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What has happened to our great statues ?

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Mike, I know a lot more about Fiberglass than I let on, and have studied it for 30 years. ..and being a sculptor I know all about material,casting etc
The folk who bought the item must have been novices or else they would have got a better speck on the item "Forward"
It cannot be recast as their was no mould or if their was, it was destroyed
So the only way it could be resurrected is from the actual drawings or photographs... and I cannot see this happening and I would love to hear from Raymond Mason and have a chat with him (He can PM me anytime)
Looking at the forward statue the last few days in the pictures weve posted, I think folk really were a bit hard on it.......... It was a tremendous work, albeit made from a suspect material. I reckon we have lost a smashing peice of work Graham.
Rod, I wonder if Raymond Mason got his inspiration for the Forward Sculpture from the Floats of the Pageant of Birmingham that took place in Aston Park in 1938
After going on his website the resin that was used on the Forward sculpture was Polyester
which he has used on his sculpture's in other parts of the world and most unlikely he could ever do it again at he was born in 1922
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We don't agree on everything :rolleyes: but it would seem my taste in sculpture and public art is very close to Rod's. I loved Forward, Enterpise and the Iron Man.

I know absolutely nothing about the making of Forward but I do know there was a slight con in Birmingham being led to believe that the style was unique. Take a look at this one outside McGill University in Montreal...


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How Five Ways use to look with the Joseph Sturge statue


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I've been doing a bit of researching whilst writing an article for Wikipedia and came across some info over the fate of the Swing, GWR mosaic, Kennedy Mosaic and a certain Mosaic Panel which were located in St Chads Circus.

Well, the GWR memorial was completely removed and has been disposed of. A photographic record of it was taken for the council's archives. The Swing is currently in temporary storage where it will remain for a maximum of 5 years whilst a new location is decided upon. This is the same for the Kennedy Mosaic. I have heard rumours of the Kennedy Mosaic being relocated to the Digbeth area. The Mosaic Panel will be incorporated into the Snowhill development alongside Snow Hill station. I'm not sure how or where but I expect it might go along the car park wall near the proposed art wall - the designer for which is yet to be chosen.

Sorry if this is not the right place, I wasn't sure where to post the info :)

well done just copied these wonderful Murials of the GWR.
This destruction beyond my understanding.
I would have thought somewhere in Snow hill or Moor street
would have been ideal.
But these day's who owns what I doubt anybody is
Thanks for info.

Mike Jenks
St Chad's

Sorry to disappoint Erebus555 (and everyone) but I work just a couple of hundred yards away from St Chad's Circus and I watched the Snow Hill & Kennedy murals get smashed or left as they filled it in. They took Kennedy's face and a couple of others and a bit of the Snow Hill mural, but I'd say 95%% of it was smashed or buried.

Very sad.
That is so sad to see these beautiful mosaic's destroyed. I am glad Birmingham council had nothing to do with Rome!:|
I agree Moma P. It is hard to understand about these icons being
smashed down and not saved. Good job we have photos. I have a photo of the Kennedy Memorial. I somehow assumed it would be around for a long time and the lovely railway depictions...big mistake:|:|
Sorry to disappoint Erebus555 (and everyone) but I work just a couple of hundred yards away from St Chad's Circus and I watched the Snow Hill & Kennedy murals get smashed or left as they filled it in. They took Kennedy's face and a couple of others and a bit of the Snow Hill mural, but I'd say 95%% of it was smashed or buried.

Very sad.

That is sad. I got it from a planning application for one of the buildings currently being built. Unless they intend on recreating it, I imagine plans must have changed since the planning app was submitted. What a shame.:(
Holloway Ciircus.

Now I consider this to be nostalgia, Such a beauty to be lost from the beautiful City Of Birmingham. Now seems to be lost forever, either melted down or adoring some rich persons outdoor or indoor swimming pool.
This photograph was taken in August 1989 before the figurine was stolen from its site in Holloway Circus.
Seem to have lost the cropped photograph, will try again.


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Here is the cropped Photograph.
Sorry not much improvment.


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Ernie the pre cropped photo is much better it shows the sculpture in the setting and context that it was supposed to be seen.

pmc1947. I totally agree with you it is better shown in its setting.
Its sad that all that remains is a photograph to such a work of art.
what has happened to our great statues

todays birmingham post lists a planning pplication to remove and restore a statue in HIGHGATE park and resite it in Centenary square. This can only be Edward 7th.He is in a dreadful state but I do question the choice of the new site. I am not aware of any great connection with Birmingham apart from a visit to the exhibition at Bingley House in 1849 leading him to go back and build Crystal Palace. Should we welcome him to the proposed new site or will he look out of place?
Edward VII

kenh wrote "I am not aware of any great connection with Birmingham apart from a visit to the exhibition at Bingley House in 1849"

Apart from this, as Prince of Wales he had visited Birmingham on many other occasions:

1874 - he had been received by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Joseph
Chamberlain and had visited Joseph Gillott’s Pen Work;

1885 - he visited to open the Art Gallery and Museum;

1891 - he opened the Victoria Law Courts

1904 - he opened Elan Valley to supply water to Birmingham

1909 - (just 9 months before his death) he visited to open The University of Birmingham.

The statue was unveiled on St George's Day 1913 and was removed to Highgate park in 1951 so that the road could be widened (!). It has been in a dreadful state for years. It was listed Grade II in 1982 and in 1986 the beautiful bronzes were stolen.

Now the Civic Society and Victorian Society have campaigned to get it removed and returned to the city centre. The Victorian Society has raised nearly £12,000 towards the restoration and the Prince of Wales has sent a donation also.

Ideally it would have gone in Victoria Square, but consensus is that it will go nicely in Centenary Square, near to the Hall of Memory.

The statue, like the figures around the Hall of Memory were sculpted by Handsworth artist Albert Toft. I think we can start calling the area "Toft Corner".

I think it is a tremendous breakthrough and should be welcomed. Now many more people will see a fine statue by a local man.​
Edward VII statue

PS - If you look at the City Council's planning Portal you can read the ful details of the proposal under ref C/07752/07/BLB
Thank you for your very infomative post Pro Civitate.

I always find it so sad the disrespect shown to our great forebears. These statues crafted with such care just shoved off into some corner to be vandalised. Could you see this happen in other European cities. They hold there statues in high esteem and have pride of place and are looked after. I hope Edward comes back to our city soon!

Thanks Moma P

Nelson's railings reinstated....

Joseph Sturge restored.....

Edward VII statue to be restored and re-sited in 2009

Thats not bad in 4 years years!

More to come:

Thomas Attwood

Re-uniting Sir Robert Peel with his plinth in Calthorpe Park and bringing him back into the centre of Brum.

Its just important to keep a focus on one at a time
We ladies have a special relationship with Thomas Atwood as he sits on the steps by the library - don't we Charlie.:)

is it possible for one of you to get a link up to the appropriate website today. Im off to work now but when I get home we could perhaps get something done with the planning protal?
I am eating humble pie for getting my royal personages mixed up!!
In my original message I claimed that Edward 8th had Crystal Palace built after visiting the 1849 exhibition in Birmingham! I now realise we owe these events to Prince Albert ,Victorias consort. My apologies but at least my message has opened up considerable interest
No problem Ken we all make mistakes! as you say now you have raised interest well done!
I'm about to fill in the form as well. These statues should definately return to their rightful places.
Ooooh....Tommy Attwood, you're not wrong there Di :love: !
Edward V11

Anybody see yesterday's Sunday Mercury,
City Council planning to give statue spruce up and re-site it in Centenary Square
Work likelyto cost £50.000