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Your Claim To Fame


master brummie
Having worked in Childrens hospitals most of my working life I had the pleasure of meeting many celebrities.
There were many, but those that come to mind are:

The Duke of Edinburgh*
Princess Margaret*
Princess Diana*
Victor Bruno*
Steve Davies*
Jasper Carrot*
Nobby Stiles
Bobby Charlton*
The Who
Belinda Carlisle*
Anika Rice

Some I only saw from a distance but the asterisked ones I actually escorted around. Some were pleasant, others obnoxious and only there because of the publicity or because they had to be.
I realise because of the nature of my work I have been particularly privileged but what celebrities have you met?
Hi John when I was in the fifth form and had free lessons I decided to enter a comptetion where you had to write an essay revolving round the month of May. To my surprise I won and appeared on the Tuesday Rendevouz with the naturalist Graham Dangerfield. On the same show was Bert Weedon Gorgina Parkinson from the Royal Ballet and the Allison Brothers. Oh an of course Basil Brush. I still have the letter saying I had won. It was a live show so I never did get to see myself. Not a bad thing maybe. We were given a guided tour round the studeo's and watched them filming Maigret (I think that is what it was called). John roads took us round. Jean.
I met and spoke to the following people when I was overseas in the RAF:-

Duke of Kent at Eastleigh airport, Nairobi 1950, he had come to present tthe City with its Royal charter
Emir of Kano, Nigeria, we were taking him a trip in a Lancaster of our Squadron on Battle of Britian day Sep 1951, (was airsick all over his Royal robes)
Dr Fisher, Arch Bishop of Canterbury at the Ferry at Bo, Sierra Leonne. he was returning from the capial Freetown after ordaining a Bishop 1951
My late Wife Doreen was crossing on Star Ferry from Kowloon to Hong Kong in 1954 chatting to an American woman who turned out to be Eleanor Rooservelt, the late presidents Wife, I was on duty at the time so I missed that encounter. Eric
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In 1987, when I was recovering from open heart surgery at the Childrens, Five Ways, I met Leslie Crowther who was visiting the wards. Still got his autograph in a frame somewhere.
I did my army driver training at Blandford Forum June to September 1956 with Kenny Lynch the entertainer.

In the summer of 1977 during the Queens silver Jubilee, I sat in our local pub, "The Bluebell Inn" Tattershall Thorpe, Lincs, with Lionel Blair, he was at the pub to draw a massive raffle.
One time, as a very young soldier, I was in the bar of the Maypole. It was a crowded, noisy place in those days.

My Old Man had wandered off somewhere and, on his return, announced that he wanted me to meet a wrestler that he knew.

I looked up at this giant with a face like the North Face of the Eiger and quailed. His name was Pat Roach.

What a smashing bloke he turned out to be.
Iwas a p.t.i in the R.A.O.C 1954 -1957. In 1955 we did a display in LONDON at the EL- ALAMAIN REUNION. At the end of the show
FIELD MARSHALL MONTGOMERY shook our hands and gave each one a bottle of beer and a cigar. Also i had the privalidge of having
the great DUNCAN EDWARDS and BOBBY CHARLTON in my squad for PT at PORTSMOUTH durlng thier ARMY basic TRAINING
talking of Monty,what about this, BernardMonty + Bernard.jpglooking at his medals
reminds me, I had to wait fifty years, yes 50 years for my Suez GSM.I could have worn the ribbon on my Postmans uniform for 42 years.
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Can't match that lot John, but here goes

Stood next to Mary Wilson in the bar at the Holiday Inn Brum, and had breakfast at the same table as Alvin Stardust the next morning. Sat opposite Donald Pleasence on a train out of Waterloo to Portsmouth, and literally bumped into Lulu in Oxford St. Bout it I think.
Iforgot to mention that the wife of MONTGOMERY is buried in the cemetry 500 mts from were i live in BURNMAM ON SEA. She passed away in 1937.
I bumbed into Nigel Kennedy the violinest at Villa Park and he autographed my programme for me he said who shall I sign it to I said Viv and he replied are Vivaldi. On another occasion rushing to get to my seat late as ever so was this other fella I passed and it was the late Bobby Robson.

Hi maypolebaz dont know wether you know this but Pat Roach is buried in Bromsgrove cemetery.
Can't match that lot John, but here goes

Stood next to Mary Wilson in the bar at the Holiday Inn Brum, and had breakfast at the same table as Alvin Stardust the next morning. Sat opposite Donald Pleasence on a train out of Waterloo to Portsmouth, and literally bumped into Lulu in Oxford St. Bout it I think.

I stood next to Elkie Brooks at the bar in the Sarah Siddons in Brecon. She was there for the Jazz Festival. Wonder what she was doing hanging round in a squaddie pub
I bumbed into Nigel Kennedy the violinest at Villa Park and he autographed my programme for me he said who shall I sign it to I said Viv and he replied are Vivaldi. On another occasion rushing to get to my seat late as ever so was this other fella I passed and it was the late Bobby Robson.

Hi maypolebaz dont know wether you know this but Pat Roach is buried in Bromsgrove cemetery.

Well thanks for that.

I wondered where he'd finished up.
Iforgot to mention that the wife of MONTGOMERY is buried in the cemetry 500 mts from were i live in BURNMAM ON SEA. She passed away in 1937.
Monty married an army officers widow with two young sons she was bitten by an insect while gardening and
died of septicaemia, he was said to heart broken. Bernard
Also in the lineofwork, have met Randy Mamola, the motor cycling champion - a great chap, spent loads of time on our childrens ward and paid for a couple of the kids with long term problems to go out to his ranch to stay with him.And at the opposite end of the scale, Barry Sheene, really rude and opinionated, thought everyone was there for himself, never mind the rest of the patients!!Along with that, worked with his surgeon Nigel Cobb, brilliant man!
Also met Nigel Mansell and Damon Hill and Ayrton Senna, all courtesy of work when we nursed a pit crew member and were subsequently invited to Silverstone as guests of honour, one of the best days I have had!
I met Sean Connery at the Theatre Royal in Birmingham when he was in the chorus of "South Pacific". Showed him around Brum, went to the Gaumont to see a film matinee, bought him beans on toast at Lyons (he earned about £12 a week and was broke) and we got on well. When he was playing Coventry and Wolverhampton, he collected me on his old Norton motorbike and reserved a seat so that I could see the show. We'd meet up afterwards for drinks. He sent me his address in Chelsea (he was renting a room) when he left the show, and I used to visit him in London. The last time I saw him was at the Alex when he appeared in "The Sea Shell" and he took me to dinner at the Midland Hotel with Dame Sybil Thorndike and Heather Sears. He'd recently had an audition for a new film and was hoping to be in with a chance. I told him to go to elocution lessons to tone down his Scottish accent, otherwise he'd get nowhere. He asked if I read the Daily Express because the film was based on a Secret Service agent that appeared in a strip cartoon in the Express.
Amazingly.....I didn't see him again, and he never paid me for the beans on toast!
By the Way, do you know he once judged the Sunday Mercury Girl competition at the West End? I've never even seen the Sunday Mercury mention that. Sorry...I've rambled a bit.
Oh Charlie, how I envy you, I used to really fancy Sean when we were both younger, I wouldn't have minded buying him a steak let alone beans on toast. Did you have a photo taken with him? he really was a hunk in those days.
Not a true claim to fame but as a young bobby i had stopped a vehicle and the driver gave me the name Pat Roach. It was in the days before Pat was known and he lived with his mother in Ladywood.
Later I called on his address to detain him. A big bloke admitted me into the kitchen and was stripped to the waist and washing in cold water. I asked to see Pat Roach and there followed a music hall act of my telling him he was not and he assuring me he was.
Transpired one of his known so called friends had used his name in vain. From that day we became good distant friends.

Others known for their murders came into my world as did associates of the Kray twins who came to Brum, when the heat was on in London, and tried to infiltrate clubland. Our meeting was not so friendly.

Got into trouble after meeting Prince Philip as he was going into a toilet at a particular function I was detailed to. I made up a story and related it to my mates. Within a hour I was summoned to the Chief and asked - "What is this about you being in the gents with Prince Philip" Trouble was people couldn't take a joke. ...... Will
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Wow Sean Connery, how marvellous, pity you didn't keep in touch though ! I wonder if he recounts those 'broke' days to whomever and says 'I never did pay for the beans on toast though' ! tee hee.

My claim to fame is : I kissed the Daz man -remember the adverts for Daz washing powder, well the Daz man off the adverts came around Kingstanding when we were living up there - I suppose I was about 3 years old and very shy and gave him a kiss on the cheek ! Can't remember now if he was a well known actor or just 'the daz man'.

PLUS - when me and my mate used to go out and about we frequently went to the Dolce Vita - the Black Abbotts used to perform there regularly and they dragged me and my mate on stage to do a silly dance and song with them - it was great fun.

AND again at the Dolce Vita - got talking to (for ages) Chris Tarrant who was then on Tiswas......................

Great memories.
Saw Chris Tarrant and Victoria Wood at a 'shop window talent show' Bull's Head Coventry, stood next to Chris in the bar downstairs they came down for a breather, he had a big leather jacket on.
My job premises was next to the Belgrade Theatre in Cov so saw a few artists and they used ti come in and order photos that had been in the paper. You could tell who was nice and who wasn't by the way they treated you, Most were very nice and ordinary. Spoke a lot of the cast from Blood Brothers including Peter Howitt, Leonard Sachs, Barbara Ewing. William Gaunt. The Stylistics, only me remembered them! 2Spitting Image puppets and their handlers. The ginger haired actor from Not Going Out. Gary Wilmot, Paul Mc Gann. Some stuck up bird from Blake's Seven. Walked behind Dame Anna Neagle too shy too speak to her though, she was walking up from Coventry Hippodrome when she played Fairy Godmother in Cinderella to the Hotel Leofric where she was staying. Had great presence. Very Elegant.
Just had to get in on this thread. Working in car rental at Glasgow Airport, I have met, spoken to, and had photos taken with some of the following. 2 I didnt actually meet, but saw when they came for thier vehicles were, Adam Faith & The Spice Girls. But amongst the ones I have met are, Billy Connolly, Fergal Sharkey, Kevin Whatley, Rowan Atkinson, Craig Brown, Artur Numan, Geoff Capes, Stephen Hendry(even delivered the car to his house), Stefan Dennis, Elaine C Smith, Phyllida Law & Emma Thompson, John Hartson, Neil Lennon, Henrik Larson, Paul Lambert, Andy Roxburgh & Brian Laudrop. And thats only the ones I can recall at this time. And nearly every one of them were fantastic, especially Billy Connolly.
Yes, we forget that celebs are just people like us that do an unusual job, it's when they forget there's a problem, (like the stuck up bird off Blake's Seven.) Anita Harris came in for an interview once (in the social club/canteen). We juniors sneaked out to see her and Lenny Henry who was just starting out in panto, with Rod Hull, they came in to support an advertisement feature.
Don't know if I can say this, but I 'stood' next to one of the Wolfe Tones in the gents in either The Baggott Inn or The old Sheiling in Dublin. Memory fades.I was always surprised how short these celebs seem to be in 'real life.'
Wow Bazz that is a great list. Michael used to drive a lot of celebs in his chauffeuring days. I asked him once if he could ask Toni Iomi for his autograph he said we don't do that....lol. You all know mine first contestant on the Price Is Right ha ha with Leslie Crowther also met Joe Brown on the pilot show. I also met Jess Conrad a few years ago at the Hippodrome he was in the bar we had a lovely chat. He is quite funny too!
My aunty worked at the Cardoma, Martineau Sq, don't know if it is still there, I know the old one which she worked at has long gone. She said all the theatre stars came in via a special door and they all wanted café au lait, black filter coffee and hot milk poured together/ I thought then, that it was caffy olé.
My partner's friend's hairdresser....wait for it, had Simone Signoret's dog after Simone died, lovely actress.
I met Sean Connery at the Theatre Royal in Birmingham when he was in the chorus of "South Pacific". Showed him around Brum, went to the Gaumont to see a film matinee, bought him beans on toast at Lyons (he earned about £12 a week and was broke) and we got on well. When he was playing Coventry and Wolverhampton, he collected me on his old Norton motorbike and reserved a seat so that I could see the show. We'd meet up afterwards for drinks. He sent me his address in Chelsea (he was renting a room) when he left the show, and I used to visit him in London. The last time I saw him was at the Alex when he appeared in "The Sea Shell" and he took me to dinner at the Midland Hotel with Dame Sybil Thorndike and Heather Sears. He'd recently had an audition for a new film and was hoping to be in with a chance. I told him to go to elocution lessons to tone down his Scottish accent, otherwise he'd get nowhere. He asked if I read the Daily Express because the film was based on a Secret Service agent that appeared in a strip cartoon in the Express.
Amazingly.....I didn't see him again, and he never paid me for the beans on toast!
By the Way, do you know he once judged the Sunday Mercury Girl competition at the West End? I've never even seen the Sunday Mercury mention that. Sorry...I've rambled a bit.
Were you on the boards too Charlie? Nico
No 'fraid not - only sweeping them! :excitement:
Ah. My mates aunt and uncle put Paul Robeson up. He only found out when she was at her last. Paul was starring in the Showboat Musical in Leicester. He couldn't get digs because of his colour. The aunty was frightened of him too, the uncle , the stage doorman said he was a really nice chap with a deep speaking voice. He said to the aunt when she brought his dinner in, "you scared o me Lily aint ye?" and she dropped the tray and ran. How peoples' perceptions change. I wonder where the other cast members got digs? Nico
Wendy. Its good that most of these well-known folk will still stop and chat to us lower mortals. Bucks you up for a while when you get to meet one doesnt it ?
Just remembered another 2 to add to my list. Saw Pat Nevin (footballer) & met Michelle Collins. When I can recall more, I'll post again.