Hi den
many thanks for the pic of the old yardley yes it was a cracking pub in its day i have not been there in at least thirty five years
i think it was in the later part of the seventies or early eighties that it was a coppper whom took it on
as for afew years early there was abit of trouble going on with fighting regular smashing the place up abit
so the ex copper took it on and cleaned it up
he may have cleaned the pub up then but as far as his meals go they was on the small size and in fact if my mem,ory serves me correctly
my old dutchess complained about the shortage aand size of the meal but all in play he did give her an extra meal free
my sister inlaw used to live in the big house directly oppersite she now lives in aldridge
yes i had about fiftie kids every night to organise and they all bonded on together all except the lindon rd kids rebbels they was
one of the girls grew up and used to play for the solihull girls foot ball team and the england team
once again den thanks for my moment of my past and to had my little iceing of my memories
i marrid a girl from mannor rd and we have been married for more than thirty six years if you rememer the fields
and the flats being built there was a place called the croft on mannor rd and there was a telephone box there
and thats where we met and chatted her up and made our first date right out side that very box on one bon fire night
best wishes den astonion
many thanks for the pic of the old yardley yes it was a cracking pub in its day i have not been there in at least thirty five years
i think it was in the later part of the seventies or early eighties that it was a coppper whom took it on
as for afew years early there was abit of trouble going on with fighting regular smashing the place up abit
so the ex copper took it on and cleaned it up
he may have cleaned the pub up then but as far as his meals go they was on the small size and in fact if my mem,ory serves me correctly
my old dutchess complained about the shortage aand size of the meal but all in play he did give her an extra meal free
my sister inlaw used to live in the big house directly oppersite she now lives in aldridge
yes i had about fiftie kids every night to organise and they all bonded on together all except the lindon rd kids rebbels they was
one of the girls grew up and used to play for the solihull girls foot ball team and the england team
once again den thanks for my moment of my past and to had my little iceing of my memories
i marrid a girl from mannor rd and we have been married for more than thirty six years if you rememer the fields
and the flats being built there was a place called the croft on mannor rd and there was a telephone box there
and thats where we met and chatted her up and made our first date right out side that very box on one bon fire night
best wishes den astonion