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Soho Road Handsworth

Hi Sue - been out all day so just catching up on emails. I will be interested to hear what she says. you thought it was 1964 when the house was demolished - we were living in it until late August 1964 so I can positively say we did have a roof over our heads, so if it was demolished it was late 1964. I am sure it was quite a bit later than that because another company went in there after we moved out, although I don't know how long they were there for.
My friend has confirmed she used to have to go straight home and never came with us when we planned to go up.
What a good retort you give Big Gee when they ask in the shop of you are 'Alright there'. Whilst I was in this particular shop yesterday, I spotted an elderly man struggling to find his size in some trousers, because the sale tickets had been stuck over the sizes, so I offered to help him, it took quite a while lifiting the stickers to find what he wanted, all this time an assistant was watching right next to us, and not once did she offer to come and assist this kindly old gent. After reading 'Closing Out' and seeing the lack of respect for a struggling customer, I've vowed never to use this shop again. Incidentally it's one of a chain of shops in this area.

Glad you were astonished too Shortie. English is a lovely language, and what a shame we are losing it to Americanism.

We are just losing the English language full stop. Even BBC English is not used on telly anymore.
When you listen to a group of youngster on the telly talking and you close your eyes, all the nationalities sound the same regardless. It's gone, and it is a shame.

My sister in law worked on the market for many years on Saturdays only, selling tights and stockings.. Sue - the name Webster does not mean a thing, sorry.
I remember the tights and stockings stall. Do you remember the lady who sold the jewellery - not gold or silver stuff?
Alan remembers the Websters
I have never been a market shopper so I don't remember the market at all really. I may have gone in there once or twice, but that's about it, and sorry, don't remember the jewellery stall at all.
Hi SueB58
Sue were was Libby's on the Soho road ... was it just the city side of Queens Head Rd on the same side .. I can remember buying my first Elvis Record from a record shop near to QHRd (EP of Jailhouse Rock!) but for the life of me I cannot remember the name.
Keep Smiling
I have been going up the Soho Road on Google Earth and manaaged to Save some now images - still doing it at the mo. If the site will let me can I put them on the site please if I put Narratives, or link them to quoted threads.
It might be my imagination but ... Does anyone remember the blokes who used to walk up and down with the huge placard type advertisment on there back and fronts. Hung over there shoulders on short bracers. Im sure that was on Soho Rd but it might have been town. Sandwich men I think they were called !
There used to be "Flights" coaches on the corner of Alrfed Rd (Methodist church on the other).
The garage still has coaches there - I rememeber it being quite a nice place in my day, and us going on day trips.

I also remember the shop front which was next to the Co-op and they had miniature cars for sale in the window (c1963 ?).
Just the right size for a kid - really fancied one of those but slightly outside our price range.

There was a big funeral at the Methodist church last week with the black horse driven hearst and carriages.
Hi negaudet
Know its been some time since you entered this query have just found this site www.macearchive.org put Handsworth West Midlands in the search bars make sure you tick the video only box and you will find a video clip about Belgrave Terrace that was done in 1978 by the then ATV Television Company ... Its a commercial site but you get free previews.
Hope you find it of interest.
Keep smiling
Rich (mrpastry)
Thanks Rich for posting the link, I found it very interesting, as I have mentioned before I worked at the bottom of Belgrave Terrace on the left at the junction with Soho Road, "Potter Sound Systems". I began there when I left Handsworth Tech.
in 1946.
Regards Reg
Hi Reg Your welcome the MACE site is full of clips of Birmingham and the Midlands in general . Keep Smiling .Regards Rich
Glad its not just me then shortie :-)

Does anyone remember the pub just up from woolworths next to Barretts the butchers ? I seem to remember there was an explosion there some time close to the time of the Birmingham pub bombings but I can't remember if it was associtated or not to them.

Does anyone remember when Dickie Henderson and Michael Miles came to Littlewoods. I think it was an opening ceremony of something.

I remember the pub-think it was called "The Beehive"? I lived in Haseley Road and heard the explosion around 1pm that Saturday afternoon! Later heard that the a gas cylinder in the mobile Burger Bar on the the pub forecourt had exploded!
Stephen, we have spoken about this one before, it was called The Pump - situated right next to Barretts and Baird. I seems to remember being told it was an Irish pub, but as to the truth of that, I cannot be sure.
Yes we have shortie. The Pump yes. I wonder what caused the cylinder to blow up. I always liked Barretts me and my mum used to go there often and the butchers were always a laugh.
Stephen,If my memory serves me right I think a mobile van (Maybe burgers) parked on the front, the cylinder blew up.
I can remember during the war seeing the "Yanks" roll out of the Pump and me shouting "got any gum chum"more often than not they would throw us a few coppers,there used to be a beer garden round the back,quite large as I remember used a lot after the war.
Soho Road junction with Nineveh Road in the early 1900s and the present day view. To the right is The Devon Dairies, sounds lovely. Viv.

Nineveh Road was a little further down the road Viv but not that far! How sad to see what it looks like now. I have a photo of the Nineveh Road/Soho Road corner in the late 50's but my own computer is out of action at present so I can't access the photo. Will put it on when I get back to normal.

Apologies it's the junction with Stafford Road. Also just had a closer look at the building on the extreme left of both photos and I think it might be the same building, albeit much altered. Looks like it was, in the past, a pub perhaps? Viv. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1366379766.851180.jpg
Nineveh Road was a little further down the road Viv but not that far! How sad to see what it looks like now. I have a photo of the Nineveh Road/Soho Road corner in the late 50's but my own computer is out of action at present so I can't access the photo. Will put it on when I get back to normal.


Don't start me off Judy.
Hi Vivenne14 You are right it was The Frighted Horse LH if you look close at the old picture you can just make out that it was a M&B (Mitchell & Butlers) pub .Rich Keep smiling
The white building (whatever it is now) was once The Frighted Horse, a tough pub if ever there was one. From July 1968 until April 1969 I worked in the shop next door - The Handsworth Sports House also known as Sports & Leisure. I think I've mentioned this previously. For reasons I won't go into, it was the worst period of my life, with the one exception that I met my wife there when she came in to buy football socks for her brother. She worked at Dudley's Furnishings, just up Soho Road from the junction with Grove Lane. We're coming up to our 42nd anniversary!
