As I remember up until the 1960's there was a law called "Retail Price Maintenance" .
We had a brass plate on the lift at work and the posers all did their hair in it.Bill, best to let sleeping dogs lie or in this case, let fag machines lounge! Nico don't think this lady was trying the two for one trick, but it did remind me of how useful cigarette machines could be, not just for fags, but for the essential glance to check hair and makeup when out and about. Look at the gloss on that chrome. A work of art.
I remember when you could go to a corner shop and but one or two ciggies, usually Woodbine I think, but I'd have been only about 5 at the time and I hadn't started puffing at that stage! I remember my grandad sending someone to get them. Viv.
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Since this thread started I keep noticing street furniture in the old pics and Perry Barr had it's share.
I've made two existing forum pics appear here and the first pic has a fire telephone point on the near corner, and look at that pub lantern on the left.
The second pic has a bundy clock that kept the tram drivers on time.
I think it says (if you are referring to the sign on the left of photo) 'To The Garden'.I have tried to blow these up OldMohawk to see what the everybodys advert was on the trea and in the other photo, does it say To The Car Parl? Now it would say Carpark or just P. On the tram bottom is that a cow catcher or a snow plough? I do lik these old pictures, Nico
Hello Rosie, there is one, Victorian I think, at the start of Styvechale Common, in Cov, which is not a park. There was talk of restoring it to working order but it will cost a lot. In Malvern they have all been restored I think. The residents and businessess of Earlsdon here banded together to restore the street clock. I have seen ancient ones on the continant not always in hot places.Were there ever any drinking fountains in the street such as the ones that used to be in parks?