Hi Aezriella,I lived in princip street on two seperate occassions, one when I was about 4 years old then we left and came back when i was 11. My parents ran the transport cafe my Dad was known as Big Jim and my mum Mal (marian) ran the kitchen along with a few staff members. One of the ladies who worked for us was called Margaret and had two daughters.
Then there was Christine, Ann and sometimes Maria would do a few shifts. The three of them were sisters if I remember rightly.
There was a massive cellar under the cafe from the pub days and in the garden where the remains of a couple of rooms that used to be a house. In the garden there were also beams left from where the horses were stabled. I was there the night soho pool warehouse burnt down we had to be evacuated. That was a sad sad night as we loved the warehouse and were friendly with the owners.
This was the last time the premises were used as a cafe and it was very sad to see it turned into offices.
The two houses opposite that were lived in one was peggy a lovely lady whose grandchildren would visit on sunday and we would play in the massive car park next door.
The other house was an elderly mother and her adult son can't remember the names but do remember the lady passed on was a sad day indeed.
Does anyone remember the cafe it was called Transport cafe
I will dig out some photos tomorow and post them![]()
I lived in the cafe before you it seems. At that time it was The Britannia Cafe. Prior to this it was the Britannia Pub.
My grandparents had the cafe and lived in rooms on the first floor. My Dad and Mum together with my sister lived in a small single storey building behind the main building.
Over the road were the back to backs where I often played with Leslie and Barbara Mobbs, and I remember going to the ABC minors on a Saturday morning with Brian Cox.
There were some characters living in both yards opposite. All the kids were scared of Mrs Brown (In fact most adults were scared of her)
She was Princip Street's very own Ena Sharples, even wore a hair net.
Not much money about but great days !