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St John Ambulance Brigade

Ian Leggett

master brummie
Do you have any memories of the SJAB who were based at Lionel Street in Birmingham.
As a cadet I remember marching through the city on our Annual Church Service complete with marching bands. That was very moving. My father was a County Staff Officer until 1965 when he retired. He was totally dedicated to the St Johns. He was responsible for starting the first Air Ambulances from Elmdon Airport with a De Havilland Rapide. He was also in the Rover Division in the 1950's and started up a cadet section in Sheldon in the early 1960's. The SJAB was so well supported that when there was a parade in London Hyde Park they would charter their own steam train complete with the 8 point star on the engine front to take the members to London.
Regards Ian.
I certainly do remember the St John Ambulance Association (which it had become by 1958, the year in which I joined). I too was a cadet; but I was a junior member of the St Giles Division of D Corps, City of Birmingham. Our section of the organisation met up every Tuesday evening in a hall under the Billy Pond Ballroom in Green Lane, Small Heath.
Strangely, the member responsible for the cadet section in the ex-St Giles Church division came from Sheldon. At that time (1958-61) he lived in Gilbertstone Avenue; his surname is Shaw.
I well remember going a number of times to Lionel Street; it was there that we had to go for our exams. David
Before I open up a debate as regards Brigade or Association, I've just found this in Wikipedia:
"St John Ambulance was originally divided into two fields, teaching first aid to workplace employees via the St. John Ambulance Association, and providing uniformed medical volunteers to cover public and private events via the St. John Ambulance Brigade. However, these two entities merged in 1968 to form a single unified St. John Ambulance, providing both training and first-aid cover."
I must admit I didn't know of this distinction. I can only remember that all my books (I've still got them!) were published by the St John Ambulance Association. Best regards, D.
I am not sure where uncle Arthur was based but most of his spare time was given to the St Johns. Here are two photo's of him in uniform and maybe someone could tell me what his cups were for please?. He lived in West Bromwich and his name was Arthur Taplin. That is his proud mom my nan Pemmy. Jean.
Good morning, Jean,
When I was in my very early teens, there were often first aid "competitions" to keep us on our toes ..... your uncle was obviously very good at his calling. D.
Thanks David. He tried to get me interested and let me put bandages on him but I did have to become a first aider with my job so had no choice. I wish the other photo would open though. Jean.
Jean, are you sure it's one of the accepted Forum file types, i.e., doc gif jpe jpeg jpg mp4 pdf png pps psd txt wav wmv xls or zip ? It won't load if it's something different. Strange that the photo of your talented uncle opens a treat. D.
Thanks for those replies. When I was a cadet until 1957/8 it was certainly the "Brigade". My father's certificate dated 1953,refers to him as Corps Officer, "A" Corps Birmingham, The St John Ambulance Brigade. He was made a County Staff Officer later. I well remember the attendances at the Ice Rink, Alexander Theatre, Odeon and Hippodrome as a cadet.
One of my highlights at a 14 year old was collecting a disabled girl of 21 in a wheelchair from Acocks Green railway station with another cadet and pushing the wheelchair to Horrell Road Sheldon as the family could not afford an ambulance. This attracted the press and an applause at the school I attended. Funny how these things stay with you as I am still helping disabled and less able people at the age of 67.
A yearly service in honour of the Order of St John was conducted at Temple Balsall which was the official St John'sChurch and a parade marched through the area to attend.
Regards Ian.
I wonder then, Ian, if our paths ever crossed in the past? Despite a four-year age difference, the four locations you mention were all places that I too was sent to "to help out in the case of need". If you put "Little Green Lane/Storrs Place" into the site's search facility, you will find a post (#11) in which I say I saw "Lawrence of Arabia" countless times at the Odeon when it first came out (Dec. 1962 - so well into 1963).
In 1958, did you pass into the adult section or did you leave the Brigade? D.
Hi D, I left in 1958 without joining the Adults (much to my fathers disapproval).
I cannot remember which films I saw now. I know that sometimes unless the Adult Officer turned up we would not be allowed in to the Odeon. And with the Skating Rink we were not allowed to put bandages on injuries,only watch.
The cadet I did the walk with the wheelchair was named John Tippen. Other names that were in the Sheldon Area were Arthur Eke (Officer) Mr Stanley and Mr Cowell (Officer) The Commisioner at Lionel Street was Brigadier Haynes and Mrs Hammond was also a Senior Officer (Nursing).
Regards Ian.
I past my exam at Lionel Street in 1952 and enjoyed being a cadet. I remember going by train to Worcester Race Course for a parade that was inspected by Princess Margaret. We marched from the station to the race course, then around the track to our positions. It was a hot day (for the UK) and cadets were collapsing everywhere which was dangerous as Princess Margaret was driven through the ranks in the back of a Landrover at about 50 mph. At the cinemas our only job was to stand at the back when the film ended so that the Patrons could see us, and at the ice rink it was to carry the tea and biscuits from the canteen to our room.
Yes I passed my exams in Lionel Street. I remember going to Hyde Park for a parade and having to stand for along period in the sun and fainted. I think it may have been that finally made me decide to leave,and being pushed to go for promotion which I did not really want.
Hi D, I left in 1958 without joining the Adults (much to my fathers disapproval).
I cannot remember which films I saw now. I know that sometimes unless the Adult Officer turned up we would not be allowed in to the Odeon. And with the Skating Rink we were not allowed to put bandages on injuries,only watch.
The cadet I did the walk with the wheelchair was named John Tippen. Other names that were in the Sheldon Area were Arthur Eke (Officer) Mr Stanley and Mr Cowell (Officer) The Commisioner at Lionel Street was Brigadier Haynes and Mrs Hammond was also a Senior Officer (Nursing).
Regards Ian.
When i started work at the Post Office Engineering Factory 1943 the first aider was Athur Eke he was in the St John`s then and was at St Andrews reguarly, i live in Sheldon and so did Athur i was told he died at the age 93yrs. Len.
Nice thread folks. I was a cadet in the St John Ambulance Brigade c1968 - 1973. Remember very well the head quarters in Lionel St. Great place and many great memories. My division was in Handsworth.
Memories for me too, though later than these, was in St John from 1972 until I went nursing in 1978. Visited the Birmingham headquarters once, when taking part in a competition, but I was in the Tamworth division. It was a great association to belong to, we were lucky enough to be County champions in both the Nursing and Firt Aid areas of cadets whilst I was there, and went to many competitions. Our Adult team were also very successful, can remember going to the National Finals with the men team , think it would have been 1978, as I started my training.
It stood me in good staed all the way through my nursing, was the only one in my set who could roll bandages and apply a decent spiral and reverse spiral that satisfied Matron - I was in great demand when she was due to do her rounds, as if she wasn't happy with the bandaging, she would take them off and make you start again!!
We had some great camping holidays as well and I did "duties" for lots of thing - Drayton Manor every summer weekend, our local am dram and operatical productions, seeing the Queen when she was in Tamworth and lots more.
Great happy memories.
Good memeories there Sue - we went camping ~ in my time to Swansea and Guernsey. Had a great time. Good you could use the practice in your job too. You've triggered my memory now ... I remember using the figure of eight (I think) for a broken leg and 1-2 types of sling too as well as those bandages. We had a team of 4 and individual events too. Had some great duties too at the local cinema's :)
Yes the St Johns Ambulance Cadets were good fun. At Great Barr we had football team for a while in the early 50s, everone used their own and different jerseys from sundry other teams. We called ouselves the Rainbow Rangers. The team was abandoned after a 22 nil defeat.

Posted photo is of some of the Great Barr cadets and ofiicers that went to North Ockenden for the Cadets Coronation Camp in 1953. I'm third from left back row. Dave Andrews is extreme right middle row, Bobby Hitch extreme right front Row and Dave Skinner is back row second from right. I can't remember the others but we had a great time.

I sem to recall that we met somewhere by Hampstead Colliery, must be getting past it. Anyone else know were we met?


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Hi i have just found this site and the information in it i ref to the referance to St Giles division i was a member here when it was taken over by a mr Benny Goodman i was a young cadet and took charge of mthe cadets as cadet leader,and enjoyed many nights out on duty at the Gomont cinema,Hippadrome,and other places in the city.
Also i was in the First Aid competitions held at HQ Lionel st, I also saw the BT tower being built and later on in life when up it. Thanks BOB
James Savage rose to become Publicity and Advertising Superintendent of Midland Red retiring at the end of 1953.
During WW2 he was responsible for the co-ordination of St. John ambulances at many Midland Red garages where he was Corps Officer.
I joined the St John Ambulance Brigade in 1981/2 as an ambulance cadet at Yardley Village Quadrilateral Division which at that time was based at St Edburghas church hall Yardley with the unit being run by Ken and Yvonne Marland.
Training evenings (I think!) used to be on a Wednesday and I can remember undertaking the two primary practical courses of the 'Essentials Of First Aid', 'Certificate In Home Nursing', sign language plus various elements of parade drill with the other ambulance and nursing cadets.
Upon passing the examination for the first aid certification and induction, I received the uniform and white first aid shoulder bag and was then able to undertake voluntary duties at various locations across the Birmingham area - I can certainly recall being on duty at the first Birmingham Marathon, the Silver Blades Ice Rink, a couple of large exhibition events held at Bingley Hall and a couple of weekend motorcycle scramble type events on farmland somewhere just outside Solihull, I can also remember being up at the headquarters in Lionel Street on a couple of occasions and can recall the garage/parking area with the Bedford CF ambulances parked up.

In August 1982 I also went away for two weeks to the St John Ambulance Birmingham & Sutton Area 60th Anniversary Jubilee Camp at Bethesda Farm, Carlyon Bay, near St Austell in Cornwall, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time - especially as it was the first time i'd been away from home 'on my own' as it were, very much camping as its most basic but have some great memories of that fortnight under canvas - even when it was raining!!
At the camp from the various Divisions covering the Birmingham area, there were 9 ambulance cadets (boys) and about 35-40 nursing cadets (girls), a smaller group of young adults (ages 17-20) plus all the older adult staff personnel, most names escape me now but our tent was myself, Darren W, Brian Gorse, Gerry, Ashley, Andrew, Paul, Andy Secker, and another older lad whose name I can't remember now. I think Andy Secker's parents were also at the camp as they were both SJA officers, from the nursing cadets I can only remember Helen Bayliss and the Marland sisters.
Camp days started at 7.30am with reveille, shortly followed by parading outside the tents for flag break and prayers - unless the central flag pole had been mischievously removed and hidden somewhere during the night which occurred on a couple of occasions! Wash and brush up at the respective wash tents followed via bowls of freezing cold water filled from large plastic dustbins, breakfast in the large main marquee was next - usually thick porridge scooped from a large metal vessel. There then followed tent inspection, where all the tents and contents had to be presented with the side walls rolled up with the inside in an exact tidy, uniform fashion for inspection by the duty officer of the day. The remainder of the morning was spent undertaking various assigned study/test subjects, for week 1 I recall doing camping and fieldcraft and week 2 athletics at a nearby running track. After lunch, you then had a free afternoon to do whatever you wanted to, if you went off camp, you just had to sign in and out of the log book and state where you were going but that was it! I remember going on a couple of trips in the minibus to St Austell, Fowey and Mevagissey and during the second week, everyone went on the coach to Newquay. Most other time we spent in the Carlyon Bay area, down at the Cornwall Coliseum in the amusements, the Wimpy bar or down on the beach with its 'shipwreck'. My mate and I also went on the small narrow gauge railway which went down to Crinnis with its naturist beach - strictly out of bounds of course, but we did have to go and have a look out of natural curiosity! After tea, the evenings were usually spent playing games outside or some other activities in the marquee, which included a camp concert and various sing-a-long sessions and on one occasion, a number of us were also selected to take part in a First Aid competition against the local unit at Par, which I think we won. On the middle Sunday, there was a full camp inspection by the visiting County Commissioner officers with everyone parading in full uniform.
Every cadet was also rostered to do a full day duty in the cookhouse tent, which from my own experience was mostly spent fetching and carrying, plus a never ending task of washing up cooking utensils. Getting into trouble for any sorts of minor infractions meant being put on 'jankers' - which usually meant being tasked to assist with any of the 'worst' jobs ie extra cookhouse duties (peeling veg etc) cleaning, or emptying the latrines - fortunately, despite a couple of close shaves, I'm happy to say I avoided any of that!

Unfortunately I only have a couple of photos (wish I had more to be honest!) - one of myself in uniform and one of the commemorative enamel pin badge we all received after returning from the Jubilee Camp.

Overall, as a youngster, I enjoyed my time as a cadet and can always remember having a great sense of pride whenever I wore the uniform, in a way I wish I'd stayed in for longer but my time with the St John gave me a basic 'grounding' in new skills and responsibilities which was a help as I moved on into teenage years and throughout later life.


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I joined the St John Ambulance Brigade in 1981/2 as an ambulance cadet at Yardley Village Quadrilateral Division which at that time was based at St Edburghas church hall Yardley with the unit being run by Ken and Yvonne Marland.
Training evenings (I think!) used to be on a Wednesday and I can remember undertaking the two primary practical courses of the 'Essentials Of First Aid', 'Certificate In Home Nursing', sign language plus various elements of parade drill with the other ambulance and nursing cadets.
Upon passing the examination for the first aid certification and induction, I received the uniform and white first aid shoulder bag and was then able to undertake voluntary duties at various locations across the Birmingham area - I can certainly recall being on duty at the first Birmingham Marathon, the Silver Blades Ice Rink, a couple of large exhibition events held at Bingley Hall and a couple of weekend motorcycle scramble type events on farmland somewhere just outside Solihull, I can also remember being up at the headquarters in Lionel Street on a couple of occasions and can recall the garage/parking area with the Bedford CF ambulances parked up.

In August 1982 I also went away for two weeks to the St John Ambulance Birmingham & Sutton Area 60th Anniversary Jubilee Camp at Bethesda Farm, Carlyon Bay, near St Austell in Cornwall, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time - especially as it was the first time i'd been away from home 'on my own' as it were, very much camping as its most basic but have some great memories of that fortnight under canvas - even when it was raining!!

Unfortunately I only have a couple of photos (wish I had more to be honest!) - one of myself in uniform and one of the commemorative enamel pin badge we all received after returning from the Jubilee Camp.

Overall, as a youngster, I enjoyed my time as a cadet, in a way I wish I'd stayed in for longer but my time with the St John gave me a basic 'grounding' in new skills and responsibilities which was a help as I moved on into teenage years and throughout later life.
I was a member of St.John Ambulance Yardley Quad division from 1992-2003, when Bob Grout was the member in Charge. The divisional ambulance call sign was KE119. I became and Ambulance Aider and was fortunate enough to crew the ambulance on many many duties including BCFC and AVFC, The Gradiators Granda TV show, also Athletics at Alexandra Stadium, also New Years on Broad Street, Party in the Park in Cannon Hill Park and Edgbaston Cricket Club, to name a few. I later became very proud to be Divisonal Superintendant (DS) of Yardley Quad until 2003.
I joined the St John Ambulance Brigade in 1981/2 as an ambulance cadet at Yardley Village Quadrilateral Division which at that time was based at St Edburghas church hall Yardley with the unit being run by Ken and Yvonne Marland.
Training evenings (I think!) used to be on a Wednesday and I can remember undertaking the two primary practical courses of the 'Essentials Of First Aid', 'Certificate In Home Nursing', sign language plus various elements of parade drill with the other ambulance and nursing cadets.
Upon passing the examination for the first aid certification and induction, I received the uniform and white first aid shoulder bag and was then able to undertake voluntary duties at various locations across the Birmingham area - I can certainly recall being on duty at the first Birmingham Marathon, the Silver Blades Ice Rink, a couple of large exhibition events held at Bingley Hall and a couple of weekend motorcycle scramble type events on farmland somewhere just outside Solihull, I can also remember being up at the headquarters in Lionel Street on a couple of occasions and can recall the garage/parking area with the Bedford CF ambulances parked up.

In August 1982 I also went away for two weeks to the St John Ambulance Birmingham & Sutton Area 60th Anniversary Jubilee Camp at Bethesda Farm, Carlyon Bay, near St Austell in Cornwall, and had a thoroughly enjoyable time - especially as it was the first time i'd been away from home 'on my own' as it were, very much camping as its most basic but have some great memories of that fortnight under canvas - even when it was raining!!

Unfortunately I only have a couple of photos (wish I had more to be honest!) - one of myself in uniform and one of the commemorative enamel pin badge we all received after returning from the Jubilee Camp.

Overall, as a youngster, I enjoyed my time as a cadet, in a way I wish I'd stayed in for longer but my time with the St John gave me a basic 'grounding' in new skills and responsibilities which was a help as I moved on into teenage years and throughout later life.
I was a member at around the same time, it was the walkathon and Birmingham wheels BMX track we did. I had a great time there in the 80s Yvonne and Ken's daughters Lisa and Anna where also in the cadets
I was a member at around the same time, it was the walkathon and Birmingham wheels BMX track we did. I had a great time there in the 80s Yvonne and Ken's daughters Lisa and Anna where also in the cadets
Pleased to see a reply from someone who was at the unit around the same era - and yes I remember Lisa and Anna, I think at that time they were corporal/sergeant respectively and can also recall them taking the drill/assembly parades.

I'm not sure if it was the first Birmingham Marathon I mentioned previously or another similar event but I do remember being on duty where we ran a first aid/drinks station at a certain point along the route...I can recall setting it all up early in the morning, there was no such thing as bottled water etc then so we had to knock on the door of a nearby pub and run a hose out, the pub lent us some large empty kegs with taps on which were then duly filled and placed on the trestle table, we then filled dozens and dozens of paper cups with water which were eventually then handed to the passing runners/walkers....I always remember that the water actually had a little bit of a hint of beer to it from the barrels (!) but no-one seemed to notice!

I found some other photos from the 1982 Birmingham & Sutton Area Camp in Cornwall, I'm sure there were a few nursing cadets from Yardley who were there - the photos are a general view of the nursing cadets parading outside their respective tents on the middle Sunday morning, the whole camp paraded and were inspected by the visiting County Commissioner Officers........Yvonne and Ken Marland are actually in the one photo, standing at the front of their tent with the green stores tent next to it.


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My Uncle Arthur Moms brother and the cups he won while he was in the Saint Johns Ambulance. I think he was a Sub Lieutenant but please correct me if this is wrong.


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