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Somerville Rd school


Warstock Boy
Somerville Road Junior School - I'm not sure if it still exists or not.

In the mid 1950s, for a couple of years my parents owned a little 'front room' shop midway along Palace Road, Bordesley Green (opposite a WW2 bombsite where two houses had gone), and I attended SR School while we lived there.

I remember I used to pass a dark and mysterious "Herbalist's" shop on my walk to the school (either on Muntz Street or Charles Road, I think), where I would buy sticks of arrowroot to chew. Rumour had it that women and girls got 'backstreet' abortions there!

My only memory of the school is the playground, where we used to lean flattended "20s" cigarette packets up against the bottom brick of the classroom wall, then standing back a few feet to "skim" flattened "10s" at them. Whoever knocked the final 20 over won it and all the previously skimmed packets lying on the ground round it. Great game, that I was quite good at, but it meant carrying dozens of cigarette packets in my satchell and constantly scrounging for elastic bands to hold them together with. I became a bit of a collector of cigarette packets and still have an old bank ledger book with a a couple of hundred rare packets glued into it!
Hi all, been 'chatting' of memories of Somerville Rd school, in the sixties, on the say hello forum - time to move it on here, as a new thread.
Recalling teachers names etc.! Miss Jones, Miss Walton, Miss Hobday, Miss Savin, Mr Barber, Mr Hough - Heads - Mr Jackson, Miss McGregor. When chattting - we remembered all the same things, warts and all! The floodgates opened, sorry admin!:shocked:
Anyone else out there with memories of this school?
Hmm, I've just typed out a long reply, hit a wrong button & the whole things vanished..........so I've got to redo the whole thing!!
Yes, I was worried about the thread too, as we'd rambled on saying 'hello' eh??
I cant believe it, how similar our experiences were of Somerville Rd. Edit to remove named person ..... should never have been allowed to teach kids.........she was truly dreadful. She made my life totally miserable as I was one the kids she picked on day in day out. She had this knack of ridiculing certain kids, humiliating you at every opportunity, getting other kids laughing at you at her 'in' jokes. Nasty nasty piece of work.

Did you have to take polish it to polish your desk on a Friday afternoon?? We did in Miss Jones class. How I loved the smell of freshly polished wood....mmm lavender polish.
Did you do '10 a Day' etc maths books too. You werent allowed to do nice stuff (eg Art or writing stories.........my favourites) til you'd done your Maths etc. I used to love the stories etc as for 'colouring in'....oh how wonderful. In Miss Jones class, I once coloured a Magpie in red, black & white......oh how I loved it. She however, hit the roof & hurled it across the room. It'd taken me ages to paint as well!!

A few years ago I wrote a lot of my memories down in a book in the hopes that one day my kids might be interested, including lots of stories about Miss Jones class. Things she did & got away with!! How she managed to get away with it all I dont know..........she certainly wouldnt last long now eh? The old bat.
Wonder if you remember any names of kids in my year......Haseeb Zafar (such a clever & lovely boy) Michael Flynn, Sandra Phillips, Lynda Faulks, Lynn Jackson, Veronica Reidy, Ann Blake (very naughty & was always being sent out of class), Johnny Clements.......oh I'll add more if I think of them......Douglas Cope, Elaine ?

Dashing out now so will look forward to hearing from you later......would love to chat more.
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Hmm, I've just typed out a long reply, hit a wrong button & the whole things vanished..........so I've got to redo the whole thing!!
A lot of us fine that if typing a long post it is better to do it in word and then cut and past. It saves a lot of grief.
Hi all, I well remember my first day at school. Arriving at the gate five years of age the school was the Moseley road partially sighted. Mom pushed me through the gate protesting and crying, I was the baby of the family, so no doubt spoiled. At playtime there was this little girl, her name was Mary Christmas, I wonder where she is now. We soon made friends but it took a lot of tears and tantrums to settle in. one of our teachers was called miss battle/battle, very aptly named, she was about five foot two but she scared the hell out of us kids, not just the little ones but the seniors as well.
I can't recall those names - I think things were different then, you tended to 'stay' with those kids in your year. Then again my memory is getting older too.
Yes! I have often talked of the way Miss Jones taught, that things were done in order from Maths to the nice stuff! I don't remember getting to art much, I was often to far behind with my embroidery! I hated it! Loved the stories! Did you do patterns at the end of your work, in a strip across the bottom?
We had to do pictures or provide pictures to go with our RE, I couldn't draw so couple of times I pinched pictures out of books from the library in Green Lane! As an avid reader I lived in that library!
Don't remember the polish?
I do remember singing All Things Bright and Beautiful every day in assembly!
ps I get lost too sometimes! Technology, hey!
You hit the nail on the head ....Edit to remove named person.
You must have been in Miss Jone's class when I went on the cruise to Scandanavia on the SS Uganda, with Mr Barber and Miss Savin, she was out of her depth away from School and we ran rings round her!
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I was at Somerville Road before the war. Your Miss Hobday was a classmate of mine then. She lived in Golden Hillock Road. Our headmistress was Miss Walters better known as 'Polly'.

The school was 100 years old in 1995 and I attended a reunion' The lay out had not changed much but the method of teaching certainly had.

Old Boy.
I love the history of this school! My mom went there, followed by her daughters (Dearn) (with 15 year age gap)! Mom would have gone there in the 20's? Maiden name Maddox
Fancy teaching in the same school as you went too when you was but a child! I adored Miss Hobday - she used to have me at the front to read to the class! And I remember lego style bricks to learn maths!
Have we got Somerville Road Junior School on this list? I'm not sure if it still exists or not.

In the mid 1950s, for a couple of years my parents owned a little 'front room' shop midway along Palace Road, Bordesley Green (opposite a WW2 bombsite where two houses had gone), and I attended SR School while we lived there.

I remember I used to pass a dark and mysterious "Herbalist's" shop on my walk to the school (either on Muntz Street or Charles Road, I think), where I would buy sticks of arrowroot to chew. Rumour had it that women and girls got 'backstreet' abortions there!

My only memory of the school is the playground, where we used to lean flattended "20s" cigarette packets up against the bottom brick of the classroom wall, then standing back a few feet to "skim" flattened "10s" at them. Whoever knocked the final 20 over won it and all the previously skimmed packets lying on the ground round it. Great game, that I was quite good at, but it meant carrying dozens of cigarette packets in my satchell and constantly scrounging for elastic bands to hold them together with. I became a bit of a collector of cigarette packets and still have an old bank ledger book with a a couple of hundred rare packets glued into it!

Somerville Road/Swanage Road school was certainly still there a couple of years ago when I last went past it, in fact I took some pictures of it but they are recent pics of course so not of interest here.
I attended both the infants and junior school there starting in 1949. The herbalist was in Muntz Street, a dark and dingy looking place, it was the front room of a terrace house converted into a shop. As far as I can remember I never went in there. I was warned by my mother that the women in there were dubious and scary and would cast spells, in my early years that was enough to put me off visiting.
I also played skimmers in the playground but didnt go on to collect cigarette packets. At that time I lived in Wright Street off Muntz St, the cul-de-sac end. Later I moved up to Marlborough SMM school.
Hi John T and Trev4,

I too attended Somerville Road School but well before either of you. 1932 - 1938 in fact. I lived in Carlton Road. I well remember the herbalist shop so it must have been there for many years. In 1995 the school celebrated its' centenery and held a reunion of old pupils. It was advertised in the B'ham Mail so I attended and met several old friends who I had not seen since childhood. I remember that the school had an organ and was pleased to see that it was still there.

Old Boy
Hmm, I've just typed out a long reply, hit a wrong button & the whole things vanished..........so I've got to redo the whole thing!!
Yes, I was worried about the thread too, as we'd rambled on saying 'hello' eh??
I cant believe it, how similar our experiences were of Somerville Rd. edit to remove named person ...should never have been allowed to teach kids.........she was truly dreadful. She made my life totally miserable as I was one the kids she picked on day in day out. She had this knack of ridiculing certain kids, humiliating you at every opportunity, getting other kids laughing at you at her 'in' jokes. Nasty nasty piece of work.

Did you have to take polish it to polish your desk on a Friday afternoon?? We did in Miss Jones class. How I loved the smell of freshly polished wood....mmm lavender polish.
Did you do '10 a Day' etc maths books too. You werent allowed to do nice stuff (eg Art or writing stories.........my favourites) til you'd done your Maths etc. I used to love the stories etc as for 'colouring in'....oh how wonderful. In Miss Jones class, I once coloured a Magpie in red, black & white......oh how I loved it. She however, hit the roof & hurled it across the room. It'd taken me ages to paint as well!!

A few years ago I wrote a lot of my memories down in a book in the hopes that one day my kids might be interested, including lots of stories about edit to remove named person.... class. Things she did & got away with!! How she managed to get away with it all I dont know..........she certainly wouldnt last long now eh? The old bat.
Wonder if you remember any names of kids in my year......Haseeb Zafar (such a clever & lovely boy) Michael Flynn, Sandra Phillips, Lynda Faulks, Lynn Jackson, Veronica Reidy, Ann Blake (very naughty & was always being sent out of class), Johnny Clements.......oh I'll add more if I think of them......Douglas Cope, Elaine ?

Dashing out now so will look forward to hearing from you later......would love to chat more.
You were obviously in the same class as me. Yes, edit to remove named person ....was an awful teacher. I was terrified of her. She used to test us every few weeks or so and call us out in order of merit so that we could sit in order on those bench desks. I remember if someone had done badly, she would twist her knuckles into their back using some pressure. I wonder if anyone on the staff knew what she did.... Mr Barber was lovely though. Names I remember....Angela Dolphin, David Shropshire, Michael Caldwell...as well as the ones you mentioned.
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I can't recall those names - I think things were different then, you tended to 'stay' with those kids in your year. Then again my memory is getting older too.
Yes! I have often talked of the way Miss Jones taught, that things were done in order from Maths to the nice stuff! I don't remember getting to art much, I was often to far behind with my embroidery! I hated it! Loved the stories! Did you do patterns at the end of your work, in a strip across the bottom?
We had to do pictures or provide pictures to go with our RE, I couldn't draw so couple of times I pinched pictures out of books from the library in Green Lane! As an avid reader I lived in that library!
Don't remember the polish?
I do remember singing All Things Bright and Beautiful every day in assembly!
ps I get lost too sometimes! Technology, hey!
That woman—-who we can’t mention —-was just pure evil. She disliked me because I was very poor ( most of us were, but I can’t think of any other reason at all ) and deliberately ridiculed and marked me down to keep her Precious top 2 or three favourites close to her desk! She hit me hard across the inside of my elbow once with a ruler ( why there? probably because it hurt more) and it left a weal, only because I hadn’t got pictures from magazines to put in my exercise book— where were we going to get magazines back then?
She’s gone now of course but as she was there for many years,there must be many, many children who’s lives she made so miserable,stressful and unhappy—- what a legacy to have as a teacher.
i remember the teachers you mentioned but cant remember the students names .what year are you talking about?
I was at the school from 1961 until 1968. Sounds like you are perhaps younger? My younger sister got a ruler across her knuckles from Miss (edit to remove named person) for shaking her pen to get the ink out. The top went flying across the classroom. Some teachers loved that control factor. Most were fantastic though.......Mrs Walton and Mr Barber especially.
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Some of the older forum members may be interested to see this photograph, taken pre-war (around 1938/1939 l guess). My mom is in the picture and her next school would have been Marlborough school I think, but the war and evacuation intervened.

I attended Somerville Road myself for about a year in 1959, but can remember very little about it.
Some of the older forum members may be interested to see this photograph, taken pre-war (around 1938/1939 l guess). My mom is in the picture and her next school would have been Marlborough school I think, but the war and evacuation intervened.

I attended Somerville Road myself for about a year in 1959, but can remember very little about it.
View attachment 150413

what a delightful school photo enel thanks for sharing it with us all

You were obviously in the same class as me. Yes, edit to remove named person ....was an awful teacher. I was terrified of her. She used to test us every few weeks or so and call us out in order of merit so that we could sit in order on those bench desks. I remember if someone had done badly, she would twist her knuckles into their back using some pressure. I wonder if anyone on the staff knew what she did.... Mr Barber was lovely though. Names I remember....Angela Dolphin, David Shropshire, Michael Caldwell...as well as the ones you mentioned.
Hi there, we must’ve been in the same classes. You say you remember an Angela Dolphin? That’s me! who are you? You were spot on about the member of staff that we can’t mention (I hear that passed away many many years ago). She made an awful lot of peoples lives hell....she was brutal & as someone has already mentioned, totally evil! There was mention that she wanted to keep her few favourites near the top of Row 1. I clearly remember the top few students & would love to know where they are now. Haseeb Zafar was always too, he was such a lovely boy, so clever & so handsome. Then there was my friend Michael Flynn, softly spoken, very clever & loved aeroplanes. Lynda Faulks (who I am still in contact & friends with to this date) Veronica Reidy (who had the most beautiful long thick blond hair & I remember her lovely family in Langley Road), Sandra Phillips etc. David Shropshall & his two sisters lived not far away from me in Golden Hillock. Michael Caldwell was related to Lynda Faulks I believe (cousins?). Most of us were poor, we all came from very much working class families & yet those days in hindsight were so wonderfully simple & uncomplicated. I wonder what happened to all these people, what are they doing now, are they even remotely interested in what happened to other fellow school mates. One little boy, Johnny Clements...’She Who Cannot Be Named’ used to make his life unbearable bless him...she was positively cruel to him, I clearly remember her throwing those awful ‘pads’ (that we had to place in the too right corner of our desks...remember?) across the classroom, aimed at his head. She broke wooden rules across his knuckles...the list goes on. Another name I remember was Ann Blake, the ‘naughty girl’....she didn’t give a tittle about rules or behaviour did she....she was not at all scared of ‘Her’! Elaine Jackson was another name....she always sat in Row 4. Would love to know who you are VMAC & also Jan. Please write back, it would be lovely to hear from you....I have a hunch who you may be but.....sending every good wish to you.
Hmm, I've just typed out a long reply, hit a wrong button & the whole things vanished..........so I've got to redo the whole thing!!
Yes, I was worried about the thread too, as we'd rambled on saying 'hello' eh??
I cant believe it, how similar our experiences were of Somerville Rd. Edit to remove named person ..... should never have been allowed to teach kids.........she was truly dreadful. She made my life totally miserable as I was one the kids she picked on day in day out. She had this knack of ridiculing certain kids, humiliating you at every opportunity, getting other kids laughing at you at her 'in' jokes. Nasty nasty piece of work.

Did you have to take polish it to polish your desk on a Friday afternoon?? We did in Miss Jones class. How I loved the smell of freshly polished wood....mmm lavender polish.
Did you do '10 a Day' etc maths books too. You werent allowed to do nice stuff (eg Art or writing stories.........my favourites) til you'd done your Maths etc. I used to love the stories etc as for 'colouring in'....oh how wonderful. In Miss Jones class, I once coloured a Magpie in red, black & white......oh how I loved it. She however, hit the roof & hurled it across the room. It'd taken me ages to paint as well!!

A few years ago I wrote a lot of my memories down in a book in the hopes that one day my kids might be interested, including lots of stories about Miss Jones class. Things she did & got away with!! How she managed to get away with it all I dont know..........she certainly wouldnt last long now eh? The old bat.
Wonder if you remember any names of kids in my year......Haseeb Zafar (such a clever & lovely boy) Michael Flynn, Sandra Phillips, Lynda Faulks, Lynn Jackson, Veronica Reidy, Ann Blake (very naughty & was always being sent out of class), Johnny Clements.......oh I'll add more if I think of them......Douglas Cope, Elaine ?

Dashing out now so will look forward to hearing from you later......would love to chat more.
Hi there, we must’ve been in the same classes. You say you remember an Angela Dolphin? That’s me! who are you? You were spot on about the member of staff that we can’t mention (I hear that passed away many many years ago). She made an awful lot of peoples lives hell....she was brutal & as someone has already mentioned, totally evil! There was mention that she wanted to keep her few favourites near the top of Row 1. I clearly remember the top few students & would love to know where they are now. Haseeb Zafar was always too, he was such a lovely boy, so clever & so handsome. Then there was my friend Michael Flynn, softly spoken, very clever & loved aeroplanes. Lynda Faulks (who I am still in contact & friends with to this date) Veronica Reidy (who had the most beautiful long thick blond hair & I remember her lovely family in Langley Road), Sandra Phillips etc. David Shropshall & his two sisters lived not far away from me in Golden Hillock. Michael Caldwell was related to Lynda Faulks I believe (cousins?). Most of us were poor, we all came from very much working class families & yet those days in hindsight were so wonderfully simple & uncomplicated. I wonder what happened to all these people, what are they doing now, are they even remotely interested in what happened to other fellow school mates. One little boy, Johnny Clements...’She Who Cannot Be Named’ used to make his life unbearable bless him...she was positively cruel to him, I clearly remember her throwing those awful ‘pads’ (that we had to place in the too right corner of our desks...remember?) across the classroom, aimed at his head. She broke wooden rules across his knuckles...the list goes on. Another name I remember was Ann Blake, the ‘naughty girl’....she didn’t give a tittle about rules or behaviour did she....she was not at all scared of ‘Her’! Elaine Jackson was another name....she always sat in Row 4. Would love to know who you are VMAC & also Jan. Please write back, it would be lovely to hear from you....I have a hunch who you may be but.....sending every good wish to you.

Hmm, I've just typed out a long reply, hit a wrong button & the whole things vanished..........so I've got to redo the whole thing!!
Yes, I was worried about the thread too, as we'd rambled on saying 'hello' eh??
I cant believe it, how similar our experiences were of Somerville Rd. Edit to remove named person ..... should never have been allowed to teach kids.........she was truly dreadful. She made my life totally miserable as I was one the kids she picked on day in day out. She had this knack of ridiculing certain kids, humiliating you at every opportunity, getting other kids laughing at you at her 'in' jokes. Nasty nasty piece of work.

Did you have to take polish it to polish your desk on a Friday afternoon?? We did in Miss Jones class. How I loved the smell of freshly polished wood....mmm lavender polish.
Did you do '10 a Day' etc maths books too. You werent allowed to do nice stuff (eg Art or writing stories.........my favourites) til you'd done your Maths etc. I used to love the stories etc as for 'colouring in'....oh how wonderful. In Miss Jones class, I once coloured a Magpie in red, black & white......oh how I loved it. She however, hit the roof & hurled it across the room. It'd taken me ages to paint as well!!

A few years ago I wrote a lot of my memories down in a book in the hopes that one day my kids might be interested, including lots of stories about Miss Jones class. Things she did & got away with!! How she managed to get away with it all I dont know..........she certainly wouldnt last long now eh? The old bat.
Wonder if you remember any names of kids in my year......Haseeb Zafar (such a clever & lovely boy) Michael Flynn, Sandra Phillips, Lynda Faulks, Lynn Jackson, Veronica Reidy, Ann Blake (very naughty & was always being sent out of class), Johnny Clements.......oh I'll add more if I think of them......Douglas Cope, Elaine ?

Dashing out now so will look forward to hearing from you later......would love to chat more.
You were obviously in the same class as me. Yes, edit to remove named person ....was an awful teacher. I was terrified of her. She used to test us every few weeks or so and call us out in order of merit so that we could sit in order on those bench desks. I remember if someone had done badly, she would twist her knuckles into their back using some pressure. I wonder if anyone on the staff knew what she did.... Mr Barber was lovely though. Names I remember....Angela Dolphin, David Shropshire, Michael Caldwell...as well as the ones you mentioned.
Hi Class of Miss Jones 1967-1968

I'm that 'very naughty' girl, Ann Blake, who probably would now be described as a rebel at 64. I was surprised to see myself as described as such, I thought I was invisible. I remember many of the names mentioned, here are a few more to add to the list. Robert Mear, Elaine Fitzgerald, Stephen Simpson, Sharia Ali, Zeporah Francis, Lorraine Johnson, Sandra Flowers, Alison Price, Vincent Garvey, Michael Logue, Morlene Roberts,u Barbara Savin (caretaker's daughter), Nigel Mitchum, Tony Latham, Sheila Teague, Melanie Banks, Kenneth Rudis, Stephen Brookes, Michael Muir, Elaine Burns. Paul Batty, Pauline Elliott, Gordon Bagley, Theresa Cronin, Adello and Nicoli Moretto (cousins). Was Carol Casey in our class? I saw Gail Coates, in the year or two above us, at Somerville centenary reunion in 1994. That's what led me to this forum. I was clearing things and found my memorial mug. CHEERS.

Anyone remember Miss Emmel a black teacher who I was fascinated by?

Remember Mrs. Rowley, lollipop lady and her two sons? Can't remember their names.

How about Mrs Knight the dinner lady with perfect makeup and polished nails?

I saw Mrs Pitt, playground supervisor at the reunion, she hadn't changed. I recognised her immediately!

Above all do you remember Miss Jones referring to children as an "Insolent piece of humanity", whilst poking us with her beautiful red fingernails?
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Hi Angela

Ann Blake here. I remember you well. Did your family have a business on the corner of Lloyd Street? I always thought you were posh, nicely so. Would love to share memories with you and anyone else from our era
I was at the school from 1961 until 1968. Sounds like you are perhaps younger? My younger sister got a ruler across her knuckles from Miss (edit to remove named person) for shaking her pen to get the ink out. The top went flying across the classroom. Some teachers loved that control factor. Most were fantastic though.......Mrs Walton and Mr Barber especially.
Much as I hated 'Her' ( not to be mentioned), Mr Barber was a lovely man,an excellent teacher and a credit to the profession. Knowing you are remembered so fondly by many children after all these years,is a wonderful thing.

Incidentally,we had a young supply teacher for 8 weeks in Mr Barber's class in 1968, a Mr Ashmore.
Amazingly,I still email him now and again and he is a wonderful singer/songwriter ( as he was back then too) called Robbi Curtice. Check him out on YouTube. ( he also became a lifelong Bluenose during his short time in Brum!)
My other favourites were Miss Doyle,Mrs Hobday and Miss Grayland from the Infants.
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'SHE' absolutely hated me being in Row 1! She did everything to keep me out of it. Many of the children were from very poor families and she seemed to pick on and ridicule these children mercilessly (Incidentally, ALL the children in my time at Somerville were wonderful).
She once marked me down in a spelling test (I got every one correct) for not spelling a word with a capital 'M', because it was a place name. She also ripped up a picture I'd taken ages to draw and colour in, simply because I'd made a mistake in Maths (the answer was correct, but you also had to show the correct 'working out' in the margin!) and I happened to be holding the picture in my hand as I stood by her desk.

I would never wish ill of anyone, but I can never forgive her for the utter misery and unhappiness she brought to my final year at Somerville Road.
Some of the older forum members may be interested to see this photograph, taken pre-war (around 1938/1939 l guess). My mom is in the picture and her next school would have been Marlborough school I think, but the war and evacuation intervened.

I attended Somerville Road myself for about a year in 1959, but can remember very little about it.
View attachment 150413
This seems to be outside of what would be Mr Barber's classroom during my time there.
Much as I hated 'Her' ( not to be mentioned), Mr Barber was a lovely man,an excellent teacher and a credit to the profession. Knowing you are remembered so fondly by many children after all these years,is a wonderful thing.

Incidentally,we had a young supply teacher for 8 weeks in Mr Barber's class in 1968, a Mr Ashmore.
Amazingly,I still email him now and again and he is a wonderful singer/songwriter ( as he was back then too) called Robbi Curtice. Check him out on YouTube. ( he also became a lifelong Bluenose during his short time in Brum!)
My other favourites were Miss Doyle,Mrs Hobday and Miss Grayland from the Infants.
Who are you? I remember Miss Doyle, with glasses, she had a bohemian style of dress. Thanks for reminding me of Miss Hobday, though I don't remember her teaching me. I'm sure I would remember her if we one of those rare things back then, called photographs!!!
Who are you? I remember Miss Doyle, with glasses, she had a bohemian style of dress. Thanks for reminding me of Miss Hobday, though I don't remember her teaching me. I'm sure I would remember her if we one of those rare things back then, called photographs!!!
11 plus passes Somerville Road School. 1957 and 1960


  • Somerville 11 plus passes 1957.png
    Somerville 11 plus passes 1957.png
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  • 1960 Somerville Juniors - John on extreme left- (1).jpg
    1960 Somerville Juniors - John on extreme left- (1).jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 16