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The Adam and Eve, Bradford Street


proper brummie kid
I would love to see a picture of the above pub (which I believe no longer exists). I used to go to the jazz club there in the 50's.
Many thanks for that the pics is great that used to belong to my dear old friend john;
whom also used to own a couple of other pubs around digbeth the rose taveren
as well as another one and the emily arms years ago
i suspect john as passed away by now given is age he was when i last seen him
its been many years now since we last met at the rose tavern ;
have a nice sospiri and every body else best wishes astonian
Yes I think that's it - thank you very much. As I remember it, as you entered the lobby there was a set of stairs directly in front of you. That's where we went up to the club in the room above to listen and dance to the dixeyland jazz. The locals ignored us and got on with their drinking. We teenagers were mostly from the more affluent outer suburbs.
Still there last time I looked. Although these days the bands play downstairs and the upstairs has been converted to bedrooms for a B&B so I been told.

I also think the Adam & Eve is still standing at least it was when I passed by about 12 months ago. Here is a photo of it as it is now and another of one more nearer the time that you used it.


A friend of mine played there in May this year and I havent heard anything about it closing down since then
Thank you for those two pics phil, especially the older one. Isn't it strange how places seem much larger in your memory than they are in real life.
As a teenager in the 1950's I enjoyed the weekly Dixieland Jazz sessions at the Adam and Eve. If my memory serves me well one of the young band members had pure white hair.

that was george huxley. the trombone player was i think charles powell and pete rollason was on piano.brings back happy memories, Em
Thanks very much `philm'. I can recall him being inrtoduced as George when I think hard about it. Those were enjoyable evenings. Thanks for the memory.

That one with pure white hair was George Huxley, reeds man mostly clarinet, he's had a most distinguished career and still plays regularly...sometimes where I go every Wednesday night to the wonderful Sutton Coldfield Trad Jazz Club at the Walmley Social club. Only a fiver at a great venue, no membership needed, easy to find, no problem parking...anyone who loves true jazz should try it. George now, also plays at a venue in Coventry and at some of Festivals and jazz week-ends around the country.
Thanks for the information "Shawcross" I can't believe George Huxley is still playing his clarinet, he must be over eighty now! Have you any news of the other band members? - many years ago quite by chance I bumped into Charles the trombone player strolling along the prom in a Spanish resort, with his friend Pete Sands, with whom I was at school. Still have a photograph of them somewhere.
The Adam and Eve is still standing, although I see it's been sold by auction. It's a large site so be interesting to see what happens to it. There's also a house next to it on the Bradford Street side which has seen better days. Another one to watch. Viv.


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My interest in the Adam and Eve has been tickled. Consequently, this morning I have uploaded a plan of the area BEFORE any development. However, for clarification of pub locations I have plotted some roads and buildings myself. So, one for those who like maps such as Mike ......

My interest in the Adam and Eve has been tickled. Consequently, this morning I have uploaded a plan of the area BEFORE any development. However, for clarification of pub locations I have plotted some roads and buildings myself. So, one for those who like maps such as Mike ......

I have been pottering away with this pub today. If it helps with interpretation of this early plan, I have uploaded some early history of the Adam and Eve at :

I will continue with the story this evening.
Looks like it was extended
The extension dates from 1928. Well, the building plans were drawn up in that year. In the photograph above you can see the shiny clean brickwork of the extension which was made to tie in with the existing design. A superb job. Here are the plans :

Vivienne14's post #15 shows the dilapidated shop next door to the Adam and Eve. Here is one in happier times. At the start of the Second World War this shop was run by Catherine Saunders. It is a little blurry but I am fairly sure it is her name
above the door in this image from 1958. The main banner advert across the shop is for "Cookeen - For The Golden Touch." I think I can remember my mom buying this in the past.

Bradford Street - Pub and Shop.jpg
Moving along from the last photograph, this image shows a couple of the factories that were in Bradford Street. My old headmaster used to have a Rover saloon like the one pictured.

Bradford Street - Bennett & Rawson.jpg