I met my school bully in my first year at Ilmington boys school. This lad wasn’t big, scrawny and scruffy actually but was an real scrapper with massive confidence. Although he never laid a hand on me he would make us do tasks like get him a drink, do his shoe laces up etc or else. His main aim though was to take your lunch off you. One day I told my elder sister so she decided to make me a chocolate muffin type of cake, the difference being that the chocolate layer was mixed with two packets of ex lax ( chocolate flavoured laxatives). He took the bait and we didn’t see him for a few days, sadly it was only temporary. As I grew up I always thought I’d flatten his nose if I ever met him. Sure enough in my mid thirties I did a house call in line with my job and he answered the door. He was still little, scruffy, smelly and pathetic, his appearance saved his nose I suppose.