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Personality test



I've no idea what ype of bus this is, pictured in 1986 but I think the picture might reveal something about your greatest interest. Were your eyes first drawn to

a) the bus
b) the pint
c) the driver
d) the clippies
e) something else

Looks like a fun day in the depot that day !;)
e) The bus's Fleet Number 4532 !!!! It was my ubiquitous PIN Number for many years !!! db84124;)
I only included 'something else' as an afterthought 'cos I know there are some bizarre people out there !!!!
I say the fleet number as well, in the thumbnail it's the only thing that stands out clearly. Once enlarged however, a few more items of interest stand out.
There are one or two things that catch my attention can,t say anymore in case the moderators kick my butt. Dek:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: