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The Kingstanding

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know what you mean jean. thats why i dont drink out much these days. as for the summer. all i can say its a good job we have our friends on here to keep each other company. bye for now. im waving ha ha :)
I used to live in Kettlehouse Road, and as a lad used to play around the old "KIngstanding" pub collecting beer bottle tops to make badges. yes those pictures show it exactly as it was in those days. The Kingstanding traffic island was also fenced in with pathways running across amongst the trees in 2 directions, a bit like an hot cross bun. by the way Jean, the Queslett pub was my local for a few years, in the 60's, great place, run well by Bill & Vera.
Only been in there once since it was altered, a quiz night going on, what ever happened to the quiet pint?
Thanks for that link Bren. I see the pic you've attached is from 1955 and I assume that the pub is the imposing area directly west of the circle. I presume that it was removed perhaps late 50s or early 60s but that would mean there have been two rebuildings since that time which seems remarkable. I can only assume that the first one pictured had so much land that M & B decided to profit by selling off much of the space as Kingstanding grew. I think I'm right in saying that there was a lot of Irish immigration to that area after the war.

The Kingstanding estate was started after 1928 when Birmingham acquired it because Perry Barr Corporation went bust. The Kingstanding pub in the picture was there till at least 1970, i am pretty sure it got through the sixties, i have a lousy memory but i can remember sinking a few with my dad in there and i was in my twenties. At the rear they had rows of tables and benches and two bowling greens, you can see them in that picture, it is this area that is now the shopping centre and it is the pub that has been rebuilt twice. As for the Irish, as a kid i didn't notice that many, there where a few but most of the families had all been moved up from Aston so it was a reflection of the mix in Aston.
Goffy might remember more/better than me regards dates.
By the way Goffy, which side of Kettlehouse did you live, i lived in Dormington Rd and backed on to Kettlehouse Rd

I was at school (George Dixon Grammar School) with Keith Williams, whose dad was landlord of The Kingstanding in the early 1960's. In those days it was a good pub, unlike the dump it is today. Prior to that Mr Williams Senior had the Bulls Head on Birchfield Road. Keith followed his dad in the licensed trade, and had a pub on Wellington Road, Perry Barr - I can't remember its name.

It seems strange these days that, when I was a lad living in Witton, Kingstanding was seen as a very superior place to live...

Big Gee
I like this one, it shows just how large the forecourt was of "The Kingstanding" and the at the back you had the outside seating area and then the two bowling greens.
That kid was risking it walking on the grass, if there was an adult about he would have got shouted at

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Bren what a lovely photo thats just how I like to remember Kingstanding. We went there often and travelled through on the bus to my grans in Great Barr.
Down the Kings Road, from the Kingstanding Pub stood another pub called the King Charles, it's a block of flats these days, used to be the 33 bus terminus.

duing the 50's the Teddy Boys used hang out.
My older brother was one of those Teddy Boys, they liked the Kings Rd, just riding up and down. There is another pub a bit further up, The Mount that was used a lot, still there but not the original

The "Mount" When we were kids, wasjust a big old empty house,
we used to say it was haunted,and we would go and have a look around,
then it became a coal depot during the war,that was where we got our coal from in an old pram
The 'new' Mount and Kingstanding can't be 30 years old. It's obviously not just the old ones that are going. On another thread someone suggested that those remaining are pubs with a restaurant or restaurants with a bar - probably not much difference. If people start finding they can't eat out as much where do we go then? It's a sad thought but the fact is adults and children will be spending more time in the house talking on the computer !!!!

The Kingstanding estate was started after 1928 when Birmingham acquired it because Perry Barr Corporation went bust. The Kingstanding pub in the picture was there till at least 1970, i am pretty sure it got through the sixties, i have a lousy memory but i can remember sinking a few with my dad in there and i was in my twenties. At the rear they had rows of tables and benches and two bowling greens, you can see them in that picture, it is this area that is now the shopping centre and it is the pub that has been rebuilt twice. As for the Irish, as a kid i didn't notice that many, there where a few but most of the families had all been moved up from Aston so it was a reflection of the mix in Aston.
Goffy might remember more/better than me regards dates.
By the way Goffy, which side of Kettlehouse did you live, i lived in Dormington Rd and backed on to Kettlehouse Rd


Sorry Bren, just looking back at some old posts, I must have missed this one. I lived on the Dormington side of Kettlehouse road, our house backed on to Stanway Grove, I went to Kinsgland road school on top of Bandywood. I believe the Kingstanding Pub was still there when I got married in '64 but we are sure the shopping precinct was there in the early '70s.

My wifes family, who lived on Kingsland road. (yes I married a local girl) had a dog called "Spot", now no one understood why, but Spot made his way to the Kingstanding pub in the evenings and not return home until after closing time, perhaps he enjoyed a drop of bitter ?

Hey Goffy, was there an alley way at the back of your house that ran down between the houses of Kettlehouse and Dormington, well i know there was one but don't know if it went up as far as yours. It came out on our road alongside our house, great for scrumping. I also went to Kingsland Rd school as did my older brothers and sisters, the trees up there always seemed the biggest you would see anywhere, i think they knocked the old wooden huts down recently and built a new school.

Alf, these are the New Flats by The Mount in Kings Road, KINGSTANDING,built on the site of the old ones I think you may have lived in 1968?
I remember The New Mount opening it must have been 20 odd years ago,and the first gaffer was John Murphy RIP he took over it after leaving the Hashted Hamlet in Nechells...:)Mau-reece
Hi Bren, The Alley did not reach our house but stopped a few houses down. there were a lot of those alleys or Gullys as we used to call them behind the houses in Kingstanding, great short cuts in most cases. Used to play cricket amongst those trees on the Bandywood, The Wooden classrooms at the school were still there for years, but they've gone now, Only the girls half of the school still looks the same. remember those great long slides on the playground in the winter, could'nt have a go if you had studs in your boots, then the caretaker always ruined it by covering them with hot ashes.
Happy days

This might be the closest thread to post this one,

Oscott, Court Lane, The Greyhound Pub,

old 9th April 1933 n 8th Feb 2009



  • Erdington Court Lane The Greyhound 1933.jpg
    Erdington Court Lane The Greyhound 1933.jpg
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I live just 2mins walk from here, i looked it up on the Census some years ago, can't remember exactly but i think it said "Farmer of 53 acres (?), Beer seller"

Dave, was there a year for the old photo ?, be nice to have an idea when it was taken

Hi Bren: I am very familiar with The Greyhound Pub. My brother lives in Sutton Coldfield and we would take that route back to his place from Marsh Hill area through Kingstanding. It's amazing that the pub is still there. Next time I visit I intend to go into it.

Have you seen the site run by Gary O'Brien, an ex-policeman who lives in the Goosemoor Lane area. I have been on his e-mail list for over five years and he puts out an update every Monday. His site is: https://www.geocities.com/goosemoorlane/ He has so much info on this site plus history of the area including the Greyhound pub.
Thanks for posting Dave. Can't say I have seen these photos of Kingstanding Circle before. Noticed the man in the invalid carriage with the three wheels. I remember them from years ago.
Hi Bren, just found your photo of kinstanding fom the air Brilliant posted april 2007. You say that lived in dorminton road so did i on the cornnerof kettlehouse my mom was called nelle. Back to the pub first started drnking in there when i was about 16 after a couple of years went i and said to Stan the landloard are you going to buy me a pint for my birthday he asked how old i was and i said 18 told me to you no what and dont come back for a week Ha Ha.. Now live in the westcountry have done for a few years and have not been back up too Brum for some time. Ran into and old mate not that long ago he was down hear on holiday and he wassaying that i would belive how much Kingstandig has changed and not for the better !!!! he even said that the Trees is now a Chinese Resturant what next a.

Jen Looking for photos of The Old Old Horns not the new, The Trees ant The Deers Leap as these were my old favouret Pub Regards Pete