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Villa Street Lozells


hi folks myself and my brother are in the process of organising a villa st reunion...so far we have managed to find quite a few who lived in our street:) but if there is anyone out there from villa st or the old end in general who would like to join us please let me know...really excited about this ( i am going to talk for england:D:D

the date has now been set for saturday the 2nd of september ..midday kick off...venue the village green pub marsh hill erdington...please bring any old photos you have to show us....i have quite a few that i will be bringing...this old end reunion will also be featuring in carl chinns brummagem mag:)

all the best

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Hello lynn i kept the message short because i was not sure you would receive it.
Firstly i will bring you and your readers to date.
Edwin my father and the chimney sweep you refer to passed away 14 years ago. my mother edith who is now nearly 95 yrs young.
My elder brother ted is 76 yrs old. my elder sister carol passed away at the age of 24 whilst living in villa street.
I am next and i was 70 last april. roger is my next brother and he is 68 yrs, he is followed by allan
Hi Brian, I lived in Brougham St, and i knew your Roger very well.
hi folks..last heads up for anyone who lived in villa st and close surrounding streets...old end reunion is this saturday ..i have already located quite a few people which is fantastic but if there are anymore of you out there please come and join us for catch up:) contact me via our private message system (inbox top right of the page)

all the best

lyn (from 118)
Apologies if these are elsewhere on the forum.

Villa St, ETP & Co 1959

Villa St








Vine Inn, Villa Street
many thanks BB they are all my photos expect for one the old 1900s one which was provided by phil and should all be on this thread.....the last one of the vine inn took me many years to find and came from a private collection...it is one of my most precious photos as this pub was opposite my house and brings back many happy memories of time spent drinking lemonade and eating crisps in the back gardens our dad also taught me to play darts in there..he was a cracking player..i will leave the photos on for now as i really do need to find time to go through this thread and see if there are any missing photos....

many thanks BB they are all my photos expect for one the old 1900s one which was provided by phil and should all be on this thread.....the last one of the vine inn took me many years to find and came from a private collection...it is one of my most precious photos as this pub was opposite my house and brings back many happy memories of time spent drinking lemonade and eating crisps in the back gardens our dad also taught me to play darts in there..he was a cracking player..i will leave the photos on for now as i really do need to find time to go through this thread and see if there are any missing photos....

I thought they might have been, Lyn. I did search in the forum to see if they were there but I couldn't find them (they may have disappeared in the 'Hack') so I put them up thinking there might be one you haven't seen. I hope you've backed up your collection, I'd be heart broken if I lost my photographs!
wonderful info as usual kieron..its always like reading a book...i guessed that the villa tavern must have closed early 60s as i do not remember it but as i have just read it closed in 1960 so i would only have been 7 years old...thanks also for the refs to the queens head corner of hunters vale/farm st...very interesting as that pub also has a family link

Hi Lynn

Found the Thread

But not sure where the Photo of Villa Street Is,

Amazing to think that Our Rellies Lived On Unett St, & Villa Street around the same times,

My Great-Grandparents, & Grandfather & Siblings first lived on Whitmore St in Hockley & then moved to Villa St, From the 1920s-1940s
My Great Grandfather David Flynn died in the 1st world War in 1918,
Emily Louisa Flynn died in 1939 Om Coverly grove
My Grandfather David Flynn Moved to Weoley castle in the 1930s,
Some of his Slibings still lived on Villa St for a while,
These are my Great-Grandparents & Grandfather
David Flynn & Emily Louisa Flynn(Nee) Cook
and Grandfather David Flynn, his Siblings were
Amy Flynn
Ivy Flynn
Joseph Flynn
Mable Flynn
Cissie Flynn
Edward Flynn,

Great Grandmother Emily Louisa Flynn(nee) Cook
Cook family all lived on Hunters Vale..
Charles & Louisa Cook & Children..
I also believe a number of the Cook Including Phelps lived on hunters vale aswel...

My Great-Grandparents on My Grandmother's Side who Lived on Unett St, from 1800s-1950s

Ernest Francis Bill
Lilian Bill(Nee) Meakin

Rose Flynn (Nee) Bill
Her Siblings
Lilian Barlow(Nee)Bill
Herbert John Bill,

My Great-Grandfather Ernest Francis Bill
Made the Large Iron gates of Birmingham University & the Old TSB Gates in Town,
He was a Master Blacksmith by trade..
Early late1890s/1920s

My Grandfather David Flynn who lived on Villa St,
and Grandmother Rose Bill who

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Hi Lynn,

Finally found the Thread, But couldn't find the Photo of mentioned, Ha
Its most likely i've missed it somwhere,

anyway, I've posted a couple of things,
First my Great-Grandfather David Flynn's Memorial,
as i mentioned to you, he died in the 1st world war in Italy in 1918 & Lived on Villa Street with Wife Emily Louisa Flynn(Nee)Cook,

My Great-Grandmother was sent this War Document to Inform her of her Husband David's death in 1918, at 2 Back Of 60 Villa Street, I feel Sad but lucky to still have this Document which in Over 102 yrs old Now,

This is my mother family that lived on Villa Street

David Flynn( My Great-Grandparents)
Emily L Flynn

Amy Parsons(Nee)Flynn
David Flynn(My Grandfather)
Joseph Flynn
Mable Cherrington(Nee) Flynn
Ivy Flynn
Cissie Flynn
Edward Flynn,

I think Amy Parsons(Nee)Flynn Granddad's Sister lived on Villa Street when She married Arthur Parsons,

Also If anyone is Interested there is a Replica Street Of Villa Street at the Birmingham Museum, Well it was there about 6yrs ago when me & my Sister Visited the Museum,

Both My Grandparents families lived in the Hockley area for many, many years, especially Unett St, from the 1800s-1950s,
The Bill family

All the Best



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lisa if you go back to post 187 and look at photo 4...... the factory showing is at numbers 62 to 72 so just come down a bit to the next building which would be no 60....your gt grandfather lived behind that building..i think that a photo of the front of 60 is the closest you will get ...what a very sad document to have but yes be proud of your gt grandfather he gave his life for this country as did many others...thank you for sharing it with us as i have never seen one informing of a death before..

My family lived there for a while, he said there was a pub called 'The Vine', nicknamed 'Dirty' Dick's', as it was a small one bar pub, a bit rough.....
Also around the corner was 'The Waterloo', he spent his last hours of being single there before getting married in 1954. I have some snaps on youtube
, Wills St

hi kev just looked at those photos again...the waterloo has now gone and new houses built on the ground


hi folks myself and my brother are in the process of organising a villa st reunion...so far we have managed to find quite a few who lived in our street:) but if there is anyone out there from villa st or the old end in general who would like to join us please let me know...really excited about this ( i am going to talk for england:D:D

the date has now been set for saturday the 2nd of september ..midday kick off...venue the village green pub marsh hill erdington...please bring any old photos you have to show us....i have quite a few that i will be bringing...this old end reunion will also be featuring in carl chinns brummagem mag:)

all the best

I used to live in Villa street in the late 60's/early 70's. I lived next door to the cafe that was on the corner of villa street & nursery road. Never liked living there much, especially when the owners of the cafe would throw their empty tins over into our garden. We was over ridden with rats due to the brook under our garden. The only family I can remember from there, was the corchoran's.
hello michael i didnt realise you also lived in villa st...we must have been there at the same time...have to say for me they were very happy days :) and the old end reunion i arranged a couple of years back was a great success...soon to hold another one...is it hockley brook you are talking about because if so it did not run under your garden..the brook was further down villa st however the mill race stream ran behind the crown pub on the opposite corner to the cafe so maybe that is where the rats came from...all the best

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hello michael i didnt realise you also lived in villa st...we must have been there at the same time...have to say for me they were very happy days :) and the old end reunion i arranged a couple of years back was a great success...soon to hold another one...is it hockley brook you are talking about because if so it did not run under your garden..the brook was further down villa st however the mill race stream ran behind the crown pub on the opposite corner to the cafe so maybe that is where the rats came from...all the best

Hello Lyn. How uncanny. We live near each other in bracebridge street without knowing, & now villa street. You are correct, it was the stream that ran under our garden. Been so many years since I was living down there. We did not stay there long. My parents managed to get us a move to erdington.
Hello Lyn. How uncanny. We live near each other in bracebridge street without knowing, & now villa street. You are correct, it was the stream that ran under our garden. Been so many years since I was living down there. We did not stay there long. My parents managed to get us a move to erdington.
Hopefully, I will be able to come to the next re-union. It will be nice to meet up with people who lived in aston, & maybe see someone I knew.
and you will be most welcome michael...not sure when the next one is but i will certainly let you know...i lived at 118 from 58 to 72 so our paths must have crossed... :)
and you will be most welcome michael...not sure when the next one is but i will certainly let you know...i lived at 118 from 58 to 72 so our paths must have crossed... :)
Thank you Lyn. Unfortunately, I can not remember our door number. All I can remember from that house, was having the cafe next door, my bedroom being at the top of the house with no light & those horrible rats who came up through a hole in the toilet floor. They scared my mum quite often. Will certainly make every effort to come to the next re-union.
It doesn't look as though there was a number 154 on Brougham Street, could it be Villa Street that ran parallel


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absolutely right mike the photo you posted is one of about 5 i have of the fronts of copes pearl buttons at 152/ 154 villa st also taken in the 80s i lived at 118...brougham st did not go up that high in numbering...

mark you have made my day these are amazing shots of the workshops at the back..

thank you so very much

Well I was close!!!!! It is good we can place them accurately - thank you!
There you go Lyn - I told you I'd find some more of Villa St......
I can date the photos I took to around the summer of 1982. Looks like the other side of the road was partially developed by then (well there is a fence up....)
absolutely amazing mark and proves what i keep saying....they are out there somewhere our mom had a little job in those workshops and when times were hard in the winter and money short our kid used to syphon paraffin out of the big drums at the back of those workshops for our paraffin heater :D ...would you like me to post them on the villa st thread later on or would you prefer to do it...

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I'm not sure if this has been posted before but this is an aerial view of Villa Street. Lyn, I have marked what I think is No. 118 but not 100% certain.


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thanks john you are about right...if you look across the road from where you have marked 118 you will see a white wall...this was the vine inn..

I'm not sure if this has been posted before but this is an aerial view of Villa Street. Lyn, I have marked what I think is No. 118 but not 100% certain.
Thank you for posting this photograph Brummy-Lad. By moving the photo upwards & to the right, my old house is visible in the bottom left hand corner (next to the cafe on the corner). It has been many years since I last saw the houses like this & has taken me back.
thanks john you are about right...if you look across the road from where you have marked 118 you will see a white wall...this was the vine inn..

My parents used to go in the Vine Lynn. So lovely to see a lovely photo sowing just how Villa Street was when I lived there.