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The School Bully


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I like one, two, three, four and more were the victims of the Bully...this is when I attended Burllington Street Junior School....I was smacked,called names, humiliated in front of others, WHY!..because I came from a poor family....I wore the same clothes all the while..I didn't live with my parents, I lived with my Nan...and all she had to feed, cloth and house us was her pension....it didn't stretch to giving us a selection of clothing to choose from.....that was the only reason I was picked on....I wouldn't have cared so much if it was one of the other kids in the class that was doing the bullying...but it wasn't...it was the school teacher...I cannot mention her name but it began with B and ended with a D, she was a nasty piece of work....I can recall her picking on one girl...who's name I have forgotton, she was a little slow, not the full shilling...never harmed a fly...she was never naughty, quiet as a mouse, never really spoke to anyone or even played...but this one day while ths teacher was reading a story, something was said or done to make her laugh out loud...I think we was all amazed to hear a sound from her....but this teacher wasn't amused, and call her out to the front of the class, to hit her with a rule across her hands...and because she could not stop laughing she began to smack her on the back of the legs until this girl started to cry....I must admit that I do hold a grudge against this person, and if I ever saw her I would have and still would remind her of what she did...no matter what age she was or is.....
I always got bullied at school because I wore glasses. There always seemed to be a group who used to make it hard for a few in every class.
There was a girl in our class at Primary School who came from a poor family, she was scruffily dressed, and not the best at personal hygene, if any of the kids played up there punishment would be to sit next to her, how must she have felt.
Oh yes, I remember the school bully at Anglesey Street School, I won't say his name, but I still remember it, suffice to say his dad kept the butchers shop on Nursery Road.

Before I left for Senior School (Icknield Street) he mad my life hell. They do say that revenge is sweet. On my second leave home from National Service, I was walking down Anglesey Street to our house in Wellesley Street, and who should be walking up the hill but the bully. I was now head and shoulders taller than he was, and the rolls were reversed. I am proud to say that I didn't lay a finger on him, but I did make him remember what he had done to me in the past, and he said he was sorry. Made me very happy.:D
Barrie same happened to me, I met my Bully from my Army days in the Gaumont Steelhouse Lane about three weeks after I came out of the Army.

Wont tell you what I said to him, all he could say to me was well it was my job. The funny thing about this story is when I was a member of Friends Utd and I had a e-mail from another Army mate and he said he had been in contact with a good friend of his in is Army days and you've guessed it it was the same person. Then he said I've given him your e-mail address and he said he would contact you, he never did.

By the way he was a Sargent Taylor and he is a Brummie would you believe:explode::explode:

I attended Yorkswood Junior and Infant School and there was a school bully in
my school - and it was a teacher, she was horrible, she had her "pets" - usually the richer kids, but if you wasn't wearing new clothes every week or going on holidays and your Dad didn't have a car then she would pick on you all the time and regularly humiliate kids, I did see her many years later and I finally had the courage to tell her what a disgrace she was to her profession.

I done this on a bus full of people and I will never forget the look of embarresment on her face , still they say what goes around comes around :D

:( I was never bullied at school but when I was in the first year at Manor Park I don't know why but I just couldn't take to one girl. Can't even give you a reason she never did anything to me. I used to deliberately stand behind her in assembly and put my knee into the back of her leg. We broke up for the summer holidays and on return in September we lined up for assembly and I noticed that she wasn't there. We were told to remain standing by Miss Plant as she had some very sad news to tell us. I won't mention her name but Miss Plant said that she had drowned trying to rescue her sister. Her sister also drowned. I don't think I have fealt so guilty in all my life. :( Jean. :(
Reading your posts regarding bullies brought back lots of memories, you only had to be 'different' in some way to be bullied, by both children and teachers. I left school nearly 50 years ago, but have never forgotten things that happened then. Teachers used punishment indiscriminately, using various implements including the cane, plimsolls,various pieces of wood , blackboard rubbers and of course, bare hands. What was dumb insolence? Me and my mate regularly got hit for this, we were also called 'working class guttersnipes' by one teacher. 'Happiest days of our lives', don't make me laugh!
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Verbal bullying.

:) I think verbal bullying Astonite is much worse than the physical kind. My grandson who has almost always wore glasses and to start with was smaller than his peers. He went through an awful stage of being verbaly abused. He would come and talk to me about it and when he would say "can we go up the garden nan" I would know what for. He is nearly sixteen now, holds down a Saturday job, one below a black belt karate, and is soon to take grade 5 guitar. At one time he thought if you can't beat them join them but thank goodness he didn't. TTFN. Jean. :)
The worst bully I ever encountered was the physics teacher at my Grammar School. He was a real charmer, and very handy with his fists. Until one day he clouted someone in class, and the outraged pupil clouted him back! There was hell to pay, as can be imagined, but 'Sir' disappeared after the end of that term, never to be seen again. To this day I hope he never prospered in life. He was an appalling specimen.

Good Old Days, or what?

Big Gee
School Bullies

Alf, the school in question wasn't in Aston, it was in Witton.
The teachers wouldn't have seen it as bullying in those days,merely instilling discipline.

Just Reading Barries Story About The School Bully. Having Lived In Villa St I Remember The Butchers Shop Very Well. Anyway I Was Never Physically Bullied But When I Was In My 1st And 2nd Year Seniors I Used To Get Called Names Such As Beanpole And Twiggy And Dont Stand Next To A Lampost You May Dissapear. I Was Quite Thin But These Comments Did A Lot To My Confidence And Self Esteem For A Few Years. Mom Used To Say Dont Worry You Will Have The Last Laugh And What Goes Around Comes Around. Of Course I Never Beleived It Would. I Was Very Jealous Of The Girls Who Were More Rounded Than Me. Then When I Was Old Enough To Hit The Nightclubs I Used To Go Every Friday Nite. One Night I Happened To See 2 Of The Girls Who Taunted Me At School And By God What Mom Had Said Had Come True. There Was Me With A Figure That Could Easily Carry Off Wearing Mini Skirts And Hot Pants And There Were They Looking Ridiculous In Theirs. They Had Put On So Much Weight Since Schools Days. The Look They Gave Me Will Stay With Me Forever. Another One Of Moms Sayings Was And Still Is Everything Comes To He Who Waits. How Very Wise My Mom Is I Have Now Passed All This Wisdom On To My Children. Wales.
Hi, I too as bullied at Alston Road school. in the 40's,. I came from Shropshire at the beginning of the war and had a very light lilting accent, so different than the Brummies. Mom also put big satin ribbons on my pig tails. We were not rich by any means but they were made from scraps from the local dressmakers. I was also very shy.
I was in a B stream class, I think this was because my maths were not good, because later I was moved to an A stream class. So I suppose I may have been seen as a bit brighter than some of my classmates. My shyness would not have made me 'holyer than thou' with it though.

I suppose this is one of the reasons why this girl was a bully, She would wait for me after school and start a fight. I had no experience of fighting and there was always a crowd round, we would both get the ruler for fighting all the same. She alo had some nasty habits which I wont go into, she tried to involve me but my innocence and abhorence prevailed and I avoided the situation only to be fought again at home time. Luckily for me I was upgraded and had no more bother from her.

I later found out that she had a beat in Aston. Not surprised, and I dont mean a policemans beat either!

I like one, two, three, four and more were the victims of the Bully...this is when I attended Burllington Street Junior School....I was smacked,called names, humiliated in front of others, WHY!..because I came from a poor family....I wore the same clothes all the while..I didn't live with my parents, I lived with my Nan...and all she had to feed, cloth and house us was her pension....it didn't stretch to giving us a selection of clothing to choose from.....that was the only reason I was picked on....I wouldn't have cared so much if it was one of the other kids in the class that was doing the bullying...but it wasn't...it was the school teacher...I cannot mention her name but it began with B and ended with a D, she was a nasty piece of work....I can recall her picking on one girl...who's name I have forgotton, she was a little slow, not the full shilling...never harmed a fly...she was never naughty, quiet as a mouse, never really spoke to anyone or even played...but this one day while ths teacher was reading a story, something was said or done to make her laugh out loud...I think we was all amazed to hear a sound from her....but this teacher wasn't amused, and call her out to the front of the class, to hit her with a rule across her hands...and because she could not stop laughing she began to smack her on the back of the legs until this girl started to cry....I must admit that I do hold a grudge against this person, and if I ever saw her I would have and still would remind her of what she did...no matter what age she was or is.....
I hate Bullies, I had this when I was at school with a couple of girls but for a teacher to do that to a child his terrible. I think I would feel the same as you.
Our school bully was the Headmaster.
Our head master at my secondary School was a bully, in fact my son went for a open evening just before they broke up for the school holiday's and the new head mistress I was talking to about this, said he was a bully and that even the teachers was scared of him. I always remember him in his cap and gown walking around the school, he never hardly talked just pointed you out to follow him to his office, when he did speak he talked through his teeth.
Unfortunately he had his favourites until the head girl became pregnant which upset him considerably. I can remember him standing up behind his lectern berating the poor girl for her loose morals in front of the whole school. I was friends with a lad that used to repair his car for him, Standard Vanguard, he could do no wrong in his eyes. Strange how these things can affect you even after all those years.
My School was Eliot Street Juniors and Seniors. Seems most of us knew of or had their own personal bully, mine was a girl called Linda, (mother had a florists on Lichfield Rd Aston) she sat behind me in class, whispering, I'll get you later - made my life hell and terrified me every 'playtime' in Junior school, never told my parents or teachers , but after she banged my head against a wall by my plaits for weeks on end I cut off my plaits to make it more difficult for her - surprisingly no one ever came to my rescue except for a senior girl called Lavinia Silvers. I often wondered how this Linda bully fared in life as she disappeared when we graduated to Senior (such a wonderful relief) , still feel disgust at how she made me feel, these days I would cheerfully shove her under a bus!, but my son - voice of reason - said Mom, just give the her the 100 yard wither stare and walk away.

If you are talking about the title under you avatar "Brummy babby" then you can change it yourself in the Personal Details page of your Profile.
Don't do it Catherine, babby is such a lovely word and just fits the mental image I have of you. Wench seems a bit hard for your soft personality.
Just saying !
Our school bully was the Headmaster, Mr Clarke. We looked up to him, but only because he was very tall. One day in assembly he jumped down from the stage & grabbed this poor lad by the scruff of his neck, dragged him to the exit & literally threw him out. His favourite trick was to spin you round & knee you in the backside. Horrible man. Probably rotting in hell i hope.
There was a girl in our class at Primary School who came from a poor family, she was scruffily dressed, and not the best at personal hygene, if any of the kids played up there punishment would be to sit next to her, how must she have felt.

I recall a similarly unfortunate girl at my primary school too. The girl you refer to wasn't called Diedre, by any chance?
could i please remind members not to mention by name any persons that may still be living...many thanks

I remember the school bullies at my school, most had them, and were mostly the same type, most now seem to inhabit the social media, Facebook and Twitter, seem to be full of them. ( not sure if I am allowed to mention this on Forum) hope I hav't done wrong. Paul
could i please remind members not to mention by name any persons that may still be living...many thanks


Of course, Astoness. For my part, I gave only a common first name and deliberately left out the name of the school.