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Vinyl Comeback


Glad to see that you are also a modern jazz fan! Sadly most of the musicians are more dead than the medium! We also have five crates of LPs and 78s that came with us when we moved from the UK in 2005 with the intention of digitising them, but they're still packed away. We have two cupboards full of VHS tapes and audio cassettes which are also still packed away. Most of the books I brought over here are technical in nature and similarly rarely looked at. I've vowed to dump them this winter as they are now well out of date. When it comes to hoarding, the squirrels can't touch the human race! :)

You're right Maurice we do hoard ... :)

I also have dozens of audio cassettes and VHS tapes in the loft and now looking back, what a pain they were rewinding, fast forwarding etc to find the track or clip we wanted to play.

With vinyl I remember the problem of trying to place the stylus on a track I wanted to play.

I suspect I have a few old 78 records somewhere in the house !

I still have a bunch of old vinyl records (a couple of thousand lps). They still get used. There's a bar in Kings heath where a bunch of us play our old records once a month.
CD's have their problems too. My husband was acting as verger at a funeral yesterday - the CD's arrived with the coffin so no time to check the quality and we were treated to NNNNeeeesssssooon DDDDoooorrrmaaa . dit. dit. dit. It turned out that there was a blob of chocolate stuck to the disc. Not something you expect.
Just come back and found my last message had re-posted. Don't know how I did that! Please delete this Mike. It won't allow me to remove everything. Thanks.
Way back in the late 1950s I bought components from the Radio shops in Hurst Street to build a stereo amplifier. The only shop I could find selling stereo records was Murdochs in the Old Square and the only record they had was an opera Madame Butterfly. It was not my usual choice of music but it was stereo. I still have about 30 LP records stashed away at the back of a cupboard and pulled 7 of them out as shown below and that first stereo record is top left. I have not played any of them in at least the last 20 years.
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Phil in the late 1960s and early 1970s I worked as a Saturday boy in Norman H Field's radio Component Shop in Hurst Street would Norman H Fields have been the shop?


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We kept nearly all of our vinyl LP's bought over the years, including (I think) every one of The Beatles LP's in good condition. The only problem is we don't have a turntable (!) but I think that may be rectified before too long. It's good to see vinyl making a return.

buy usb, sold almost any good store
Norman H Field's

I bought my first decent HiFi from Norman H Field in 1982. An incredibly helpful bunch of people in the days when if you walk into a HiFi shop and did not know all of the technical jargon, you were made to look a fool.

A real pleasure to do business with.
I still have a bunch of old vinyl records (a couple of thousand lps). They still get used. There's a bar in Kings heath where a bunch of us play our old records once a month.
I still have a few vinyl records mainly Elvis & Buddy Holly. I haven`t played them since my old Dansette died of old age. Not sure why, but those vinyls sounded so much better on that Dansette, even in Mono, probably because i`m deaf in one ear.
Way back in the late 1950s I bought components from the Radio shops in Hurst Street to build a stereo amplifier. The only shop I could find selling stereo records was Murdochs in the Old Square and the only record they had was an opera Madame Butterfly. It was not my usual choice of music but it was stereo. I still have about 30 LP records stashed away at the back of a cupboard and pulled 7 of them out as shown below and that first stereo record is top left. I have not played any of them in at least the last 20 years.
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and me i spent all my pocket money of a sat buying electric junk,to make things. i built a tv out of bits,it got a pic and the sound was radio mosco. radio gram bits were cheap,new garrard decks. lol i am geeking again sorry


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I am in the process of selling my vinyl collection...I'm sorry but I have no use for primitive media, including CD's. I'm an old fart like many of you on this forum, however, I've always moved forward, including my choice of music and the way it's listened to. I realize the shortcomings of digital compressed formats, but it's convenience first...
i am proud to be a old Fart. and to be able to play my ink spot records lol
i am proud to be a old Fart. and to be able to play my ink spot records lol
I used to have a load of 78`s (what were they made of? ) Mario Lanza, David Whitfield,Frankie Laine etc. They all disappeared in a house move, + 3bottles of whisky.:mad: 78`s were scary the way they clattered down onto the turntable!
I have about 60 vinyl LP's which I occasionally play and a few Humphrey Littleton baker lite (?) 78's Jazz records (somewhat scratchy). I bought my first LP Mr Rhythm Frankie Laine In 1953 In Hong Kong with my Wife whilst in the RAF and I still play it. Bought a new turn table a few years ago. Eric
I used to have a load of 78`s (what were they made of? ) Mario Lanza, David Whitfield,Frankie Laine etc. They all disappeared in a house move, + 3bottles of whisky.:mad: 78`s were scary the way they clattered down onto the turntable!
hard wax. shame about the booze. . them records listed was my mom favorites. she loved david whitfield. she dragged me to bham hipperdrome to see him.
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