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Pink Germolene


Gone but not forgotten. R.I.P.
Just been reading an artical on Germolene and most people said that the Pink had vanished and its now White, well I asked our local Chemist( 7 miles round trip) 20 minutes by car, one Hour by Bus (£3.00) If he could still get it and he did Yellow & Blue Packing Pink Ointment. But no Tins.

Leaflet now 2 E numbers 124 & 102 and 11 instructions.:)
Spot On (excuse the Pun):) And it really does Mrs T, I've got three tubes I'm cooking this week
Just 'spotted' this thread ;)

We have a tin of pink Germolene in the medicine cabinet and :rolleyes:...it's just as smelly as when it was new.
Yes, I can confirm the pink is still available - in tubes, though.
We bought some last week from one of the big supermarkets. I introduced it to my wife when she couldn't find any cure for the dry skin splitting on her heels. It worked like a charm.
I'm sure it cures anything - I don't know why the NHS don't just buy lorry loads of it and distribute it to all the patients in hospitals - it would probably save an awful lot of surgery - and MRSA would be solved in a week!
Dav19390 you have done it again I must use that word again Spot on.
When I lived in Aston many Moons ago, Gran use to take use to Perry Hall Park and I fell into a Tree Stump running around and damaged my Right elbow. No it was not funny. When we got home Gran plastered it with Germolene for about a week after which a splinter about half an inch long rose to the surface. What better recommendation for the Pink Stuff.

It treats Minor cuts, Grazes, Scalds, Blisters,Rough Skin, Washday Hands, Sunburn, etc:
It says so on the Tube;)

Tip I nearly forgot don't buy Germolene unless it got part of the lable in Yellow they try to fob you off with the other one.
Haha! it probably is 10 years past it's sell by date because the stuff in the fridge is, so why should that be any different?:D

...and thanks dav for the tip about your wife's heels, I'll try it on mine. :)
Alf, you had a kinder Gran than me,she thought the cure of all ails was "syrup of figs", when l was evacuated in the war l fell and split my lip wide open should have had stitches, but Grans cure was bed and a laxative everydayfor a few days.....Brenda
I have just visited the chemist to have a prescription made up and, while I was waiting, what did I find on the shelves? - a display of Germolene.

They have two types of Germolene - one in a blue and yellow tube and one in a pink and blue. The list of ingredients of each is different but the box they are in advertises they cure the same problems so I don't know what the difference is.

There was also Germolene New Skin - whatever that might be - and Germolene Wipes.

Have since found the following web site:
for all you Germolene addicts
Its the Yellow one they are not the same if they were why 3 Different.

Great Web Site Day19390:)
Alf I can remenber the Germoline and another thing my mom used to use on us a lot was Vick,she used to sneak in the bedroom thinking you were asleep and rub it on your chest everything smelt of it. Later on in life when she used to have the kids they would come home with there vests smelling of the stuff

Morning Patty.

Oh yes good old Vick, I still keep it at home all the time,we have 3 Jars in the house at the moment, one in the Bedroom one in the Medical Box and one in storage still use it and my lads do.

Happy Valentines Day Patty as you are the first Lady I have spoken to today:love:

Nothing like talking about Vick to bring the romance in a man
That reminds me of the time years ago when we were talking about having vic rubbed on our chests, and my sister said that if we didn't mind...she would be the only one to have vic rubbed on her chest now.

My brother-in- law is called Vic. :D
Other pink items of the same colour pink include Euthymol toothpaste & Chemico. When my mother returned home from the Land Army her mother thought she was dirty (as distinct from tanned) and scrubbed my mother with Chemico.
thats broght a few memories back my mom used to slap it on me knees after falling over all the time ( no not drinking).... playing football ....talking of smelly things... good old sloans liniment
Otherhalf, I thought for a mo that your Mom slapped Chemico on your knees when you fell down! Got it that she put on Sloan's liniment, I remember that but I always liked the smell of Germolene.
well i used to eat it when no one was looking. germolene in the the little tin . i would sit and hide behind the settee, i was about three .i loved the smell i would dip me finger in and eat it .mom would shout oh no the baby,s has got the germoline again . lucky it didnt do any harm.also does anyone remember black jack ointment.great stuff for all cuts grazes etc.junior asprins in a bottle with a bit of cotton wool in the top.and the good old bread poltice. ha ha brings back memories.harley.
Hi OH: I knew I would never get away with trying to fool you.
Sloans Liniment was always good for bruises, sprains, etc.
Does anyone remember "pickles" -- rough skin remover,corn/callous remover

It came in a green and yellow tin...I remember my Mom using it to get rid of "hard skin" on her big toe... great at first but then the "stink" arrived.. weeks after she stopped using the stuff her feet still stunk! .. (and it didn't get rid of the rough skin either)
Another pink item I remember was GUMPTION...........for cleaning the bath....... not for eating or rubbing on the skin!!