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Gone but not forgotten R.I.P.
Over the years I have worked and visited different parts of the country, but tea does'nt seem to taste as good as it does in B'ham. Now it's probably due to ' sterra '(steralized) milk, and the water as well. But why does it seem to be only in Birmingham that 'sterra' milk seems to be more popular? Though I do think that pastuerised is gradually starting to take over, whether it is skimmed or semi skimmed.
Long live 'sterra'

I was brought up on it. Now, yuck, i don't like it. I think i mentioned this before if i did then you may tell me to shut up. some years ago they found a bottle of steralised milk under the Co-op in the tunnels unopened it had been there for 100 years and it was still fit for human consumption. I think it may have been used by more people because of that very reason...Cat
Alfie, your link reminded me of my father. He would make a pot of tea, the only time he was ever seen to lift a finger, the pot had to be metal, three caddy spoons of tea, fill with boiling water then onto the cooker to 'stew'. I really only discovered tea when I left home, still don't drink much of it, but it does taste good if you have a packet of fish and chips from the chippie.
I remember when I was a young lad, while on Holiday in Weston Super Mare, being sent by my Mom for a bottle of 'sterra' milk, the lady in the shop said "oh you mean Birmingham milk"
There Ain,t Nothink Wrong With A Bottle Of Brummie Milk
The Good Old Stuff ,AddsThe Extra Flavour And Colour To The Good Old Twinning Tea I Was Brought Up On It I Would,nt Have It Any Other WAY
Its Better Than That Coulored Dish Water Pasterised, I Am A Tea Totaliser
And I Will And Can Do Stand There And Drink As Many Cups ,And Pots
Of Tea You Are Prepared To Line Up I Would Drink The Dammed Lot
I Love My Tea,I Have Got AFriend Whom His Well Known Celebertie
And In His Kitchen He As A Rack Of Tea,s From All Over The World Some Are Highly Purfumed ,Which I Do Not Like I,LL Stick With The Commer,s Tea Brand ,As I Would Say To Him, I Was Worked At The Handsworth Dairies In
Island Rd Handsworh Many Years Ago In My Youth And Seen How They Packed And Cartoned There Milk It Put Me Off For Life There Milk Was Produced And Put In Storage For At Least Six Months In Advaced,I Would Never Drink Pasterised Again , In My Life Speaking Of Dairies ,Can Any body
Tell Me If The CO/OP Dairy Still There And Active At Vauxall Nechells
I Past There 2 Weeks Ago I Thought It Looks likeNew Factorys Being Built ,The Good Old Brummie Milk And The Stera Is The Tops ,I Know I Used To Be A Milk manFor The Good Old Midlands Dairyies Moland St And Corporatin St ,Way Back In The Fifties ,Have A Nice Day Every body ASTONIAN ,';;;
Birmingham milk, never heard that before ,Brilliant. I think Birmingham and the local areas is the only place were you will find a crate of stera milk on the floor of the outdoor.
In Canada I use Tetly tea or breakfast tea, can't stand Earl Grey tastes like perfume. If it's sterilized milk you are referring to I have never seen it in Canada - only use 2% pasturalized milk - any how always found sterilized milk far too sweet for my taste
Hanco I think you are right the water makes the difference. Our Aunt lives 40 min north of us and is on well water. I just hate the tea made with it. As she has had a problem with the well she now gets water from the spring a little way west or uses bottle water, much better.
I think we had Birmingham Dairies in Northfield. In Bourneville where my husband grew up it was Bourneville Dairies and we live in Handsworth , having our milk from Handsworth Dairies. Our milkman Mr Whitehouse lived on the corner of Uplands Road so we could pick up a bottle if we ran short. We never had sterilized although some of our neighbours that is all they had.
I have just heard or White Tea and I'm going to get some next week and try it. Rather like Green Tea and you don't have milk in it. Mo
Steralised milk was popular before we all had fridges,It does last longer did they use it in cereals? My mom woudn't have anything else suppose it's what you get used to, can't stand that long life milk.
We never had a fridge. We got our first one in about 1965 and that was a used one. We had milk delivered every day so it wasn't issue. When I got married in 1968 we bought a fridge as soon as we could afford one. Mo
The best tea i ever had was served to me by an Arab some years ago, with no milk, and i have never tasted tea like it since, I presume it was free of all of those mind bending chemicals that now flood our tea pots...Cat
When I was 23 I was a youth leader at Ladywood Brookfield Boys Club. I was the first female leader they ever had so of course I felt I had to clean the snack bar. The tea pot which was huge was disgusting as you can imagine so that was my first project. It looked quite good after a clean inside and out.
No one could believe how terrible the tea tasted coming out of a clean pot. It took a while to recover and I doubt was ever cleaned on the inside again.
It was a very interesting experience at that club as it was in the days of Mods and Rockers, the local park was the battle ground for the gangs. Some of the kids had a really hard life but I liked them and my time there. Mo
I attended a burglary at a house in Camden Street in the late fifties. The occupier was a Indian, who was at pains to tell me had been a policeman in his home country. He offerred me a cup of tea. Esprit de corps or whatever I agreed and I was sat down in the 'best lounge' and off he went.

He returned with a piece of his best crockery with a saucer and I started to drink it. Yuck! It tasted of curry. I drank as much as was sociable and then offered to take the cup into his kitchen On walking through I found his lady simply cutting up into sections a chicken that had not been cleaned out and putting the bits into a pot and spooning other ingredients into the pot. Can guess this was the spoon that sugared my tea.

There was a pub in Camden Street, I forget it's name, but I enjoyed the half of bitter I had in there to wash my mouth out.
Yuk what a terrible experience Willoughby - Had that been me - polite or not - I would have been sick on the spot -
Will - Did you know the Ladywood Brookfield Youth Club? I'm not sure when it opened, I was there as a leader around 1966/67. The local police were very supportive of what we did. The full time leader was called Dave I think. Mo
I RememberThe Club, Ok.I Presume The Local Nick , You Are Refering To Is Old Kenyon St , -C, Division , It Was A Good Idea About Opening
The Youth Club There For The Local Community,At Around That Time
There Was ALot Of School Kids Delinquents , Going Around ,
And Regarding The Station Desk Sargent He Loved His Tea ,He Always Had A Whopping Blue, And White Mug Filled With Tea ,
And If I Remember The Asian Gentlemam Lived Very Close To The Grotto
Pub , Which Was Half Way Down Camden st There Was A Pub At The TopEnd
A Large White Pub I ThinkIt Was The King Edward At The Top End
Was Another Pub In Blue ,I Cannot Recall Its Name And It Had An Old Blue Police Phome Box Out Side It For The Local Bobby To Contact The Station ,
Whilst On His Beat , The Asian Man Lived By The ALLYEBONE Family House
So I Would Say Inspector Will,Went ItoThe Great Grotto For His Swift Half
That Was The Best Pub In The Sqaure Mile Of The Area, ASTONIAN ,;;
Sorry I left Kenyon Street in 1960 and by 1966 had spread my wings to be handling more serious matters, than simple burglarys, in both Brum and the surrounding counties.

I often marvel at your powers of recall on topics in the Hockley area. I cannot say if you are correct over the Asian gentleman, you refer to, for my memory is not so good as yours. As for the pub. So much water under the bridge. All I can recall is that it was empty and the barman was setting up for the day. One thing I am sure it was the first time, and possibly only time, I drank a beer in the morning. A lot in the evenings but not the mornings.

On the question of the station sergeant. On nights I would have been the one supplying him with his mugs of tea circa 1958 to 59. Well on a winter's night, being the stand in reserve man kept one in the warm and not on the cold streets. Mom didn't have a complete idiot as a son.
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Hi Dibb
To Be Quite Honest There Was,nt Much In The Distance Apart If You Were To Caluate The Distances Between KeyonSt , And Dudley Rd ,
Which Was As People Would Refere [ Summer Field Rd ,]
Summerfield , Was A Little Sub Diverion Of Keyon St, And Lady Wood ,
And Also Handsworth , [ Thorn Hill Rd Police Station ] Being The Main Body Of All The Three Diversions , In A Sence It Was An EXTENTED Office For The Force Nothink Went On There Much For Officiers To Used Rather Dashing Back To Any Other Of The Stations ,Thorn Hill And Lady Wood Was The Major Offices [ That Was C Divison ] Handled All The Serious Crime
Keyon St Handled The The King Standing P.O Robbery Many Years Ago,
I Certainly Remember The Incident Of The Asion Family Down The Entry
I Certainly Remember The Hockley Very Clearery AS It Was Yesterday ,
And The Inhabinants
Best Wishes To You ALL ASTONIAN ,;;;
Dudley Road Police Station was, to use an expression, the extension of Kenyon Street and officers from the latter were posted to Dudley Road for periods of time.
Of course working Dudley Road one needed a bicycle due to the distances an officer had to cover.
I collected my Raleigh cycle from my home and took it with me to that station after I had a temporary posting there. It was like being posted to the country when compared to Kenyon Street. Cycling down tree lined roads on a summers morning is one of the many memories I have of that station.
I was transferred to CID from there and left my bike in the shed at the rear. If the shed, let alone the station, is still there have a look for me. It was a green roadster type bike with a saddlebag. Only forty eight years ago and we know Raleigh made good bikes so it could be there.
The Old Station Is Still There And The Shesds ,bUT they Also Now Got Afew Garages Now In The Back YardWith Plenty Of Cars ,
Cor Blimey , They Need ThemUp At The Dudley Rd Now ,
You Would Be Disgusted If You Seen The State Of The Area ,
And Its A No Go Erea Now After 8pm Beleive Me , I Will Try And Get You Some Pics Of The Old Nick , And The Surrondings Between Now And The
Week End You Will Not Beleive How Your Old PatchLooks Like Now
I Done Abit Of The Mentioning Regards The Stations Twice Now But For Some Reasons Our Moderators Don,t Think Its Right I Done One EarlyThis Morning Mentioning What YouHave Basicaly Said About The Extentioning Of The Keyon St Office But They Never Put My Thread On , I Hope They Allow This Thread
And The Trees Are All Long Gone They Have Altered The Winson Green Rd Facing The Nick And Made It A One Way Street And YouHave To Come Up Heath St, To Get Onto Dudley Rd Where Upon If You Can Remember
It Was Straight Across The Rd Facing The Station You Would Have Peddle4d Down The Green ,Not No More The Old Off Licence Is Still Facing The Station , It Is Owened And Run By Asians ,The Chippie AS gONE
sO aS tHE News Agents Next To The Station ,All The Pubs Have Gone
Along The Rd Except The Old Wind Mill Still Getting The Old Charactors In
From Yesterday Oh, And The Old Smiths Arms IS Still There Down On The Winson Green Rd , And The One Facing The Prison [ Winson Green
The Old PrisonAs Had A Make Over With New Extentions And Higher New Walls And A Brand New Exit UpBy The Cannal, You Wouldnt Know The Old Area Now Will. Speak To You Soon And Hope Fully I Can Get Some Pics
Sorted For You , ASTONIAN ,;;;
I Done Abit Of The Mentioning Regards The Stations Twice Now But For Some Reasons Our Moderators Don,t Think Its Right I Done One EarlyThis Morning Mentioning What YouHave Basicaly Said About The Extentioning Of The Keyon St Office But They Never Put My Thread On , I Hope They Allow This Thread

That is a pity, hope your thread gets on when you find Wills bike in the shed. That would be quite a find. Maybe no one has looked in there for the last 40 years. Maybe the thread was moved, what was it called?
Well good luck with your search and look forward to seeing the photographs. Mo
I'd blame Astonian for going off thread, if I was dishonest, from a cuppa of tea to a definately rusty old bike in a shed up Dudley Road.

Perhaps those clever on these things may wish to put this diversion convo. under 'Police' and everyone can get back to their cuppas on this section. Just a thought !
"Whilst On His Beat , The Asian Man Lived By The ALLYEBONE Family House
So I Would Say Inspector Will,Went ItoThe Great Grotto For His Swift Half
That Was The Best Pub In The Sqaure Mile Of The Area, ASTONIAN "

I think there were 3 Atkinson public houses in Camden Street also, The Warstone, The Great Western, and the other one on the corner of Rosebery Street, the name I know not.
I know it is breaking the law of the forum but that is how interesting facts come out. Will.
Who knows maybe your bike will be found. Did it have gears, my bike that I rode until I drove a car didn't. Now I have trouble trying to work out how they work I have so many. Ha!Ha!
As dib44 says there are or were lot of pubs around there. That is why the youth centre was so important, as a lot of the parents were there during all opening hours. It wasn't unknown to have to look for a parent for some reason and Dave would check the pubs. As most of the homes had cold water the kids didn't have a good wash as they were alone most of the time, so I got towels and hot water for any of them that wanted to use them. No one thought it would catch on but it did and the boys were very happy for the opportunity to have warm water. Mo
And here I am 4 43 am, a large mug of tea by my side (about a pint) 3 sugars and topped up with Sterra, yes, I can drink tea with other milk in, Pasteurized, Homogenised, red top, green top, gold top etc but nothing beats Sterra.
I guess it is a Brummie thing as you rarely find it outside of here, but for me, it's how tea should be drunk.
I think the water here is better too, I miss the slightly sweet taste of good ld Brummie water and as for Cat hearing about a 100 year old bottle of Sterra, all I can say is, that it must have been bottled with water from Sellafield...wonderful stuff.
Yes I Recomend A Nice Big Cup Of Twinning Afternoon Tea, The Boffins Have Stated Not So Long Back That Tea Is An Healthy Drink And Reduces Heart Attacks ,And Not Like These Big Coffee Drinkers , That Keeps Them Hypo. Active And Gets There Blood Pressure Up And Racing Which Eventualy Brings On The Heart Attacks, My Kettle Is Never Off Yhe Boil , And My Cup Is Never Empty, I,M Just Off Now To Get My Top Of
Twinnings Brew , With My Four Sugars, And My Drop Of Sterra, Best Wishes To You All
And Ejoy Your Tea ,And CAut Down On Your Coffee , ASTONIAN ,
I am sitting in my office with my cup of tea enjoying the view out my wall of windows. It's a quiet day here, peaceful and the last work day of my week as I am taking off tomorrow. My cup is almost empty and I'm off to get myself another full cup of tea and enjoy the peace and, hopefully, solitude of the remainder of my day.

Coffee? Never touch the stuff myself. Too bitter for my taste.
