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William Cowper Street School

hi topsy...that a great school pic..its lovely to find someone else who lived in paddington st and as we already know we were both living there at the same time...here is another pic of the school before the flat was built..

Anyone out there who went to Cowper Street School 1941/47.
Headteacher Mr Powell, Mr Jones, Miss Short, Miss Annie?
I have a School Play Photo 1946 with Albert Wayne and Derek Smith whos parents ran a shop in Asylum Road and Miss Hammond. :?:

hi Alf
i went to this School from infants to juniors , 1951 to 1957 same teachers who i remember well especially Mr Powell and Mrs Burton ( 3a)
Albert Clayton
Sydney, Australia.
Went to Cowper Street from 1949 to 1952, then onto that great old school Summer Lane.I lived next door to Cowper street school and to my abiding shame was one of the kids who nearly wrecked the place during one summer holiday. Me and my mate Alec Moss would climb on to the top of the roof and shoot ball bearings into Ormond and Cowper street. My wife Sheila Gibbons lived in a back to back opposite the school, up the yard by the gas light, this gas light was great when we started smoking. I have got a photo taken from by my wifes old house that shows part of the school. When you look at the schooling then and try to compare it with the rubbish nowadays, we factory fodder would all have been geniuses. Graham Twist.

hi Graham
i sort of remember your name and your sister Yvonne Twist ?.....i seem to recall you lived behind the chemist shop ?....i went to cowper but a while after you ( 51 to 57) My sister Betty ( kathleen Clayton) and brother Ronnie Clayton were at the school at about the same time as yourself, i think my brother actually went out with your sister much later ?
i have conducted some genealogy searches and we have Twists in our family in Birmingham back in the late 1700's to early 1800's ..........Anne Twist , married Joseph Maddox in 1824 in Birmingham, Joseph was my gggg/f later they lived at Doe street near what is now Steelhouse lane, he was a Wheelwright and in 1841 lived 3 houses from the famous Cadbury founder.
All the best
Albert Clayton
Sydneyl, Australia
Hi everybody
I have 3 photos of Cowper Street school that belonged to my Mother (she died in 2005) dated September 1949- February 1950 (Class 2), February - July 1950 (also class 2) and February 1951 (class 4). The July 1951 one has the names of the children written on the back in faint pencil. The September 1949 one was my mother's first teaching job - her name at that time was Wright.
I have been racking my brains trying to decide what to do with the pictures and it suddenly occurred to me that I might find a forum or 2 online who might like to have the photos - so here I am - would anybody like the 3 photos? I will be more than happy to post them to anybody who would like to have them.
Adding my Thanks to Jane1960,

As an ex-Cowper Street School pupil ( a little later in the 1960,s) I will be delighted to see these photos,
I know there are some 1950,s era ex Pupils on this site (Alf,s one for sure) who will also enjoy them.
Jane ,,,Loving respect to your Mom,,& thanks again for your thoughtfulness on her behalf,,,, John
hi jane i would also like to thank you for allowing us to see these photos...hoping that some of our members rellies or members themselves could be on them...

Not only has Jane sent me the photos to upload they are now to be made available to any member of the forum who has a specific interest in Cowper Street Infants School. just IM me and I will get them to you. First come first served and not to be split.

Just be patient with me a little longer as I have deliberately scanned them at a high setting so they will enlarge OK. Once fully uploaded to Photobucket I will post the links.
What lovely photos ..... I also attended Cowper St until 1959 as did my elder brothers and sisters. Thanks to Jane and Bernie for sharing them with us.
Hi, fantastic pictures, I just wondered if the names were also written on the back of these ones as well as I think my mum maybe on one the them (class 2 Feb to July 1950). The little girl in white on the middle row 4th from the right. My moms name was Janet Meeson then.
I was at Cowper St School 1961-1968. How terrible to see this beautiful building destroyed. The building they put in its place is hideous.
mikejee thanks for the wonderful nostalgic photo of a proud and well loved building that had served it's generations of local people so well Gina I agree that there is now a faceless modern edifice in place but that is more befitting the urban(e) sprawl and I would hope that the present children of "our" old School (I left 1960) enjoy (except for cane,,ouch) and learn as well as we did through the dedication of good teachers in a well known area (Between Summer Lane & Newtown Row) Well, emerging from "the ragged school"here is one Ragged Trousered Philanthropist who still thanks William Cowper(poet)for as his Idiom said, God moves in a mysterious way/his wonders to perform; but I prefer his none religious quote pertaining to us children of "his" School,,were; The light shining out of Darkness; oky dokey John
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mikejee thanks for the wonderful nostalgic photo of a proud and well loved building that had served it's generations of local people so well Gina I agree that there is now a faceless modern edifice in place but that is more befitting the urban(e) sprawl and I would hope that the present children of "our" old School (I left 1960) enjoy (except for cane,,ouch) and learn as well as we did through the dedication of good teachers in a well known area (Between Summer Lane & Newtown Row) Well, emerging from "the ragged school"here is one Ragged Trousered Philanthropist who still thanks William Cowper(poet)for as his Idiom said, God moves in a mysterious way/his wonders to perform; but I prefer his none religious quote pertaining to us children of "his" School,,were; The light shining out of Darkness; oky dokey John

I started in 1961 so we missed each other! Was Mr Powell your headmaster? Remember Mrs Burton or Mr Tapper?
Hi Gina, Mrs Burton is the only teacher that I remember well, Headmaster Mr Powell I remember rather more painfully (caned but not too severe) but as for missing you in the "61" intake, well even if I was still there I wouldn't have talked to you cuz you're a Girl..(just didn't fraternise in them thar days eh!) but you may remember my Sisters (who I didn't talk to then either,,lol ) Esther & Rose they were there in 1961, We All enjoyed that little but Great School. J
My last memory of the infant school was in 1965 of my elder brother coming in my class to collect me when we left our house at 8/64 cowper st to move to our new house in Kings Heath where my parents still live. I was 5 and didn't know we got our own garden. Back yard and bombed peck were my play ground before.
Josie there is a thread dedicated to Farm Street so I have moved your post to that thread. Note: I have also moved the Posts relative to James Holt and Co to the Factories Forum.

It really does help future searches if requests are under the appropriate heading.

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Hi Alf my wife Maureen Freer WENT TO Cowper st from 1945 TO 1951 she certainly remembers Miss Short she broke a ruler on the back of her legs for saying "IT WASNT ME TALKING" (how times have changed) also the May O'Brien is her fathers step sister she would love to see the photo Alf Tom

I remember Maureen Freer. We were in the same class...Miss Short was not very nice, she would rap your knuckles on the edge of her desk. I did very well at Cowper St because I was good at art, so the teachers loved me! Mr Cross 1A, Miss Short 2A, Miss Haynes 3A, and Miss Hammond 4A.

Dave Astley

I will try to get the photo up as soon as possible.

Haven't been on the Forum for months as I was in hospital for months.

Try to keep in touch

Hi Alf my wife Maureen Freer WENT TO Cowper st from 1945 TO 1951 she certainly remembers Miss Short she broke a ruler on the back of her legs for saying "IT WASNT ME TALKING" (how times have changed) also the May O'Brien is her fathers step sister she would love to see the photo Alf Tom

Hi I went to Cowper St with Marion Freer, my sister was at Summer Lane with Janice. Our surname was Horton.
Re: Wm Cowper

i too went to cowper st my first teacher was mr jones then mr ellison then mrs burton then finally mrs chantlerb the head was mr powell.i was ther 1959 till1963

I was there same time as you in same classes except for Mr Ellisons, Diane Horton.
Hi everybody
I have 3 photos of Cowper Street school that belonged to my Mother (she died in 2005) dated September 1949- February 1950 (Class 2), February - July 1950 (also class 2) and February 1951 (class 4). The July 1951 one has the names of the children written on the back in faint pencil. The September 1949 one was my mother's first teaching job - her name at that time was Wright.
I have been racking my brains trying to decide what to do with the pictures and it suddenly occurred to me that I might find a forum or 2 online who might like to have the photos - so here I am - would anybody like the 3 photos? I will be more than happy to post them to anybody who would like to have them.

I would love to have a look at the photos - my Great Grandparents live in Cowper St and I believe my Grandmother went to the school
hi thawkes the photos have been posted...they were put on on belhalf of jane by bernard...if you go back to posts 6 and 7 they are there

all the best
