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The Kingstanding

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The Presence of King Charles in the district and surrounds of Birmingham is well documented and after staying at Aston Hall went on to Barr Common to address his loyal supporters, as he was not a tall man his soldiers threw up a small hillock with spades so he could stand above the people while he made his address …that small hill became known as Kingstanding and gave name to the district as well as this pub (see photo) the man on the horse on the sign is suppose to be King Charles
Never been in the pub so cannot make a comment on this Great Mock Baronial building....does it still stand today ? if it does I will go and have a pint in their...but I have a gut feeling it don't


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Theres now a shopping center on the site, still pub called the Kingstanding but much smaller and not very nice from ther outside.
I was born just up the road from The Kingstanding, my mother went into labour whilst scrubbing the steps and if dad didn't call in there they sent a search party out LOL. I always thought as a kid what a grand building it was and the spiral brickwork chimneys used to fascinate me. It was a crime when they knocked it down, not because it wasn't used, it was very popular, but for so called progress and what we have in it's place now is an eyesore shopping centre and i must say cromwell, a pub not worth a mention let alone a visit.

Sorry cromwell, i should have said thank you for posting the picture, i have for some time been on the look out for one, hope you don't mind me taking a copy also. There are some photo's on this site of the area, some when it was just farm land and others when Birmingham City obtained the land and started building, late 1920s early 1930s, area's and roads reflect the names such as Kettlehouse Farm, Warren Farm and Bandywood, the names carry on but thats about all, there isn't one tree left at Bandywood but it must have been heaven to all those people who was moved out of Aston into the countryside.

You spoke of King Charles, the pub named after him has long gone also, a case of get as many houses you possibly can into a small area.
At the continue point of Kingstanding Rd and Sutton Oak Rd there used to be a small fenced off area and we was always told this is the spot that King Charles stood when he made his address to his supporters, have not been that way for years so don't know if this is still marked, i might just swing by there and have a look now i know more and my curiosity has been stirred.

Thanks for posting the post card of "The Kingstanding" Cromwell. Where about
was this magnificent pub located on Kingstanding Road and when was it demolished. Thanks Bren for your input as well. Sorry to hear that the modern version doesn't rate Mike. I am finding out new things on this site all the time.
kings mound.gif Kingstanding Mound

Hi Bren, As you can see from the attached, the MOUND is still on the hill were you said.
I will try today (if weather lets me) take a pic of the kingstanding pub as it is to day,
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The Kingstanding 2007

Hi again Bren, just passed that pub and here are the Pic as promised.
What a shame to lose such a good looking building for that!:|
Regards ASTON


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Thanks for going the extra mile Aston...I notice the only thing that is nearly the same is the Pub sign
that sign is covered by CCTV by the look of it,(if it an't screwed down its gone).
As you pass by you can smell the ciggy smoke & thats with the doors closed,I do not know how they will cope after the 1st of July! bet you will not be able to get passed on the sidewalk for smokers.
Well i'll be blowed, well done Aston, i had to run the daughter from Walsal to Sutton and swung by there myself within the last hour but hadn't got my camera with me. Must say i thought the area was well tended around the mound, had a look in my A-Z and the spot is marked as Ancient Monument.
Once again thank you Aston

Job welldone Aston another mission complete:) that Smell might have been coming from the Fish & Chip shop:rolleyes:

The actual "King Charles" pub was on the corner of Kings Rd & Hartley Rd
long since gone,houses built there now
Quite agree Bren,the present pub is not worth a mention.....

Can remember quite clearly going in the old Kingstanding, could never remember coming out though......:redface: (Boom, boom, the old ones are the best!)

Interesting to learn of the origin of the name of the area, thanks Crommie.:great:
king standing pub

hi crom; and bren and friends
i,ve been just lookng at the pics of the king standing pub,
why did they knock down the old one , may be for that dirty
grey precint i surpose , i have a cousin whom works in the precint
peter smart he used to have a butcher shop up on the kings road
i think it was also a freezer centre of frozen meat , many many years ago
the last i heard of him in the 70, to 80,s was he was a manager aT
walter smiths the butchers in that dirty old precint
i dont know whether that is still there , i honestly dont know
as you all know i live in a little village in worcestshire
but getting back on track regards the pub , it will not detere these people
whom are the punters of the licencee,s. i had the unfortuneate pleasure in
going into that pub afew years ago to speak to the land lady ,
to obtain some info; on the pub down the road ,
the hare and hounds , before i took the licence out on it
the licence officier was based at sutton coldfield police station
whom said go and speak with a certain lady , namely the licence,e
about the hare and hounds before taking it on
and when i went in it was ghastly , the pitts the smell of gunge , smokey
and full of gangie , [ dope ] and the clientele is not to be desired
all old lags excons arm robbers vag abonds all from across b,ham
there was qiute afew i reconised from the past even spoke to them
that pub will never change ,and you will never change the punters , believe me they run the pub, no smoking ban ain,t gonna work there believe me
and if they haven,t decided yet to knock it down yet ;
i think you will be surprized it won,t be that far behind when
the police decide to closed it down because they can not enforce that pub rules regarding the no smoking ban
they objected to the hare and hounds licence , before i came around
and they gave it to me , but because the owner was dodgy
he was not up front with me as to why the police would not give him a licence for the hare and hounds , i resigned the licence back
at the last minute , i knew the pub had a chequerd history ,
because i have a couple of market traders cousins whom lived
around in hurlingham rd and they still do , and the sutton police also told me the reasons as to why they will not give him one for it
i have a big noise brother inlaw whom is well known around b,ham
through out and he his a prosecuter fot the wasall area whom lives down
the greenway by the sutto park in a very big house
whom also informed me ,had he told me the truth he could have had his licence
but yet again getting back to the king standing pub
i would like to say that the couple of picutures that was shown was good
and that today s picture is bad as it is outside as inside
i never knew the old pub ,but it looked a nice pub ,
i knew that kingstanding in the fifties had the kingstanding mob
whom all used to carry a bed spring in there pockets for beating people up
and you had the teddy boys but i won,nt have thought
they are like todays riff , that frequent there
i there say i could name quite afew today if i walked in ,
and i do know that for certain , i met some one the other week whom filled me in on who,s where and where best wishes astonian ,
The Mound

Aston, when I lived in Kingstanding back in 1938 to 1953 the Mound as it is now called was a lot different. It had a 6ft high fence around it about 20ft square, and inside there were more trees than in your picture. Also on the side facing the Kingstanding road there was a trench about 15ft long and it had rock walls to hold up the dirt, I guess it was for the soldiers to take cover. As kids we used to climb over the fence to play in there.

Have a nice day, Wally.
Came across this M & B publicity photo after building. Sad that this wonderful looking building was replaced by the modern monstrosity!



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Hi Bob

That's a nice pic, where on earth did you get that one from, better than the first one we had put on here some time ago. As i said earlier on this thread i used to, as a kid, think that was a grand building and at that time could boast it had the longest bar in Brum with two very large open fires at each end.

Looking at that has just reminded me, the chain link fence with the white posts had diamond shape spikes in the links and the Odeon picture house across the road on the corner of Kings Rd and Kettlehouse Rd had the same fence running around it, caught myself a few times on them when we used to jump the chain :D.

As Bren says what a wonderful picture. I used to pass it on the way to my grans house but it didn't look like that!
Wendy I can't remember it looking anything like that either. In fact it made me wonder whether it had been rebuilt twice since the war though I would have thought it unlikely. I don't know when the current one was built, 1970s?

The picture was from an M & B yearbook from the 1930s. I've got some more of these publicity shots of the pubs when built so I'll put one on from time to time to generate discussion

This is the picture I have of the Kings Standing. I'm afraid I know nothing about it, as I am lost in that part of the world.


24/12/11. When reinstating this post I could not decide which photo I had originally used. So I have posted one of each version of the pub.


That's more like I remember it Phil. We need a kingstanding expert now

Will take a trip there sometime this week as we are not going to the van. Will take a photo from the car park into the precinct. If there is anything specific you would like me to find out let me know?. Jean. ps. If we were dying of thirst we would not step foot in the pub. It's been shut down several times in the past few years.

I have found over the years some of the pubs that have the roughest of reputations are often spread by people who have never been through the doors and in reality can often be very good pubs. Though I have to admit there are others that merit their reputations, but I would only say that about a pub I had visited and suffered a bad experience.

Phil I love some of the old rough pubs but this is the sort of place that is constantly being raided by police and a couple of years ago the doorman had a bullet in his knee. Just the fact that a bouncer is put on the door speaks for itself. You can constantly hear the police sirens from where we live raiding the place. Every week without fail the windows are put in. Bye. Jean.
hi all. as you know jean im less than a ten min walk from the kindstanding and ive never set foot in there. i like the old pubs with history to them. a welcome behind the bar and the old locals sitting in the corner playing cards or dominos. these pubs still exist. one of my favorites is the stag on summer lane. also of course its one of the only remaining 3 left on the lane out of the many that used to be there. there used to be one on every corner but only one (the vine) had the offical address of summer lane. but i bet some of you knew that. wales.:)
jean. the only 3 left now are the stag. the royal george and the barrel. what a pity. imagine the fun we would have going from from to the the other if they were all still there. (not that i drink much) lol :)
Wales. I used to love the Queslett before they tarted it up. The old farmers would all congregate in the back room play domino's and cards etc. It was so cosy then. Everyone new everyone. [not so long ago]. You didn't feel that you had to put your Sunday best on. Can't stand the place now. We call in in the summer [what's that]? and have a drink outside. I'l wave to you from the bedroom window in a mo Wales. Bye. Jean.