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St Barnabas Church Erdington

I think the new building is the ugliest thing I have ever seen and agree that it would be better had it been left as a shell, rather the eyesore it now is. Perhaps if the church wanted something modern after the fire, it would have better to completely demolish the old building. Now the beauty of the old and the ugly of the modern is such a contrast. The new roof looks like that of a warehouse and the extension of glass and steel is so out of keeping. An age is remembered by its architecture. How this will be seen by future generations remains to be seen. As the old building is grade II listed, I should have thought at least some thought could have been given to its historical character. The Victorian Society made protests concerning the plans, which fell on deaf ears. The High Street has so few buildings of historical significance, it is very sad to lose another to the ambitions of the architects.
All on track on this subject now Wendy Thanks. Here is an interesting article that appeared last year regarding the rebuilding of
St. Barnabas Parish Church and has a photo of the planned main stained glass window and some other photos of the church. This site, Birmingham Central. is very interesting
and has a lot about building and development projects already happening in Birmingham and ones that are planned. https://birminghamcentral.blogspot.ca/search/label/Erdington
Just spotted your post jennyAnn - Notice there is no provision for the Gravestones. Some have already been removed an not apparantly coming back.
Wonder if she will dump the CWG memorials as well as the 'ordinary' people?
Hello Brian: Reading this article from the Birmingham Mail last month by a private local Erdington citizen as to the state of the church yard at St. Barnabas, I
don't hold out much hope as to the outcome of the graves that have been removed and the severe state of the churchyard. It's all down to money. There was a special Archeologists report on the church yard after the fire which mentioned that 23 graves would have to be removed. From what I can remember of that report it wasn't really spelled out as to exactly what would happen overall. I am not sure about the CWGC memorial graves of which there are 66 all told. Christopher John who runs one of the websites of Hellfire Corner may know. The state of the church yard going down from the church towards Moor Lane on both sides has been neglected for years and I believe they had a bit of a clean up by local youth a few months ago but overall it looks as though not much will be done unless funds can be arranged to take on the task. Personally, I can't see spending all this money on rebuilding the church only to have the main church yard not cared for. https://www.birminghammail.net/news/local-news/vicar-seeks-90k-to-clear-messy-3282 https://www.hellfire-corner.demon.co.uk/erdington.htm
Erdington_20_St_barnabus_Church_with_fitted_spaceship.JPG Alien spaceship land and merges with local church!
St Barnabus viewed from the High St

Erdington_21_Gunner_J_Fisher_280699.JPG However, a closer view through the fencing reveals the lack of interest by the Vicaress and congregation of the forthcoming Annual Remembrance day.

Erdington_22_St_Barnabus_CWG_-_We_will_remember_them.JPG 280699 Gunner J Fisher - We will remember you.
That's frightening! I used to see this church every weekend when my mother took us to Erdington where my Nan worked in the original Boots the Chemist. What a mess! I can't see this being preserved by any civic society in the future. What was wrong in normal, solid, basic carpentry and roofing?
I was married at St Barnabus and although I have no religious calling, from an architectural point of view, once again we are presented with an absolute abomination, the incongruity of the old and the new is laughable.
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Thanks for posting the photos of St. Barnabas church and graves Brian. I am not impressed by the new building. It would have been better if the
roof colour blended in with the old stone. The roof makes the place look like a warehouse. The eye is drawn to the overall view as being very disjointed imho.
Shame about the military graves but then the whole churchyard is in distress:o(
s Wedding Erdington Parish Church.jpg

Hi folks.

This is a picture of my wedding Feb 1959.

I'm deeply saddened by these pictures of Erdington Parish Church, I was married their nearly 53 years ago in Feb. 1959.

It was foggy and frosty the trees looked like they had been sprayed silver, for all that their was a warm welcome by the then Canon Power.

Canon Power married us and months later he christen my daughter.

Who every authorised this monstrostity should hold their heads in shame, the person who started the fire in the church should be sort and made to suffer.

I have no religeous callings but I have always been proud that I got married in such a wonderful church,

On our silver wedding we returned to Erdington Parish Church for a service, but the welcome atmosphere wasn't there anymore we were made to feel like outsiders.

I've got memories of this wonderful church and don't have to pass it anymore,

I sorry that the people can't even respect our war heroes but knowing the elderly people of Erdington I'm certain the grave won't remain in this state long.

Some years ago before I moved to Devon my wife and I joined a group of volunteers to clean the the grave yard, armed with gloves, rakes and black plastic bags we set about cleaning grave yard and stones, those days have gone I expect.
I have to admit - begrudgingly- that the new build although it is horrenously out of place, doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it might,I suppose at least they didn't demolish the whole lot!!
good grief i cant believe what i am seeing...when it comes to architecture i have always said each to his/her own and we are all entitled to our opinions which i respect...having just seen brians pic of st barnabas restored it is in my considered opinion that the powers that be have totally taken leave of their senses and if this is the best they can come up with then they may have well have pulled the whole lot down after the fire..i do hope folk wont come on and say...oh we will get used to it in time..sorry but it just dont work for me its a total lack of respect and sympathy for this once fabulous building...i will say no more for fear of being banned..
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Well I think it is a b****y eyesore now and key hill brian is quite right... It is obvious the Vicar has little or no interest in the feelings of those whose relatives are buried in the grounds of the Church... lot's of talk talk but no action. Lots of War Dead memorials in the Church yard (some private some cwwgc) and even these are of no interest to her. I'm sure she would prefer if it could all be 'grassed over'.

I think the Church would have been better left as a shell... at least it would have still looked like a Church and would have served as a reminder that we should better protect what is valuable to us!
Like I said, it would be better without the extension, but at least we get to keep part of the historic building - if it had been left, it would have all been demolished and flattened for another shop, this way at least there is something left, like Lyn says each to their own as far as the new part is concerned, but I say be grateful for small mercies and the preservation of a small part of it!
What a monstrosity, what idiot (or committee of idiots) gave the go ahead for that !!!!, completely clashes with the existing church, even more so than the new library clashes with Baskeville house, I despair, I lived in Erdington for 25 years (1962-1987). Where do they find these so-called planners. Many years ago I was commissioned to paint this Church for a couple who were married there, I certainly woud not paint it now. Wish I had not come on this thread now. How very sad. Eric
I still like to think it is an alien spaceship that has crash landed and melded with the church - hopefully the Gritish bass space vans will repair it so it can 'up and away' in the night!
hi ray...im sorry i forgot to say what a wonderful photo of your wedding on post 204....thank you for sharing it with us...hope you are well ray..

I despair at the mess of St. Barnabas. I too was married there in 1961. Fortunately we also have a photo of the inside when we were married and it is now on display in our lounge. I have said on BHF for sometime that we are all disgusted with the mess and the churchyard is just shameful.
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I despair at the mess of St. Barnabas. I too was married there in 1961. Fortunately we also have a photo of the inside when we were married and it is now on display in our lounge. I have said on BHF for sometime that we are all disgusted with the mess and the churchyard is just shameful. The vicar has said that she will not put the War memorial plaque back up in the church, what sort of person is she.

how awful that it seems the war memorial plaque will not be put back up in the church...not long now to rememberance day..maybe the good folk of erdington should ask freda evans the vicar why not...here are her contact details...


If it is true no war memorial in the rebuilt church it is a disgrace. If the original is too badly damaged there should be a new one. I know of two people who have photos of the old one including myself.
I would have thought that there was a nicer way to incorporate the old part with the new building. I haven't seen the Church for some years now and I had to look several times at Brian's photo before I realised it wasn't a joke! Selfridges overpowering St. Martin's is bad enough, how did this get permission?
We visited a Smethwick Church recently to see a WW1 Memorial plaque, they are still important especially at this time of year.
The Churchyard must have had recent burials too, I feel sorry for anyone who has a relative there.
I have the monmental inscriptions for St. Barnabas, there are many war graves in the churchyard too. From what I can remember that War Memorial was a plaque with all the names on in the church. Not too expensive to replace I would have thought.
I think we should all e-mail Freda Evans about the memorial, it is disgusting that it is not being either put back or replaced, a smack in the face for all those who have family and friends who have or still are serving their country.
Does that mean there will be no remembrance service on sunday - orwill the tought of possible ingreased congregation numbers enable her to carry out a service?
makes me so cross - so I have e-mailed her, Micks mom and dad were married there and nan lived in Erdington for a long time.
I will let you know if I get the courtesy of a reply from her!
just received this reply from the vicar of st barnabas..lets hope the proposed plan for the memorial plaque happens i have replied to the vicar saying that it is most important that those who gave their lives for this country are never forgotton...
sue i would imagine you will receive much the same reply..

Hello Lyn,

Thank you for your recent e-mail.

I don't know where you live but those who have attended the Open Days during
the two year restoration period will be aware that the layout of the
building is now entirely different.

When we have been able to settle in so that we don't need to have services
and occasional offices all over the place, I hope it may be possible to
consider an appropriate space outside the building where there could be a
suitable memorial which could be accessed by all people.

With best wishes,

yours sincerely,

Freda Evans
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I have a strong feeling that no actual names will be mentioned on that memorial the vicar is saying will be provided. Another thing what on earth has the new layout of the church got to do with it.
It is still the same size and there will be wall space. What utter rot.
.... don't hold your breath.

Unfortunately, there is, within the 'modern' Anglican Clergy, a politically correct group who view War Memorials as incompatible with Christianity. These same people view Islam as 'a peaceful religion'. This is why several senior Anglican Clergy have spoken out over the complacency within the Anglican Church. Churches are, for the most part, an anchor in the life of communities, always there, to be used as needed. Some take great pride in their Churches, others don't, but still wish the edifice to remain, a landmark and sure reminder of a permanency that is lacking in today's world.
Many of those posting on here have done so because this Church held special memories for them. If we, as a nation, do not preserve our heritage/memories then perhaps we lose more than bricks & mortar?
We were also married there. I went to Sunday school, childrens' service and 11 o'clock plus evening service. Canon Power was in charge there then with the help of Dick Simpson who married us. We were also bellringers. If nothing else we will always have happy memories of the church and will always remember it as it was not like the thing from space that it now is. There was also a very good choir.