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What has happened to our great statues ?

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Statue Joseph Priestley in Birmingham (Taken from the Grapic 1874)


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Rowan, Photo of ya mate Josiah Mason (Bust on the Island)
I tracked down a bust of George Dawson made of bronze (which scrap value would be about £1200) beside the gatehouse of Small Heath Park, in 1991 it was stolen and has never been seen since


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The Oblisk which is by St Phillips was erected in 1883 in memory of Lord Charles Burnaby who was killed in the battle of Abu Klea in the Sudan wars, newspaper clip shows it the day after it was erected in 1886
now that has to be there cause it aint easy to put in "storage"


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Hi Crom ,thanks For The Pic Of Aston Hall,of Peter Pan,and Telling Us It Is Still There. Just Seen The Garden Wall, It Brought Back Some Memories Of When My Dad Took Me There When I Was Little And We Was Running Up And Down Those Big Steps, And Looking Over The Top Off The Wall,is The Wall Still There ,?.
Thanks For The Memory,keep Up Your Good Work .
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The Book plates above are wonderful to view. The Central Railway Station l854 (New Street Station) shows the Station Entrance and offices. I used to get to my office by walking under the arch (approx 6th one on the left hand side). My first job at New Street. The Queens Hotel was adjoining at the right hand side.
This picture looks as though the Exchange Building wasn't built then. I started working at New Street in January 1957. When I went to school on Corporation Street in l953 I remember The Exchange Building very well. Shame it's all gone now.
Talking about Stained glass I came across this in a newspaper dated 1862 Stained Glass Window made by Chance Brothers of Birmingham,Robin Hoods Last Shot..... where it is I do not know,(could have been destroyed in the  Blitz)
Here is what our statues are being replaced by ......Nuetral meaningless bits of tat with World Wide appeal which you can look at and see whatever you want like all modern art, the monkeys in the zoo could do better
You're so right Cromwell - the uglier and lacking in real meaning, the better - and they cost an absolute fortune.
rowan, is this the one in ERDINGTON.


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That'sthe one........thank you Aston. :)

Sir Josiah was buried in the Mausoleum and was then moved, so I believe, to Aston Church when the
building was demolished in the 1960's.

I often used to sit on the grass bank and just stare at the mausoleum and wonder if it was
where my Dad lived!!! Children imagine very odd things don't they? ::)
Cromwell,the missing statue that started this thread,still in store with no plans for his future,also a bronze bust of the man



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Colin thats the bronze that was stolen from Small heath Park and the statue looks like a copy as it was badly worn, but thats good news all the same
Can anyone tell me anything about this and if it still exists somewhere?(is it still in the Town Hall)
Picture shows the Grand Military Trophy Monument inside the Town Hall Birmingham
It was made and sculptured by Peter Hullins and George Watles(sic) Headmaster of Government School of Art Birmingham. It was a benefit night for the Patriotic Fund on the evening of 14th &18th Dec 1854
You don't realize the size of some of the statues when they are on a plinth or pedestal column, but here is the sculptor Mr Toft putting the finishing touches to his work which was paid for out of public funds after the death of King Edward, the Children's Hospital was also paid for out of the same fund in Memory of the King. The foundation stone was laid in 1913.
The Statue was removed from the city centre in 1950 and is now in Highgate Park
Hi Cromwell, found this photograph amongst a load of old ones taken by my late ex Father-in -Law.

Can you identify it for me please.I know it was somewhere in Birmingham.

Chamberlin square between Edmund street and Town Hall


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Rowan, that is the statue that started this topic off George Dawson and the Fountain in Chamberlain square is to the left, Thats a great Photo and unique, how many more have you got ?
Hi Cromwell, I have quite a few more of the same and I think St Philips. I'll get "my man" to scan them when he can and post them.

I also have some of bomb damage but I'm not really sure if they are of Birmingham but the could well be.
Rowan, Get them all on then we can identify them for you and as you have the originals they are your copyright
I find it very sad reading the replies to "where are our statues" as we know those who have not been stolen destroyed or defaced are in storage. The other sad fact is that most of these great men are buried in Key Hill Cemetery. Joseph Chamberlin, Goerge Dawson, John Skirrow Wright,Thomas Attwood, Joseph Sturge, all these great men in a cemetery in need of a lot of work. Could you imagine if they were in a London cemetery. Highgate cemetery for instance, you have to pay to visit there.
Edward VII statue

What a fantastic photo - I've never seen it before. I wonder if anyone has any images (more detailed the better) of the bronzes on the plinth of Edward VII that were stolen in 1986?
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Sorry to disappoint on the Lord Nelson statue, but it is the second oldest statue in the world. Montreal erected the first statue to Lord Nelson in 1809 and there were many other memorials before our own dear statue. Its certainly the first statue to his memory in Great Britain.
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With all the talk about George and the Dragon ..........how many folk know that their once was a statue of the both of them in Victoria Square in 1937 which was erected for the Coronation of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth it was a temporary structure and how long it stood for I do not know but I should imagine 1 year ......Where is it now ? now their is a renewed interest .....................?


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I didn't even know there was such a statue of St George in Birmingham - Nor do I know exactly why the renewed interest - unless it's because the Irish and the Scots have such big celebrations for their patron saints -

On this side of the pond - the Scots celebrate Robbie Burns day too. Also the Greeks do celebrate St George in this country - so why wouldn't the English- That is my take on the renewed interest anyhow!
Like Beryl I have never heard of there being a statue of St. George in Birmingham.
It looks like the statue was of a pretty substantial nature as well. Be great to find out how it got to be in such a prominent place and how long it stayed there.
I can imagine there is renewed interest in St. George these days since
we never heard much about him and now they have more parades in England
than they used to. St. George seems to be in vogue again.

Thanks for posting the photos Cromwell.
I for one like Victoria square as it is now. It's a great place for people to gather.:) Much better than the grotty smelly Island I remember in the fifties.:(
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Victoria Square..grotty perhaps. I don't remember it being smelly. I used to cross it every weekday on my way to work at Queen's College Chambers in the late l950's and it was just an uninteresting piece of tarred pavement.

Such a marvellous change with the fountain etc. .