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two and a kick


gone but not forgotten
When we was kids and we wanted to buy some think off another lad or your mate
and when we sold our bike down ickneild st oppersite the mint
there was three sercond hand shops owne by the same family
whom i did know personaly and went to school wit the lad whom his parents owned
would sell our bikes after we made them up with spare parts
and if we asked each oher or any other lad how much did you et for it
the expression was two and a kick ; [ meaning ] --- 2/ 6d half crown ; peice ;
then we would tour all the bombed pecks for spare frames and wheels
and we would go up ledasam st and sheepcote st cut [ cannal ] and make a iron barr into a
shape of an hook , with a long peice of rope to reach the centre of the cut and dragg i
and fish out ll the stolen bikes and dumped by the ledsam and ryland street lads
and clean them up and use them nd take them down for two and a kick .
most of them was thrown in the cannal by old man clarkies scrap yard of
his cannal in let to his yard which was just along from monument rd ;
I remember "two and a kick". We also called half-a-crown..."half a dollar"....because at one time there were 4 dollars to the pound.
I also remember when you could get 6d o' chips with batters.. those were the days...how old I'm I ?
Phill , I am 59 yrs and as a kid can remember 3d of chips and free batters because "I was a lovely little boy". Potatoes were about 4d a pound for old uns. I think the cold winters around 1960 forced up the price of potatoes and of course the chippy never reverted to lower prices. The Chippy was the only one to have a car in our street. Mr Greengrocer had a van so if he took his family out for the day they all sat on potato sacks in the back .
Yes, I'm fifty-eight and remember 3d chips too......I used to collect returnable bottles for my chips and for a visit to the cinema. You'd need a hell of a lot of bottles to do it these days!
Hi All

I aint telling you my age but Harry Hibbs was in goal for Blues when I started watching them about the age of 10. I cannot remember seeing Joe Bradford though. The real purpose of this post is to say that we called sixpence a tanner and a shilling a bob. A two shilling piece was two bob,

Old Boy
Hi Old Boy,

It always seemed a bit pointless when I was a lad having
2 coins so close together in value as the 2/- and the 2/6,
but I found out later that the 2/- was only introduced in
Victorian times, and was an early experiment in decimalisation,
the coins being marked 'one tenth of a pound', and at that time
were known as florins from their floral design.

Kind regards

HI Sylv;
quite rightly as well , we most certainly hear of the expression any more ;;
unless i am about you will hear me use the word ; and also sylv;
when i walk into a shop or super market in fact any where i go
and then when i see the younger one sweeping up;
i will but in and say to them ;- if you find any half crowns, we share them. and then they say ;
you what ;and look at me and think he;s bottie ;
i went to morrisons the other day and i met my match and then we started to relate to the nick names we called the coinage and what we could get for the money compared to days prices
oh and by the way jono , i can go back further than your three penny peice bit ;
for your old fish and chips , and the chippy used to buy there fish in wooden boxes and it was in a stone weight ; and it cost three and a nick 3/6d for the chippie to get it from the whole salers
and i can go back fyrther than that , my family had fish and chips shops around aston x and spring hill
have a nice day sylv; and johno and every body else best wishes Astonian ;;;
Do you recall hairy mary the chippie faceing carver st
the little stout lady with her big bags of chips and her daughter was an actres
she had large photo.s of her all around the shop
never knew her name thou , but we called her hairy mary, i do not know why
she was a pleasant lovely lady .we had a relative at the next one up next to bulpitts
but we never used to go there her chips was rubbish i used to work for her battering and chipping and selling
six days aweek . as you say hairy mary was the better of te two even the bags was plenty full
best wishes astonian ;;;
Alan I have never heard of two and a kick but Pete said he has. Thinking about fish and chips has made me feel hungry. I used to work up from Bulpitts at Lustre Finish and Anodising company and used to use a small cafe on a hill but can't remember it's name. Now and again I would go to the cafe just up from Bulpitts but can't remember the name of that one either. Jean.
Everyone seems to remember a bag of chips costing just 3d.
I can't recall asking for "3 a chips" but "6 a chips" just rolls of the tongue, perhaps our chippie over charged or was he a better class of chip master?
Our chippie was opposite Abbey Street in Park Road does any one else remember him?
And I remember going to the off-license, next door to the chippie, to get a 1d for the return of the pop bottle. 'Mason's' was the best pop then, not 'Corona'.
Hello Phil B, yes, perhaps your chippy was better, so he could charge more. Did he use dripping or vegetable oil? The one I went to was definitely Veg Oil. We alway's had R. Whites pop, but only on Sunday's. Everything happened on Sunday's. A box of Roses choc's and some ice cream. I think we starved all week!!!
Hello Astonian, I certainly do remember Mary at the fish and chip shop. My aunt worked for her. We only lived down Pope St and turn left. Her daughter was Lisa Daniels, and she starred in 'Gambler of Natchez'. Her photographs were all around the shop. I actually liked mary's chip's a lot. The family were Welsh, I can't remember the surname of the family off hand, but it will come to me. You certainly got a generous portion of chips off Mary. I used to get 3d worth and a can of Pepsi....oh heaven! What year's did you work for her then Astonian?
Hi maggs .
Many thanks for confirming her name,
it had to be at least fifty years ago when i used to go in her shop
it had to be mary , but i never knew her surname from all the years we got her lovely big bag of chips from her i never did get her surname you are amazing maggs.
I am looking forewarded to meeting one day maggs
as you are a brookie girl and friends or relatie of the adams family
did we ever cross pathes on our travels , one never knows
only time will tell . Alan ;;