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Woodman Easy Row


master brummie
I think Easy Row deserves its own thread, if only because of The Woodman.

Edit. The images referred to are no longer available.
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Mossg what a fabulous pub. The pictures are amazing I can't believe the last one the most magnificent tiles and made into pictures. The one of St Martins looks beautiful I can see the Old Tripe house as well..........lovely.
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hi folks..if these pics that moss posted of the woodman upset you ive seen colour pics of the inside of it on last orders. which shows even more what a splendid pub this was...what an absolute disgrace to demolish it...it just makes me want to weep.....thanks for posting them moss...it just serves to remind us of what shortsighted fools folk were in town planning or whatever....

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Hi BordesleyExile.Pictures downloaded from the book Images of England BIRMINGHAM PUBS,compiled by Keith Turner.
I can post the other tiled scenes if you like.Having difficulty will keep trying.
hi shirl...just trying to recall where i saw the pics as it must have been a couple of years ago when i first started...will trawl through me files to see if i scanned and saved it....

just had a flash back...i now think the pics i saw of the woodman was the interior as i said but i think it showed it all smashed up inside...either way i will try and locate...

Thanks, Moss. Yes, I would appreciate it if you could post any more of the old Birmingham / Aston area pics which had been inside the Woodman.
The Woodman was used for Council meetings in the Chamberlain era that must have caused some lively meetings. It was demolished in 1955 for the inner ring road scheme. :(

I wonder what happened to those beautiful tiles?
Please tell me that this was not just smashed up and discarded. There is a wealth in wood and carvings there in addition to the tiles. Where did it all go?
afraid it was rupert... sorry ive no idea if any of the wood...carvings or the fixtures were rescued... doubt it though..... the preservation of such buildings means nothing now to the powers that be now so in 1955 it most likely would have been none existant... would be nice to find out different though... just going through my books to try and locate the pic i posted about earlier..

I think some would have been salvaged as there were many people making a lot of money out of these old buildings. My father bought some marble floor tiles in the early 60's from a church that was demolished in Birmingham. He used them on our veranda that he built now called a conservatory.
If you go to the Paradise st thread there is a link on post 55 to the interior of the Woodsman from old ATV film archives.
hi rob...brillient..thanks for pointing it out...the atv link is a must for anyone interested in the woodman...to have pics of it is great but video footage is a bonus....i wonder if someone could post that link from the paradise st thread on here please...its on post 55...im not sure how to do it....cheers

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morning john...thanks for that...not very often we come accross inside footage of a pub....in typical me fashion i was trying to get some sound on it then i looked accross and noticed it was silent lol...

Morning Lyn and John. The film is amazing I still can't get over those beautiful tiled pictures. Thanks Robert for leading us to the film.
Thanks for that John,a good find indeed.For year's I alway's wondered what happend to the wooden carving outside.
Well,someone on the forum recently said it went to a pub in Barnt Green I think,where it was allowed to rot away in the garden...sacriliege.
morning wend....i think its brillient..

ray if what you say is correct i am now very upset....wonder what pub in barnt green it was....

The name of the pub was "The Woodman",and I am not sure but I think it was in Barnt Green.It is on the forum somewhere,but this old fool can't remember what thread it was on...
Morning Lyn and John. The film is amazing I still can't get over those beautiful tiled pictures. Thanks Robert for leading us to the film.

It was me, Richie. I've had an identity makeover since making the post on the 'Paradise Steet' thread last week sometime!
hi richie..sorry i should have said it was you who originally posted that link over on the parardise st thread....wish there was more of them about...


Sorry Richie I was referring to the link to the film John Knight posted here. I now realise it was originally posted by you........my goodness it's not difficult to confuse me.lol