Thank you Sparks!Peak District, Derbyshire isn't it?
Thank you!A 10m walk from Dovedale with map …
Peak District Walks, Dovedale (2)
By Pedrocut. A 10m circular walk in July 2006 from the Car Park at Dovedale vIa Mildale, the Reservoir, Standlow, Sharplow Farm, Tissington, Thorpe, Lin Dale and back along the river Dove. (Weather…
Thank you!On my last visit to Dovedale I took this photo from Thorp Cloud. Zoom in to see the stepping stones.
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I remember a school trip to Dovedale at the tail end of my time at St Andrews, Ada Road. It sticks in my mind because I lost a folding penknife there that I had only had for a week, and of which I was very proud. Why did I have a penknife with me on a school trip ? Because it was 1960/1 and things were different then.
Just read this oldMohawk (before I joined BHF) pretty cool stuff! Reminds me of being in Cornwall with friends circa 1960!It's nice looking at old holiday photos in this thread, simple life satisfied us then. My 2nd holiday was a Scout Camping holiday at Beaudesert on Cannock Chase. Unfortunately got no photos, but I've always liked that area. One thing I remember was watching wasps catching flies in the air, never seen it since, hope I didn't imagine it !
My first holiday without 'bossy' grown-ups was at Combe Martin in '54 - two weeks of glorious sun. We had a big bell tent. We didn't have a table so made one from branches. Primus Stoves to cook, and I think I can see Branston Pickle in our cardboard box larder. Looks like salad, big tomatoes in the teatime pic. Dress was optional. We drank Double Diamond in Berynarbor and went on a day trip to Lundy Island in a Paddle Steamer. I didn't have another holiday until 1972 apart from 2 years National service in the RAF..
To see the pics click on 'thumbnails' click again to enlarge
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Forward two years, to 1938. Same beach. (Sister, brother, Mum, me and our beloved dog).Images from my first holiday, in August 1936:.............
............And during the same holiday. My first toe in the sea (or, more likely, estuary - probably East Portlemouth, opposite Salcombe).
Great story johnny! Thanks for sharing.My first holiday was in August 1946, an exchange holiday with Dutch children arranged by Handsworth Tech. Dutch Kids came over here and stayed for two weeks with us and we then went over there and stayed for two weeks with Dutch families. There was no cost for accommodation but £25 for travel. We sailed on a troop ship going from Harwich to Hook of Holland overnight and trying to sleep in bunk beds. I say trying, as there was a severe storm and we were swinging from side to side all night. Most of the kids were sea sick. The bowls of porridge they dished up at 5am were sliding along the table if you didn't hold on to them. Most days the family I stayed with had porridge for their sweet. At the end of the holiday my suitcase was packed with grapes they gave me as we never had such luxuries. Happy memories!!
Yes, I went on several of those trips with my Nan with Andy's Coaches at Stockland Green in the 60s. The trips were run by "The Sons of Rest" who were based at Brookvale Park, where they had a hut with a snooker table. I was the youngest on those trips by some way on most occasions, with most of the day trippers being 60+ (I would now fit the bill nicelyI remember day trips to Rhyl , and Weston SM
We would get a coach from Etonways on the Coventry Road by our house what an adventure to go on the coach to the seaside a different time then