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Search results

  1. J

    Things you said when you was a kid

    It's a terrible shame that the word 'bugger' is now seen as overtly sexual.....everyone, high or low, used it in one form or another. Apparently it was once quite a favourite of the Queen Mother! I can remember it being regarded as a very mild form of swearing, less so even than saying...
  2. J

    a good book

    dav....yes it's a fascinating book and highly recommended.
  3. J

    two and a kick

    Yes, I'm fifty-eight and remember 3d chips too......I used to collect returnable bottles for my chips and for a visit to the cinema. You'd need a hell of a lot of bottles to do it these days!
  4. J

    Dating photo

    Yes, it appears to be resting on some form of pad; you certainly wouldn't want to be wearing it when you went swimming! I recall seeing one almost three times that size: it was a larger than usual pocket-watch, attached mid-way to a multi-linked bright metal brace...a bit like what archers wear...
  5. J

    Dating photo

    Ann - lovely photo's. I notice in the second pic that the lady is wearing a pocket-watch in a special wrist pouch. I have only rarely seen these 'conversion' devices and I've never seen one in a photo' before! I'm sure that this would be of interest to horologists and collectors. This is the...
  6. J

    Barr Beacon desecration

    I was caned at school, it certainly served to quell my worse instincts . It also gave me pause to consider other possibilities, and other people. Because an element of fear existed, it allowed me the opportunity to become receptive to the ideas of other more sensible people. My twenty-odd...
  7. J

    Barr Beacon desecration

    Until we put back the 'PUNITIVE' into 'punishment' nothing will change; except that it might worsen even more so. I spent twenty-odd years working with young criminals and I'm convinced that 'liberal ideas' are worse than nothing, unless backed-up by the threat of real punishment! You can only...
  8. J

    Spaghetti Gazetti

    I've added it to my list of 'favourites' - thank you!
  9. J


    Our local garage attendant still fills the tanks, but it's made a bit pointless by having to get out of the car to use my credit-card....but, if you have cash, and need no change, it's highly civilised!
  10. J

    a good book

    Bernard...that's so sad; how can you not read/enjoy a rattling good yarn? As someone once said : ''The novel holds many truths, but others (books) have merely opinion'' ...I may not have got it quite right there, but it's basically that. But if you want a beltingly good non-fiction book...
  11. J

    a good book

    Bernard, you are right! Perhaps this could become a regular thread? Sharing books and opinions of books can be almost as enjoyable as reading them. Like you, I cannot imagine a world without books...I certainly would not wish to live in such a one! I've just rediscovered a Victorian...
  12. J

    Street furniture

    I didn't even realise that there were no longer any Belisha beacons until I mentioned this post to a friend last evening...when did they cease to exist?
  13. J

    Birmingham Place Name Origins

    Thanks Jennyann - it's an excellent site...very useful!
  14. J

    First Record Bought?

    ''The Folk Singer'' by Tommy Roe.....I swapped (didn't buy!) a three-coloured 'biro-type' pen for it. Unfortunately, I had to play it on an ancient ''His Master's Voice'' wind-up gramophone which used steel needles (kept in a swing-out corner-box)....the volume was controlled by one of my old...
  15. J

    Personality test

    ''Beer at home means Davenports!'' .....if only I'd known; I'd have stayed in more! ;)
  16. J

    Gudgeon family.

    Thanks Shera, I really appreciate your help. I'll have to check-out my sources....it looks like I've got the wrong forename. Ta. Regards, JohnO