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St Saviours Church Hockley

Paul, the headmaster of Harry Lucas was in deed 'Johnie' Walker. The story of the two schools is very interesting.

Farm St. Bd. Sch. opened 1873 (23) by Birm. Sch. Bd. accom. 1,055 B, G, I. Fees 1d.–3d. (22) Nearly ½ pupils had free orders 1889; all fees therefore reduced to 1d. Enlarged 1904. Bd. of Ed. demanded minor improvements 1912: 3 classes were then held in I main room. Reorganized 1930 for M, I. I dept. closed 1933. Closed 1941.(21) Part used as civic restaurant 1942–53, part by Dorrington Cty. Primary Sch. 1947–9. Reopened 1949 as JI sch. Accom. 1961: 14 classrooms, 2 halls.(28)
Could someone please tell me the names of the next two streets after Villa St. that lead off Bridge St.West.There was an Atkinsons pub on the corner of one.Was it called the Nelson?It was right opposite Richmond Place.
Should have made it clear in previous post I was referring to the streets as they were in the late 1950s.
Hi Pembroke,
Coming along Bridge Street West from Villa St, the first road on the left was Wellesley St on the corner of which was the Atkinson pub called "The Wellington", not "The Nelson". I grew up in the late forties and early fifties a stone's throw from this pub. My mother was always cussing my father saying that he spent so much time there, they ought to give him a rent book ! The next road along on the left was Ventnor Road. The next one along was the junction of Burbury St and Great King St. I went to Burbury St junior infants school 'til leaving with my parents for pastures new in Northfield.
Trevor Bow.
Hi Trevor Bow
Thanks for info.I lived in Richmond Place for about eighteen months in early 1960s.I used to go in Atkinsons pub now and again.Could remember it was named after a historical military figure but wasn't sure which one.The street names are also familiar again,now that you have mentioned them.
reposting st saviours church...our mom was christened here..

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Guest%20St%20junct%20Great%20King%20St.jpeganother great view of st saviours church taken from the corner of guest st and little king st..

pic courtesy of ted rudges book winson green to brookfields...

Dear Amanda,
I have only just noticed your enquiry about St Saviours church Hockley. I was born in Cottage Row, Bridge St West, in the shadow of St Saviours, and was christened there. My sister obtained a very good copy of a photo from the Cenral Library's archives.
Good hunting,
Trevor Bow
I know this is an old post so don't really expect a reply but thought I would mention that my brother too was born in Cottage Row, we lived at number 8, he was born in 1965
Hi Paul,
I lived right next door to St Saviour's down a little alleyway of ten houses off Bridge St West called "Cottage Row". I left there as an 8 year old when my parents got rehoused on the new Ley Hill council estate in Northfield. I don't know why, but my parents sent us all to Burbury St junior/infants rather than Farm Street school. We were so close to Farm St, we could have fallen out of bed into our desks in the classroom. Having said that, Burbury Street, next door to Lucas's, was only 300 yards down the road.
I believe Farm Street school changed from a primary to a secondary modern school around the late 'fifties. I recall a Mr Berry teaching at Burbury Street. I wonder if it was the same Mr Berry who taught at Farm St ? Whatever, did I not like that man ! I was so frightened of him that I refused to go to school.
I remember Baylays ( Baileys ? ) next door to St Saviours. Was it just a greengrocers or did they sell everything ?
There was also a lad, a bit older than me, that I sometimes knocked about with named Frankie Thacker. He tragically drowned in a canal when he went on a fishing trip with another friend and his father. Apparently, they went off alone and were climbing across some lock gates when he slipped and fell in.
Being very popular, there was a big turnout for his funeral at St Saviours. I'm not sure, but I think that he lived at one of the houses just down from Baileys.
Dr Targett I remember but I didn't know that he practised from the surgery directly opposite the White Swan pub. That was our doctor's, but we always saw a chap who spoke with a very thick foreign accent named Dr Reichenfield (pronounced Reekenfield I think). Apparently, he was Jewish and he had fled Austria with his family before the war on account of the Nazis. As you and others have noted, the original building is still there and when I last went to look some time ago, it was a dentist's surgery. What it is now I don't know.
I find it sad that everything around there is now long gone. They could so easily have preserved St Saviours and the two schools - Farm St and Burbury St. They were all solidly built Victorian buildings of which very few are now left. Luckily, members of the forum have unearthed some excellent photos of the old area which I'm sure, like me, evoke many memories from years ago. Keep up the good work everyone !
Trevor Bow
Hello Trevor, we lived in Cottage Row, number 8 and my brother was born there, would be funny if it was the same house that you lived in.
We were the very last people to live in Cottage row when they all got demolished in about 66 my mother refused to move and we were the only house standing almost, holding out for house with bathroom, they demolished the outside toilet and my father built a toilet building for us.
We played in the ruins of St Saviours church, jumped out of boarded up house bedroom windows unbelievable. My children wouldn't believe this.
Hello Trevor, we lived in Cottage Row, number 8 and my brother was born there, would be funny if it was the same house that you lived in.
We were the very last people to live in Cottage row when they all got demolished in about 66 my mother refused to move and we were the only house standing almost, holding out for house with bathroom, they demolished the outside toilet and my father built a toilet building for us.
We played in the ruins of St Saviours church, jumped out of boarded up house bedroom windows unbelievable. My children wouldn't believe this.

Hi Angelal,

Well I never thought I would meet anyone on this site who actually lived where I did - i.e. - in Cottage Row off Bridge St West ! I lived at number 3 which was right opposite number 8. There is an A to Z type of map on the Bridge St West thread (page 18) and it just about shows part of Cottage Row on the top left hand corner. What year did you move into Cottage Row by the way ? As I mentioned in an earlier post, my family moved to Northfield in the summer of 1954 when I was just coming up to 8 years old.

I still remember some of the families who lived there at the time. Next to us at No. 2 lived the Thompson's who had a big Alsation dog. At No. 4 next door was widower Wilf Barber who had 4 grown up children; Donald, Eric, Sheila, and another boy whose name I can't remember. Sadly, Donald was killed on his motor bike. At No. 5 was an OAP, Mrs Haycock who lived on her own.

In the houses opposite at No. 6 were Les and Gladys Smedley who had a girl and 2 boys; the girl I think was named June, and perhaps one of the boys was Bill. At No. 7 were Mr and Mrs Morley, two pensioners. In your house, No. 8, were a newly married couple and the girl was the daughter of Mr and Mrs Sheppard (Annie) who lived next door at No.9.
Finally, No. 10 had a strange collection of 3 women named Ashmore, and a boy my age whose name I think was Robert (Ashmore).

(Edited to remove details of someone who may still be alive)

Towards the end of 1964, I went to have a look at my old abode and I just wish I had taken a camera. There was no one living at No. 3 and I think the door was open. I think of all the photos I could have taken inside and out and I kick myself now. I love the idea of you playing in the ruins of St Saviours and jumping out of the bedroom windows of the houses. No 'Health and Safety' back in those days so no wonder your children wouldn't believe you ! I was christened in St Saviours by the way, in July 1946.

I only have just one photo of Cottage Row if I can find it, and it's of me as a baby being carried by my father and mother outside of our house. If I can find it, I'll have to learn how to put it on the site.
Kind regards,
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[QUOTE="AngelaI, post: 709581, member:
Hello Trevor, I have been looking for pictures and this is all I have, outside 8 Cottage Row, opposite your house and inside number 8.
1, me outside with my now late uncle.
2, inside with my oldest brother, me centre with a young aunt.
I remember the house, number 6 had tortoises and they used to escape and walk up the path and into our garden.
Am having a problem trying to upload two amazing photos.
One is of my brother who was born there with our mother and the other is him sitting on our car, he is absolutely filthy haa well had a bit of a mucky playground, as I said before, my children would never believe it. Have to show them these yet.
Trevor I can't upload these two photos, they are of my mom in the garden and you can see all the demolition going on and the other I believe was taken from outside our house and yours has been now demolished and you can see just wasteland, amazing picture.
I will keep having a go if no sign of it please send me your email and will try it that way, would love you to see it.

We lived there 1961 to I think 1966, very last people to live in Cottage Row.
We used to stand at the bottom of the entry by the toilets and number 10, a Mary and Kevin Payne would be at the top, throwing stones at us and us throwing back haa
Trevor I can't upload these two photos, they are of my mom in the garden and you can see all the demolition going on and the other I believe was taken from outside our house and yours has been now demolished and you can see just wasteland, amazing picture.
I will keep having a go if no sign of it please send me your email and will try it that way, would love you to see it.

We lived there 1961 to I think 1966, very last people to live in Cottage Row.
We used to stand at the bottom of the entry by the toilets and number 10, a Mary and Kevin Payne would be at the top, throwing stones at us and us throwing back haa

Hi Angelal, those two photos you've posted are fantastic ! I recall that our small living room was identical to the one in the photo, and the one taken in the doorway brings back so many memories from all those years ago. If you want to send me a private message please do. I'm still trying to find the couple of snaps I've got of Cottage Row and I'll try posting them if I do find them. Many thanks again, Trevor.
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Thank you for post on the forum. We strongly advise members not to post their personal email addresses on the thread. Your email address and data could be harvested and used for scams, fraud and identity theft. If you wish other members to contact you, then its best if you advise them to use the “Start Conversation” facility we provide. This then protects you and your privacy.
Thank you for post on the forum. We strongly advise members not to post their personal email addresses on the thread. Your email address and data could be harvested and used for scams, fraud and identity theft. If you wish other members to contact you, then its best if you advise them to use the “Start Conversation” facility we provide. This then protects you and your privacy.

Oh dear, I never thought of that ! I'll make sure I never make that mistake again, and I'll use 'Start Conversation' instead. Many thanks for your advice.
No problem and good luck making contact. I have now edited you email out for you.
Trevor I can't upload these two photos, they are of my mom in the garden and you can see all the demolition going on and the other I believe was taken from outside our house and yours has been now demolished and you can see just wasteland, amazing picture.
I will keep having a go if no sign of it please send me your email and will try it that way, would love you to see it.

We lived there 1961 to I think 1966, very last people to live in Cottage Row.
We used to stand at the bottom of the entry by the toilets and number 10, a Mary and Kevin Payne would be at the top, throwing stones at us and us throwing back haa

hi angelal noticed you are having problems posting a couple of your photos which would be great to see...i have sent you a private message giving you my email address so if you would like to email the photos to me i will happily post them on this thread for you..

hi angelal noticed you are having problems posting a couple of your photos which would be great to see...i have sent you a private message giving you my email address so if you would like to email the photos to me i will happily post them on this thread for you..

Just saw this thank you, I think I have managed to send it to trevor and hopefully he will post etc
Will view again tomorrow to see how it's going.
On this day in 1873 my wife's great great grandfather Joseph Boulton at 27 was laid to rest at St Saviour's Church, Alum Rock, Birmingham. This 1920s postcard was produced by A Stannard, 133 Alum Rock Road. Only discovered this family history in last 10 days. Anyone know the history of when the Bell Tower disappeared and where all the headstone have fallen or gone (Google Map).
1920s St Saviours Alum Rock Postcard.jpg1920s St Saviours Alum Rock Back of Postcard.jpg
Correction spotted bell tower on goggle via Old Pic of Birmingham Facebook post I 1st put this on today. However anyone know how I would contact around burial locations at the church. Is this still a working church?
Just saw this thank you, I think I have managed to send it to trevor and hopefully he will post etc
Will view again tomorrow to see how it's going.
Hi Angelal,

Success ! I haven't been in touch since you last e-mailed me with two photos of when you lived in Cottage Row next to St Saviours church. I said I would contact you when I found my own photos of Cottage Row. I had all but given up when I finally came across them. My parents moved there about 1940, the year my elder, late sister was born. But as my father was away in the navy during the war, my mother spent most of the time at her sisters who lived at Kingstanding.

I was born in July 1946 at 3 Cottage Row with my brother coming along two years later in July 1948. The first two photos are outside number 3 and are of myself and my younger brother dressed up in our Christmas presents of cowboy and indian outfits. This would be about 1953 I think, and the second one is looking up the yard towards Bridge St West.

I'm not on the next one for some reason but it was taken outside number 3 when my brother was Christened next door at St Saviours. My aunt is holding my brother and directly behind her is my mother, with my sister sitting next to my aunt. The fourth one is again looking up towards Bridge St and this would be about 1951 when I was 5 and my brother was 3. The last one could be looking towards your house ! It's of the four of us - mom, elder sister and me and my brother again.

I think it was taken at the same time as the previous one because we seem to be wearing the same clothes. We finally left Cottage Row in June 1954 to live on a brand new council estate in Northfield called the Ley Hill Estate. Whereas the houses in and around Bridge St West were demolished after about 170 years - and not before time, the concrete council houses of Ley Hill were demolished after just 50 years - and not before time because they were awful from the start !

All the best Angelal,



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hi trevor what wonderful family photos...little gems so thanks for sharing them

Hi Astoness, hope you and yours are keeping well and a big thank you for all the work you put in running this incredible site.
Yes, I promised I would send Angelal some photos of Cottage Row where we both used to live, but obviously at different times. I searched high and low and thought I would never find them but hey presto, they turned up where I least expected them. I did have her e-mail address and proper name, but I seem to have lost both of those as well. I think it's an age thing and my wife thinks I might already have one foot in a care home !

I just hope that Angelal picks up my post and sees the photos.

All the best,

Hi Astoness, hope you and yours are keeping well and a big thank you for all the work you put in running this incredible site.
Yes, I promised I would send Angelal some photos of Cottage Row where we both used to live, but obviously at different times. I searched high and low and thought I would never find them but hey presto, they turned up where I least expected them. I did have her e-mail address and proper name, but I seem to have lost both of those as well. I think it's an age thing and my wife thinks I might already have one foot in a care home !

I just hope that Angelal picks up my post and sees the photos.

All the best,

hi trevor and thanks for your kind words...we do our best... angela has not been on forum since jan but fingers crossed she will drop in on us again...so pleased you found those photos...what we must remember is that it is not easy to find photos showing the houses that were not actually on the front of streets or roads so photos like yours are a treat to have...many thanks and try not to lose them again :D take care
