Pete Weller
New Member
I started at Waverley at the same time as a new Head. He was Earnest Hill, an ex army officer, we all called him Ernie, but not in his hearing. He was a keen disciplinarian who had the annoying habit of talking you into agreeing with him that you deserved the cane across your backside before administering the same. Which he did to me many times, I may say, although always justifiably. Give him his due though, he refused point blank to cane me every day as requested by my farther. Scotty was always away with the fairies as I recall.Hello Pete,I think I just missed you.
I left in 1953,did a year at Posr Office Supplies Dept in Bordesley Green,then into RAOC.
I remember most of the teachers though, "Fred ' Whiteley,the Beak/Boss,a timid looking man
who frightened the life out of all the kids,Scotty,yhe deputy head and many more,the sadistic
and violent "Jimmy " Wilde for instance.No doubt you have similar memories.