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Where is This ? Pubs #6


Gone, but not forgotten.
As the last one went so quickly I will put another one up today.



Yes you have to be like lightening to catch some of these, sorry its not the Plough.

no idea yet phil but i like the look of the properties to the left of the pub and i guess they are not longer there..looks like 60s factory to the right...
Lyn, if you get your nose close enough to the photo you should be able to read the lisencees name above the front door there which should give a good indication. In the meantime, we'll come round with a camera and take a photo of ya for the Christmas Bash "spot the loon" competitition.
The houses look a bit cottagey the building at the back could be a school Gym or swimming baths dosn,t help much as i don,t know it but i think this one is out of town a bit.Dek
Is it the one on the corner of Cecil Street and Hanley St that became a cafe,( Wraggies ) a.k.a. The White Swan.?
As you seem to be struggling with this a bit, let no one say that I am not generous. so here is a clue to help you along a bit. A recent image taken from roughly the same spot as the original. Well as near as one can get to it.


You got it Bob..... :)

By the Fordrough....... If only i'd logged on an hour earlier......
I'd never have got it without the other clue.

It may be you first time but you are a winner, As you are the first to come up with the right name the honour goes to you well done.

There were three pubs in close proximity .the Hay Mills Tavern the Plough can anyone remember yhe name of the other one Bernie
oh well done lizzy.....i would never have got it..mind you i dont get them anyway but its the taking part thats counts....

Oh thank-you so much this has made my day , but i have to be honest i looked it up through a book as i do-not know the pub, but it is a first where i refused to give up .xx Whipeee
HA!!!!! I think Bob won, as the question is "Where is this...."

You'll have to put "Where & what's the name of the pub" for the next 'un Phil :)

Well done Lizy on getting the name. THAT.... I definately wouldn't have got.

We're all winners on here..... We're BRUMMIES!!!!!! Woohooooooo!!!!!