Since post 125 (28[SUP]th[/SUP] December 2013) I have taken another look at the land parcel number 3 on Fowler’s 1833 Map of Aston on which Cooper’s House and Farm stood. Though I concluded the arrival of the Industrial Revolution meant the demise of the farm the exact mechanism was somewhat uncertain.
By luck I came across the following in the LoB archive, which helps fill in some of the missing blanks. This was in a bundle of dusty legal documents forming a collection from the records of IMI Plc and it’s subsidiary firms of which Allen Everitt & Sons Ltd was one and occupied the site on the north side of Liverpool Street from 1856 until 1958.
The original document is handwritten so the text is reproduced in full. E&OE
MS 1422/1/9/5/1 Title deeds re property in Bordesley in the parish of Aston (near Heath Mill, otherwise Cottrell’s Mill) 21[SUP]st[/SUP] May 1800
This Indenture made the twenty first day of May in the fortieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith on and so forth and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred Between John Cooper late of Moseley in the Parish of Kings Norton in the County of Worcester but now of Washwood Heath in the parish of Aston near Birmingham in the County of Warwick Gentleman the only Son and Heir at Law the Devisee in Fee named in the Last Will and Testament of John Cooper heretofore of the Heath Mills in the Parish of Aston aforesaid Miller of the one part and Thomas Roby of Tamworth in the said County of Warwick, Tanner and John Lakin of Hall End in the Parish of Polesworth in the said County of Warwick, Tanner of the other part.
Witness that for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Great Britain to the said John Cooper, party here in hand paid by the said Thomas Roby and John Lakin at or before the sealing of these presents.
The Receipt hereof is hereby acknowledged by the said John Cooper party hereto Hath bargained and sold and by these presents Both bargain and sell unto the said Thomas Roby and John Lakin their Executors administrators and assigns.
All that messuage Dwelling House or Tenement (now made into or used as three distinct Dwellings) situate standing in Bordesley in the parish of Aston near Birmingham aforesaid in the County of Warwick near to a certain Mill House called the Heath Mill otherwise Cottrell’s Mill. Together with the Garden, Brewhouse, outhouses and Buildings thereto belonging with said Messuage Dwelling house or Tenement was late of or heretofore commonly called or known by the name of Bordesley Tavern and was late in the tenure or occupation of Ambrose Dee since then Joseph Smith and is now in the respective tenure or occupations of John Nicholson, Samuel Hawkesford and James Squires.
Together with all ways, paths, passages, waters, watercourses, Lights, easements, Liberties, Rights, Members and appurtenances, whatsoever to the said Messuage, Dwelling house or Tenement and premises hereby bargained and sold or intended to be belonging or appertaining or therewith usually set, let, held, used, occupied or enjoyed And the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders of rents, issues, profits and services of all and singular the said hereby bargained and sold premises
To have and to hold the said Messuage Dwelling house or Tenement (now made into and used as three distinct dwellings) garden, brewhouse building and singular other the hereditaments and premises hereby bargained and sold or intended to be with their and every of their appurtenants unto the said Thomas Roby and John Lakin their executors, Administrators, from the day next before the day of these presents for and during and unto the full end and term of one whole year from that next ensuing and fully to be complete and ended
Yielding and Paying therefore unto the said John Cooper (party hereto), his heirs or assigns the rent of one pepper corn upon the last day of the said term if the same be lawfully demanded to the Intent and purpose by virtue of these presents and by force of the statute made for transferring uses into possession They the said Thomas Roby and John Lakin may be in the actual possession of all and singular the said hereby bargained and sold premises with the apputencies and thereby may be enabled to accept and take a Grant and Release of the Reversion and Inheritance thereof to them the said Thomas Roby and John Lakin their heirs and assigns to for and upon such uses Trusts intents and purposes as shall be therein limited expressed and declared of and performing the same
In Witness whereof the said parties to these present have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written
Seal and signature of John Cooper
Clearly within a short time of the Agreement Roby and Lakin formed a Partnership which traded as a Tannery under different names until 1810 when the following appeared in THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 5th, 1810
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between Thomas Roby and John Lakin the Eider, as Tanners, at Bordesley, in the Parish of Aston, near Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, formerly carried on under the Firm of Thomas Roby and Co. and latterly under the Firm of Roby and Lakin, was this Day dissolved from the 1st Day of January now last past, by mutual Consent.
The Business will in future be carried on by the said John Lakin the Elder, who will receive and pay all Debts owing to or by the said Parties on their late Partnership Account.
Dated this 5th Day of April 1810,
Thomas Roby John Lakin, fen.
The Tannery operated under different ownerships as evidenced by the Grant and Assignment of Easements dated 30[SUP]th[/SUP] June 1852 No. 17179 between the Deritend Tannery Company and Great Western Railway until the following appeared in THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 26th, 1857
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership lately subsisting between us the undersigned, at Deritend, in the borough of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, under the style or firm of the Deritend Tannery Company, was dissolved, and the trade discontinued on and from the 29th day of September 1854
As witness our hands this 6th day of April 1857.
Samuel Beale, John Palmer. Charles S. Geach, Benjamin Dain, Executors of Charles Geach Esq., deceased., Thos. Mansell, William Wilkes. Thos. Gammon. John Mister, Thomas Penn, Executor of Jno. Tolley. Jno. Bagnall. Thomas Day. John Palmer, Executor of S. Palmer.
Though formally dissolved trading had ceased in 1854 and within a few years Allen Everitt and Sons had occupied the site becoming part of ICI Metals in 1929.
All this for just five bob!