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Warstone Lane Cemetery

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wendy
  • Start date Start date
Thanks for that link Brummagem Lass, it is very useful. I think I did see it a while ago, but there wasn't quite so much information on it.

Havining been at the open day in Keyhill I am wondering if anyone knows if there is such a thing a s "list" of people buried at Warstone.

Still looking for Fellows':grinsmile:

thank you

The burial indexes for Warstone lane are in Central Library. Like Key Hill the registers are kept at Handsworth. If you can check the indexes for names and dates Handsworth will then check it for you. If they have to search they charge The registers are large and very heavy.
I called in at Warstone Lane this afternoon and took some photos of the slabs that I assume cover the common/public graves in section J. Wendy, am I right in this assumption?
There are some individual graves in section J as well, but I didn't investigate those.

Someone had enquired about J6 on the Key Hill thread https://forum.birminghamhistory.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4830&highlight=Key+Hill, so I thought that whilst I was there I would photograph the lot.
Unfortunately the person that was being searched for (Robert French), does not appear on the listing on J6
There is no slab on J3 and I don't seem to have a photo for J5, so that could be missing as well. I will check when I am there again - and also photograph the slabs on the other side of the cattacombs (section I)

Here are the first five - I hope that these are useful to people
Brilliant photo's leslam Yes these are public graves which were massive. These graves would have to be paid for and if the name of a person buried here was to be included on the headstone this would be an extra cost. I must admit I don't know a lot about Warstone Lane but it would be nice to learn more. The photo's of the public graves are very good and I always like to scan through them just in case I recognise a name.
Thank's for these great photos, my Gt Grandfather who died in 1922 is buried in V.7 . Sadly there's no inscription, he was born in Icknield Sq Ladywood to Irish parents in 1861.
I hope this is the right thread to use for this enquiry. Although I knew that my great grandmother was buried in a Warstone Lane Cemetery, I did not know the grave number. I have now learnt from Handsworth Cemetery, that she is in a public/common grave, section 0, grave number 1256. If anyone is in Warstone Lane could you see if there is a memorial stone for this grave, and also whether Sarah Ann Worsey is shown on it. Aalso does anyone know what the cost of interrment in a public grave would have been in 1900, in comparison with a private grave.
Brett said it is fine to post these unusual photo's he took at Warstone Lane Cemetery.

I was down at Key Hill yesterday and wondered if any of the pictures I took would be of use to you.
I currently work in a voluntary capacity as photographer for the Birmingham 13 magazine in Moseley
Please feel free to contact me if you have any photo requirements for your ongoing campaign and I will oblige if I can.
All the best
Brett Wilde
Amazing photos. What a different atmosphere it shows, with black and white film. I love 'em.
Not sure what just happened to my pics!
ist shot is James Cooper on left, John carr on right
2nd is close up of cross of John carr
3rd is james Cooper VC
I am looking for my moms younger sisters grave in warston lane cemetry her name was winnifred raybone born 1932 died 1935 aged 3yrs
I am looking for my moms younger sisters grave in warston lane cemetry her name was winnifred ratbone born 1932 died 1935 aged 3yrs
If you phone Handsworth Cemetery who administer Warstone Lane and give them a date of burial they are very helpful and will come back to you with the information. Many 1930's graves seem to be located at the Vyse Street end and there aren't too many memorials from this period and it can be a bit of a challenge to locate but it's possible. There Isn't a marker for my relatives grave but i located a number of one just two plots away and without this i wouldn't have found it.
hi all
im so happy i just wanted to share my good news with you lovely people and hope some might be able to point me in the right direction
i have been trying to find the final resting place of a relavite of mine
leah louisa morrall ho was my great grandfather william morrall daughter from his first marriage
i emailed handsworth cematary with a hunch that she might be buried in warstone lane cem
i gave them all the details i had and as
A excepting them to email me later in the week
B not be able to find her at all

well 5 mins ago i had a email from handsworth saying they had found her
yes she is buried in warstone lane cem and she is buired in section 1 grave number 7 which is a public / common grave
which i thought might be right as the family were living in the back to backs on icknield street

they have sent me 2 plans but they are so old they are very diffecult to read
so if anybody knows where this plot is could someone post a map or tell me roughly were abouts it is
i am now going to visit warstone in two weeks time when im off work

sorry for being a little over excited but its taken me months to try and find her
hi leslam
thankyou for your reply
handsworth cem did send me some maps but they are all lettered not numbered
the reply i got from handsworth cem was section 1 grave 7 which as you can imagen has cofussed me no end lol

if you have time tomorrow and can find the plot i would love you to take a pic

her name is leah louisa morrall she died 22 or 23 december 1882 making her 2 years old

thankyou very much
Hello Celia I hope this helps remember there may not be a memorial and if there is she may not be listed as this had to be paid for extra to the burial. Good Luck!
hi wendy
im begining to think that might be the case that she might not have a memorial
i have to remind myself that they were living in back to backs so might not have enough money to live on hence why leah was burried in a public grave
but to know that she is buried at warstone lane is good enough for me if she has a memorial then its a bonus
celia..i am so pleased for you...and i can imagine your excitement at finding your rellies final resting place after months of research...i had some good news myself today and i am also cock a hoop...its under the villa street thread...

well done..
i nearly wet myself this morning lyn when handsworth cem got back to me i wasnt excepting a reply till later on in the week
how ever its proving to be a bit of a mistory
i posted my finding on the forum earlier in the hope that someone might be able to pinpoint the place where leah is burried
however the information handsworth gave me might be a bit wrong and i have les and shortie trying to un pick the mistory

we do know that leah is buried in warstone lane in a common grave in section I but plot 7 dosent seem to exsist
so shortie is thinking she might be buried in the catacombs
shortie is going through the paper work and les is going to try and pop down tomorrow to see if he can find her and take some pics

so hopefully one way or another the fab people on here might be able to find where she is