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spring hill fireplace


Staff member
i thought this was an unusual pic...wouldnt mind having this in my living room...a fireplace in a crumling house somewhere in springhill....circa 1960...

pic courtesy of carl chinn
hi rob..i was thinking that same thing...tried zooming in but no luck...

They could be saying don't forget the Fire Place lads when we leave, theres a few Bob in it for us.
hi astoness
where did you find that little gem
to what i can make out to the right of the pic there is a map
and i would have said they was delivery notes of goods to be delivered so i will try and play detective and whom is mostly
likely to have that kind of fire place
and the first thing thats springs into my mind would have been bill landon on springill , the old furtiture shops had gone by the sixties
then there would have been the alibones family
whom was wealthy and had a couple of shops up and around spring hill they sold carpets and rugs and clothes and done delivers
the test of the shops was the usal runof the mill
varity of butchers shops toys shops and there was a large shop that sold baby pushchairs of all sizes and dezigns a record shop
to be quite honest i would put my last pound on it
thats was bill landons ,we have had a bill landons shop not from me
he may be one of the sons or inlaws
i may take it upon myself and enquire where in the family does he stand and then if i down load the pic and asked does he recal it
but given his age he may not know or even ever seen it
i bet had wait and see which if or any connection to bill
speak to you soon
have a nice day best wishes astonian;;
hi astonian...thanks for your interest in this pic..i got it from carl chinns birmingham lives site...as always i bow to you superior knowledge and it would be great if you could do some detective work on it and maybe find out exactly where it came from...


hi lynn
i know i have seen this before in my heart and soul
and for some reason i keep teling my self it was in mr
bills landon,s shop many ,many years ago at spring hill by the traffic lights facing bulpitts
this was in the very early 1950.s i went with my father
to bills shop ,it was a very narrow shop
and it was full of alsorts of plumbing and fittings
and it was choc block, as you walked in the narrow door
at the front of the shop walking in
on his side of the counter there was some steps going
up onto a floor it was high level
it was as if it was in he middle of the floor
and i thought to myself at the time .thats a funny place to stick a fire place and i seen stickers just like that across the top of the fire place and seeing a map along side it
and coming from aston .i had never seen a fire like that
cylinder type until later on in my life
and i did say to my self at the time stareing up at that fire whilstdad was asking for some connections
i thought oh yes that they must be deliver notes or somthink of that orgin
but in the same token i cannot help thinking years ago
when the demo of spring hill started that fire place was shown some where in a paper some where else on another topic
regarding bills shop
any way ,as i have previously said i will pop into
the little bath room shop which states
bill landons baths as named the owner and asked
them which part generation are they to bill
and asked if they recall is first shop from years ago
i did get to know one of bills son -inlaws
when he moved into the crown picture house
in lady wood is son -inlaw was a bouncer at my pub
in acocks green the red lion many many years ago
but rest asured i will get the low down where it came from as i have said there was an article on this in ome of the news papers years ago it could have been the birmingham post before the b,ham mail came out or the birmingham despatch paper
when they down sided the news papers
have a nice day lyn and many thanks for your birth day wishes
the other day best wishes astonian ;;;;
hi astonian...i just love to read your memories...yes please try to get to the bottom of this pic if you can i will watch this thread with interest..so glad you had a nice birthday too....

have a nice day

The shop was Landon brothers and was run by my grandfather Edward Landon. Bill landon was his younger brother Who ran a cafe with his wife Rosa.
After Edwards death Bill the shop was closed and Bill bought the Crown cinema Ickneild Port Rd to start a plumbing merchants
Hi TerryN, It's great that you have found this thread and been able to add your own personal information :)
Hopefully Astoness can find the photo she first posted and repost it...I'm intrigued to see what it looked like.
sorry folks but i cant seem to find the fire place pic...i am hoping someone saved it and may repost..

I have attempted to attach a picture of Edward Landons shop.
Please forgive me if it does not work.

Terry N


  • Edward Landon shop.jpg
    Edward Landon shop.jpg
    214 KB · Views: 10
Ahh that's a shame lyn, but hopefully, as you said, someone else may have it.

TerryN your picture posting worked just fine :) and a great picture it is too, thank you for posting it.
hi guys ;
if one of you goes to the central libary and go to the old news paper archives and dig out the good old sunday mercury for the period of 1957-8
you will find the orinional picture of the shop and seperated the fire place that was up upon another floor of his shop ;
which was towering above you to see as soon as you walked into the shop at spring hill i used to go in with my dad we only lived around the corner in king edwards rd and i recall seeing it on the sunday morning of the sunday morning ;it is definately in the sunday mercury
it could have been page thre -four -five ; but thats where you are gonna find that orinional copy
or go to the post and mail office in colmore row and asked for that period and the subject of the old fire place of langdons spring hill for that period
and i am sure you may get it from there or from carls office ; i have seen the orinional fire place with all those invoice notes at that time before being printed in the sunday mail for that i would have been about 12 years old at the time
i had one of the langdons sons daughter boy friends whom she is now married do my door and bouncing at the red lion pub ;
in acocks green and the daughters of mr langdons at the time he had the crown picture house in lady wood
there is one of bills langdons rele; as a show room by us ; and beleive me or not it was only last wek i thought i would go in and asked him which part of the family he was ; some fire place beleive me ;
best wishes astoian;; alan ;;