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Helen G

Almost a Brummie
Hi! I am researching the Woodyatt's of Bishop Street, Birmingham.

Thomas Woodyatt was born Gloucester in 1857. Sometime after 1886 he and his wife Susan moved to Bishop Street, probably No 25 (possibly 23 or 27) They had too many children to list them all here and now.

However, their daughter Eleanor Rosa had a daughter Doris born 1905 and in 1907 Eleanor Rosa married a William Porter, tin plate worker of 119, St Luke's Road, Birmingham. Doris became Doris Woodyatt Porter with her mother's marriage. Doris was my Grandmother.

Eleanor and William had 2 more children Eleanor Rosa Violet in 1909 and Horace in 1913. I remember Eleanor Rosa Violet as My great Aunt Nell and her husband Ted but I do not know Ted's surname so have been unable to find out more about their family but I think that maybe their son worked for Cadbury's.

I would dearly love to make contact with anyone who has a Woodyatt in their family tree or who can tell me any more about Thomas Woodyatt Packing Case factory.

Many thanks for reading this
Hi Helen

Aunt Nell and uncle Teds' marriage --

Eleanor R V Porter/Edwin T Steadman 4th qtr 1929 Birmingham S 6d 579

Am I allowed to say "blo*dy hell!!!!!" on this site? 'cos that was what I said when I clicked on your reply!

I had searched marriages on Ancestory for months for a record of Auntie Nell's marriage and you find it in less that 24 hours.

What can I say except thank you so much, which somehow seems inadequate.

Now if I could just locate the births of any children.....

Indeed I would love to contact any of my distant cousins from the Woodyatt line as I now only what I can get from documents about that side of my family tree.

Thank you again Bren
Hi Helen

Normally i wouldn't search for the kids so soon after the marriage but for some reason i did this time, i have searched from 1930 to 1940 for births--

Roy E Steadman mmn Porter 1st qtr 1930 Bromsgrove 6c 308

Ronald W Steadman mmn Porter 2nd qtr 1931 Bromsgrove 6c 283

Eleanor R Steadman mmn Porter 3rd qtr 1938 Birmingham 6d753

Welcome Helen you could have Screamed then we couldn't hear or see you, By the way what did you expect from Birmingham Folk:D
Thank you so much Bren, now you give me details I can remember their christian names, I am sure that it was Roy who worked at Cadbury's.

Eleanor being a family name I was supposed to be given it. However, I was told Dad didn't like it so I was called Helen instead but called Nell by many of my older reatives.

As for Alf's comments re Birmingham Folk, regarding myself as an exiled Brummie I knew they would come up trumps.

Actually, getting really excited 'cos just booked myself 4 nights in hotel in city centre for August so I can search for ghosts of my family history. Can't wait to chomp on some real pork scratchings!

Have a great time in Brum Helen, I booked a couple of nights last year with my sister, and it was a treat to wake up in the city, eat breakfast and then walk straight out on to Bennetts Hill.:)
In the 1964 Kelly's there is a Roy E Steadman at 20 Peach Ley Road B29.

Thanks Mike but I think I have found a more recent address via 192.com.

My only concern is given his age he may have passed away and my writing to that address might upset any remaining family.

But this weekend I am going to put pen to paper and see what happens.

Just thought you would all like to know that, thanks to your advice and help, I have managed to locate Eleanor Rosa Steadman. I wrote to her, she replied today with Photos!!

At last I can see what my Great grandmother, her siblings and her parents looked like!! I can't describe how I feel about it, near to tears and euphoric at the same time.

Great, great grandfather Thomas Woodyatt looks such a kind jovial man, I wonder what he was like?

Thanks again for all your help
Hi Helen

That's great news, so happy you have had positive contact with Eleanor and photo's also, worth all the effort. Was she still in Brum at the address i gave you, i have to say we keep getting good news on here of late with all these family reunion/contacts, it lifts us all.

Yes Bren, right where you said she was! Now I hope to meet her when we visit Brum in a couple of weeks.

Also have loads more research to do too. Eleanore told me about 3 siblings of my Grandmother that I knew nothing about. Have managed to find the births of 2 of them but not of Cyril.

Will have another go tonight and then there is always the records in the library whenI get up to Birmingham.

Thanks again
Helen, when you go to the library make sure that you have a carn ticket or two proofs of identity with you, first time I went I had neither and could not do what I went for.
I know, annoying when that happens.

Over the last few years I have been to many records offices so I have quite a collection of tickets and keep them all together in my "family history" case.

I have been to the library before but not since they did the place up. It will be interesting to see how its improved.

Think my favourite place to visit is Warwick Records Office, so light and airy. Worcester Family History Centre comes second but I find it somewhat dark, no natural day light.

My least favourite... not saying 'cos I will be visiting it again on Saturday, hope they are more helpful than at my last visit.

Hi Helen

Although not in my family tree, I have researched one line of Woodyatts in Birmingham, going back to Thomas (1795) + Susan in Hereford. Maybe there was a Bristol/Hereford connection way back.
Hmmm Icarus, my Thomas and Susan Woodyatt (nee Lawson) were married in Aston but Thomas was born in Gloucester. His father, Henry Woodyatt married Eleanore Rosa Gill in Gloucester but Henry had been born in Hereford.

Henry Woodyatt was, I think (yet to be confirmed) the son of John Woodyatt possibly married to both Selisha Norman and Anne Jones from Herefordshire. (at different times I hope!!)

Research I have done for Herefordshire and Gloucester idicates loads of Woodyatt's which I am still trying to sort out as to who is who. It is very probable there is a Bristol connection, we just have to find it.
Got back yesterday from a really enjoyable few days doing research in Brum. Spent hours every day in the Central Library pouring over all the resources there and found loads of info.

Especially useful were the books of wills from which I was able to "kill off" lots of ancestors and find out their addresses at death (very helpful). Other sources helped with the burial info.

To give my tired eyes a rest, I ventured out in search of addresses associated with various family members. Most of them lived in the back-to-back areas south of New Street station so the buildings have been demolished. But the streets are still there and I was able to work out roughly where the houses had been. We also went round the National Trust restored Back-to-backs which really bought it home as to what life must have been like back in the 1880's or so.

I also found the house in Barnt Green where my Grandmother had been married from and the house in Selly Oak where her Grandfather had lived.

But without doubt the best 2 bits were when I met my Mother's Cousin who, thanks to Bren's and other's help I was able to track down and later when we visited Lodge Hill Cemetery.

We hadn't met for years but she and her husband made my husband and I very welcome and she was able to tell me so much. This was the first relative who I had approached over the last 4 years who was willing to reminisce and she gave me so much information my head is still spinning.

The lady in the office at Lodge Hill was very helpful and as a result I found the plot/grave of 6 relatives.

In all, apart form the weather it was a great week all round.

Hi Helen

Surprised you noticed the weather you was having so much fun :D

Pleased to hear your visit, especially with your relative, went soooo well and no doubt lots of photo's to cherish. No doubt you will be busy digesting all your new information and adding it to your family tree, glad to have been of some help, well done

Dear All

Those of you that have been involved in this thread will remember my excitement at making contact with Eleanor Rosa Steadman and what a wonderful time we had when we met.

Eleanor and I corresponded many times over the last few months. I last wrote to her with a copy of the 1911 census I had bought of our joint ancestors and after realising an anomaly on the return I was about to write to her again asking what she thought the reason might be. My husband and I were also looking forward to travelling up to Brum to see her again some time soon.

So you will understand how devastated I was to recieve an email from Eleanor's son on Wednesday 18th to advice me that she had passed away on Monday 16th of lung cancer. It came as a complete shock because she had never told me she was ill.

Although we had only known each other a few months, Eleanor was a generous, kind lady who enriched my life for a brief time. It is strange that such a brief relationship can cause such pain but I am bereft at her passing. I can only imagine the anguish and distress that Tony, her husband and Dave, her son, together with the rest of their family are feeling at this very sad time. My thought are truely with them.

Thanks you all for reading this, I just thought you would like to know

Hi Helen

How very sad to hear of your news, i am just happy that i was able to play a small part in you meeting up with Eleanor and that both of your lives where enriched, albeit for only a short while. For someone to come into your life and have such a positive relationship is truly a blessing. My thoughts are with you and her family at this sad time.

Helen, I followed your journey with your family history, and your meeting with Eleanor. I am so sorry to hear of her death, I hope you find some comfort that you made the effort to meet her and that she left you with lovely memories of that meeting.
Hello everyone,
I'm looking for possible children of a Sidney A Steadman who married Beryl J Rawlins. Beryl was born in 1925. Marriage date was 1949 in Birmingham.
Kind Regards
Carol, i found the marriage but so far no children born Steadman with mothers maiden name Rawlins

Marriage -- 3rd qtr 1949 Birmingham 9c 504

Thank you Bren,
I couldn't find anything either. Nor for one of her sisters: Beryl who married a Dennis Broome.
I appreciate your looking
Hello Helen,
I just saw your posting with the name Steadman. I'm sorry for the loss of your family member.
I am wondering if your Steadman family might have a Stanley A Steadman in their tree who married Beryl J Rawlins in 1949.
Kind Regards from very wet and cold Massachusetts.
Dear Carol

I am afraid, at the moment, I can give you little help in your hunt for Stanley A Steadman. The Steadman's are a very minor twiglet on my family tree and only appear because a distant relative married into the family.

Sometime, in the future, I may get the time to look at them further, I promise if I do I'll let you know.

Very best wishes