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Windows 10

When I bought my latest HP printer (Envy 5646) I signed up for HP Instant Ink, £1.99 a month for 50 pages and they send new ink when the printer tells them it's needed, the new ink arrives before it runs out and comes with a post free recycle bag for the empties.
( I might have said all that before) :)
I've not been able to solve the 'error 43' problem mentioned in #851. I suspect there is some physical damage inside the CPU and Win 10 won't satisfactorily run graphics reference John Lewis test. Linux does run this test ok so I've removed Win 10 from the computer and fully installed Linux Mint which looks like below when I start it ...
I've nothing against Win 10 it runs perfectly in my other computer.

As one of my American musician friends says, it is whatever works for you. My biggest criticism of Microsoft is the huge number of updates they inflict on users. My Win 7 machine has an Intel mobo, and since Intel got out of the mobo game, they have not provided updated drivers and Win 10 will not install when it comes to the final configuration stage. However, I've had Suse Linux, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint all installed and running quite happily on the same machine without any problems. But for a couple of third party programs that don't run problem-free under Linux, I too would be content to abandon Microsoft altogether. With their vast profits and resources, it says something about Microsoft that they can't be bothered to sort out these problems.

Nowadays one version of linux has a much larger install base than windows and it's built for tablets and phones. Then again, the company behind it is generally regarded as bigger/worse than Microsoft ever was.
The difference, with the version of Linux that I use (Linux Mint 19 Cinnamon) is that I get a choice of what I have and install/update on my pc's. Microsoft simply dumped - or pestered - much which for I had little use. Similarly no need to scan frequently for viruses and other unwanteds. Less hassle.
I've had a strange thing with Windows 10 - 1803 which blocked certain parts of Microsoft Flight Sim as unsafe! When we buy a Windows computer, we usually become the Administrator and can generally do most things with our paid-for device but I could not unblock the problem Flight Sim apps.

I had to wake up the Win 10 Hidden Administrator in my computer to unblock things. It seemed strange to see a nice 'Sign-In' screen appear allowing me sign in as this powerful Hidden Administrator. It certainly solved the problems and I have now put it back in it's safe hiding place and I'm flying again.
A small peculiarity I had was with with my Sony VAIO laptop. When it had Windows 10 the @ key did not work without making frequent presses on the key. It had worked first tap when it had its original Windows 7 operating system.
Once I installed Linux Mint 19 Tara Cinnamon and erased Windows 10 the @ key began to work first time again. Gurus here might explain that idiosyncrasy. :eek:

Keyboards & Windows don't seem happy bedfellows. I'm running Win 7 and many keys developed problems that I attributed to the keyboard. I replaced the keyboard with a brand new Microsoft branded one, straight out of box, expecting everything to work fine. Wrong. Whilst some keys had improved, others hadn't and I can't find a reason for it. Boot up to Mint 18 and they all work fine. Of course, the mobo is Intel and new drivers are not available for Win 10, but I have the sneaking suspicion that M/soft apply common fixes to Win 10 that they also apply to Win 7, irrespective of any differences in code. But, of course, I can't prove it. So on a brand new keyboard, I have to hit certain keys twice to get a result. And also this is basically an American layout keyboard to accommodate the Greek language, i.e. it does not have a £ key and I have to use Alt 156 if I want that symbol, otherwise I get a $ sign. The wonders of modern technology!

Maurice :-)
Windows 10 has been around for three years (time flies!) and I was wondering if anyone uses Edge as their main browser and Cortana for searches. I recently bought a new laptop and Windows 10 opened up with Edge which I immediately used to download Chrome which appeared with all my bookmarks and Gmail. I then made Chrome my default browser and watched Edge make a last ditch attempt to hold on to me ... :)
No experience of Edge at all, and as there was a great deal of criticism of Internet Explorer - version 4 or 5 I think when I first got a pc - I hardly used that once I found a good alternative browser.
Regarding uncooperative keyboards I suppose we should remember that Microsoft sell them! :eek:
I use a Cherry keyboard which I got a few years ago. I had a similar one beforehand, they are larger versions of the Apple Mac type, white and flat without all those extra bells and whistles that some keyboards have.

It's M/soft or nothing out here unless I order over the net. No experience of Edge here either Phil. I'm still running Firefox & am fairly happy with it, but have both Opera & Vivaldi installed as backups. Never did like Chrome, but it's horses for courses I guess.

Maurice :-)
I've gradually moved over to Edge, it's got better as time moves on, didn't like it at first but it's grown on me, I use the address bar for all my searches now, seems to do the job admirably.
I agree Edge is now as good as it has ever been. I imported all my bookmarks out of Chrome but for me it is often slow with the ‘not responding’ message. I have the Edge app in my iPad where it actually performs well and syncs all the bookmarks across which is useful.
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I get a great many items over the net now, even some Aldi items (not food) even though there is an Aldi store some six miles away. The nearest pc outlet is PC World/Curry, twelve miles away, who mainly have what is 'popular' or 'fashionable' so I never shop there.
The A>Z guys have most things and returning is simple if you don't want it for any reason. They seldom say 'no' to anything it seems. There are many others who equally value online purchases. You just need to be on your guard with 'unknowns'.

If I still lived in the UK, I would do the same, but getting stuff from the UK to Crete or any of the islands (as opposed to the Greek mainland) is a bit hit & miss. Costs the earth to shift big stuff, such as a desktop computer, and parcel post is only dependable as far as Athens. After that it could end up with any one of a dozen different couriers! Amazon for run of the mill stuff are generally pretty good, as are Thomann, who now have a branch in the UK. Anything else I use people like CCL, but then need to make my own arrangements from UK to Crete. All of the supplier I mention are good for returns. no quibble.

It's easy to see why the High Street is on the wane!

Just came upon this in a thread about bad language on one of my musical forums. This seemed an appropriate place to quote it:-

One of my engineering rules of thumb is: If you see a guy working on electronics or computer science who isn't muttering to himself and cursing under his breath, you're not getting a hundred percent out of him.

Maurice :-)
Just came upon this in a thread about bad language on one of my musical forums. This seemed an appropriate place to quote it:-

One of my engineering rules of thumb is: If you see a guy working on electronics or computer science who isn't muttering to himself and cursing under his breath, you're not getting a hundred percent out of him.

Maurice :)
Some time since I worked on computer systems full time but I was never the kind to mutter or curse no matter how bad things got.
I muttered yesterday when I suddenly found that I could not write to docs on my network drive ... ‘denied access’ and I’m admin and own the thing ... still muttering today because it won’t let me change permissions ...
This morning Windows 10 in my laptop and desktop devices updated to version 1809. I carried on using both devices during their updates until they wanted to restart. There are new features but I haven't noticed them yet. All my apps are working.
Re post 882. It will be a sad day if on line shopping kills of the High Street. My late Wife and I had great pleasure in 'window shopping', purchasing things we wanted (and some things we didn't) then going for a drink or snack. Even now I buy very little on line and always book my 2 annual Holidays in a travel agent were I can discuss my requirements, never on line. May be at 88 I'm old fashioned but I will not change and what happens to those without on line access ? Eric
Re post 882. It will be a sad day if on line shopping kills of the High Street. My late Wife and I had great pleasure in 'window shopping', purchasing things we wanted (and some things we didn't) then going for a drink or snack. Even now I buy very little on line and always book my 2 annual Holidays in a travel agent were I can discuss my requirements, never on line. May be at 88 I'm old fashioned but I will not change and what happens to those without on line access ? Eric
Agree with you, but to save going off thread have opened new one in shops.
Windows 10 version 1809 motoring along with no problems since it installed on Wednesday morning. Some interesting new features such as 'Clipboard History' which appears to be in the cloud so accessible from any device. I will probably delete 'Windows Old' over the weekend because my 128Gb solid state C drive is a bit tight on space. The Edge browser is now working better than it has previously.
Have to be honest and say I rarely use my laptop as all my needs are met with my iPad. I still update windows 10 and have just left my laptop on to do what it needs. I'll have a look in the next week or two to see what's changed but to be honest I can't really see what the attraction is of using a PC or laptop with windows when you have a later iPad.
I have to confess I don't know what an I Pad is, I struggle enough with my tower PC. Some years ago they provided free pc instructional courses at Chelmsley Wood Shopping Centre funded by the Government but that seems to have gone by the board, pensioners like me would welcome such help. Eric
Have to be honest and say I rarely use my laptop as all my needs are met with my iPad. I still update windows 10 and have just left my laptop on to do what it needs. I'll have a look in the next week or two to see what's changed but to be honest I can't really see what the attraction is of using a PC or laptop with windows when you have a later iPad.
I have a late model iPad running iOS12 and it is usually the first computing device I look at in the mornings. It is fine for safely browsing the internet and it's predictive text is brilliant. I even have the free Chrome and Microsoft Edge apps in it and they sync with Windows. I also have Microsoft's OneDrive app installed which is ideal for transferring photos from iPads/iPhones to Windows and vice-versa. Unfortunately iPads cannot do work which PCs can do ... for example try serious photo editing on an iPad ... :)
I have a laptop and 3 tablets, ipad,android, and kindle fire, I only take one of the tablets when I'm travelling, otherwise it's laptop all the time, I agree with oldMohawk, try drawing on a tablet or as he says editing photos, no chance.
well as most of you all know i am still stuck in the middle ages lol...no internet on my phone..no kindle..ipad..android or tablets...can easily live without them..all my needs are met by my windows 10 lappy which i do not use to its full potential and my good old faithful windows 7 desk top...guess its just a matter of choice...

My goodness, Lyn, I couldn't agree more. I ditched my phone at least two years ago, both because of my deafness and the fact that the signal here in the village, surrounded by mountains, is so poor. I hate laptops and stopped using one about two years ago. I ditched Facebook and LinkedIn two years ago too - far much spam that I don't need, and I gave up Twitter after a mere two weeks years ago - what a lot of rubbish that is! Still running Win 7 Pro on my tower and all my essential files are backed up onto a 3Tb drive and a 2TB drive, the latter of which will boot to Linux Mint. Both of those drives are running on USB 3, so the whole setup is still pretty fast.

We don't watch TV here in Crete, and to be honest, watched very little when we lived in the UK. We're neither of us sports fans, and we're not into all the reality rubbish.

Maurice :-)