Surprised we haven't seen this one. Handsworth Grammar, two versions. The Staffordshird knot at the top and below, the Perry Barr zig-zag bridge. The school was set up in 1862 as the Bridge Trust School. The money came from excess money from the Bridge Trust. A fund set up to maintain eight bridges crossing the river Tame: Church Bridge, Grove Lane Footbridge, Oscott Bridge, Paper Mill Footbridge, Rector’s Meadow Bridge, Barr Brook Bridge, Perry Barr and Hamstead Hill Bridge.
The school moto was 'Haec olim meminesse iuvabit', this is Latin, meaning roughly 'these things will one day be pleasing to remember'. When I was there I had no idea what it meant, let alone pronounce it.
Here is the school song if you can stomach it written by the Head Rev Holy Joe Walton and the music teacher Mr
To the old Bridge Trust we sing this song
To the Staffordshire knot as we pass along
The Black and Gold in an endless throng
The sons of the School go forward
It's a goal to the School
Hurrah it's a goal to the School
Scored by each man, fulfilling God's plan
Three cheers for the School Hurrah
Well, you can see why I'm not keen on football.