I’ve now merged two threads about the Science Museum, Newhall Street. There may be earlier posts which members may not have seen before. Viv.
Pity it was not taken when the exhibits were till in placeThis was taken of the empty former museum. Viv.
Pedro, very good reading about the Chance Family and John Hopkinson. My background is in Electrical Mechanical & Industrial Engineering and studying the I R, I have never been aware of the work developing 3 phase electricity. The focus has always been on Edison and Tesla, rightfully so but it was Hopkinson who took it to the user level, we should be thankful for his work!Wikipedia for the lighthouse at the Lizard in 1874....“At the same time a pair of medium-sized (third-order) fixed catadioptric optics were installed, one on each tower, designed by John Hopkinson of Chance Brothers.”
For extensive PDF on the lighthouse work of James Chance see....
Viv, Oh how I wish I could re play all those memories that these photos have brought flooding back!Some reminders of the museum remain.First two images from Streetview.
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The buildings from which these screenshots were taken in the film have gone, but the views of the canal which passed underneath can still be seen.
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And from Streetview
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Certainly was a clever move by Elkington to locate the factory literally on top of the canal. Viv.
Jump on the train at Erdington Station in to New Street
and meYes, I was and still am a button pressing addict. That’s what use to draw me to the museum
prob mort.Were you the block who chased me then Pete?
PS the relays were a small exchange by the side of the Fox and geese game. Both fascinated me, all that clicking and worrrring. I played that fox and gees machine a few times. There was also the DC motor demonstration too. Lot of buttons there.