverished and poorer in quality - a...
  16. H

    Mom's Answer

    My Mum is 93 and I talk to her on the 'phone every night.  Without fail at the end she gets in the saying she has used all my life ' night night an don't fall up the stairs!' She also still uses the well know cry of surprise - 'well I'll goo to the foot of our stairs!'
  17. H

    Birthday Parties

    The first (and only) Birthday party my Mom had for me was when I was 6.  She had tried to really lay it on and there were chairs all around a table and all the jelly and cake and stuff and other Mums standing at the back.  I was asked - to show how posh we were -  to say Grace. ...
  18. H

    Hide and seek

    I used to say 'Hackey123' but I had asthma - is that any help?
  19. H

    Off licences Outdoors

    It was the 'outdoor' for sure. My uncle Ken (Humphries) kept one for years on the corner of Floyer Raod in Small Heath. I remember well being sent to 'goo up the outdoor' with a jug for beer and packit of woodies.
  20. H

    Eat your piece

    I thought 'piece' was Brummie and was well known in my childhood in Small Heath but it is also common use even now in Scotland.