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Police Station at Washwood Heath


master brummie
Does anyone remember a Police Station at the top of Aston Church Road on the Washwood Heath Road - Saltley end before the big hardware shop?
You know I thought I was goin mad!!!!! Im glad someone can remember it. I remember going in there when my mom had her purse pinched up town and i remember a poster of loads of different types of dogs on the wall and i remember the little hatch where the big policemen were when you went in the door on the left hand side. I must have been younger than 5 as we moved out to firs estate later on. i drove past and saw it was a b & b, i reckon theres much more need for a station there now than there ever was. Thanks for getting back to me.
I agree with you there should be a police station there, even if I'm driving through there I lock my car doors.
Police Station. Washwood Heath Rd.

Hello Donna,

After the police station closed the building was used for the Sea Cadets.

The building is still there. We took some photo's a few years ago for a lady in Australia who's parents were born in the house next door.
My living room window directly overlooked the police station.I could write a book about the comings and goings there.

In the early 60s myself and my younger sister would invent stories about the crimes that visitors to the station had committed.
One day a very tiny frail elderly man was taken in by 2 burly officers.

A mass murder my sister suggested and we laughed.

Sadly this frail elderly man had taken a hammer and murdered his wife in either Arley or Chartist Rd.
Police Stations

Does Any-body Know Which Would Be The Oldest Police Station In B,ham, Apart From Steel House Lane ?.
Victoria Rd Police Station As Long Gone
Best Wishes Astonian ,
My father found a horse in Aston Church Road on his way back from work,and took it to washwood heath police station.It was later claimed by travellersThe hardware shop was lucas's.
hi mariew
just read your thread on locking your car doors whilst passing through the area ;well i had to smile to myself
because i would say it all over birmingham you have to lock your car doors for security reasons
i never feel secure when ever i come to brum ;at any area ; i certainly would never come back to brum to live ;
and the intake we are getting from brummies coming down to worcestershire is growing very fast as it as been advertised over the years ; even today we are the saftest part of the country to live in and from time from time its mentioned on the BBC, and we are the cleanest
if you came here you would not want to go back ; to brum beleive me ;
our agencies are red hot out here even the kids do not fight each other the county is kept clean and the highways spotless ;
have a nice day best wishes astonian ;;
Hi Astonian,

I remember Washwood Heath Police Station as I had been
a naughty boy, and had a caution administered there.

I had to attend on a Sunday morning, with my father, and
I remember the Inspector lecturing me for my misdoings.
Something he said touched my sad sense of humour, and
I laughed. He was not very happy, and my dad kicked me
under the table.

Happy days!

Kind regards

If I remember correctly I think it was one of these 2 houses.



  • police station (Medium).jpg
    police station (Medium).jpg
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Hi Terry,

The police station was further along on the other side of the hardware shop just about where the silver car is in the pic. It's now a B&B for homeless people.

Ok then Macca, I obviously did'nt remember correctly, so lets try this one.



  • police station 2 (Medium).jpg
    police station 2 (Medium).jpg
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I know that site so well,(although not the rooms to let sign, different windows and no railings.), I spent the first 6 years after my marriage looking from my first floor lounge window across at it.
The first photo shows a wall with E W Lucas, builders merchants.
Ernie Lucas was a mate of my Dads and he rented us a flat over his Carpet and Lino shop across the road from the main shop.
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Hi Terry,

That's the one, - haven't been down there for ages
but I used to walk past it every day.

Kind regards

hi guys ;
acocks green police station is still operatioianal i presme ' was told l;ast night that there was a man found murdered in tyndale rd tysley last night late
found house door ajar by his family and police think its foul play ; anybody heard of it last night ;
beleive the police are still there today ; can any ody give info ; astonian ;;

I believe that Acocks Green police station is still operational, but I don't think they have a enquiries desk that the public can use. For that I think you have to trek over to Stechford.
hi phil
many thanks for that i did in fact thought it had been closed down nice to know they are still useing it ;
my mate used to run the pub across the rd many . many years ago and late after hours they would come into the back room for a jar or two ;
but he could not keep his regulars in because of them coming over ;

thanks again Phil, Astonian.
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Hi Astonian,

I take it the pub in question is the Great Western on
the corner of The Avenue.

I worked with a barmaid many years ago who had
worked at the Great Western, and she said that the
gaffer she worked for was so mean he would wring
out the bar towels into a bucket, and return it to the

Kind regards
