The peaky blinders were never organised gangsters.They were young blokes who returned from the horrors of WW11 desensitized,to whom violence was a way of life,and having no jobs just drifted into street fighting.Did know a couple of old blokes who said they had been peaky blinders,I had no reason to doubt their word,especially as one would often show of the scars from the cat-o-nine-tails...part of his punishment in the green.However,the T.V.series is very good drama,did have a laugh in the first 5 mins of the first episode...when we saw a Rastafarian ...they were not formed until 1930.
hi ya ray hope you doing ok...i know it was only a slip but i think you meant to put WW1 not 2...any road up i have a friend whos uncle was a peaky and he is mentioned in one of carls chinns dvds...used to take his shirt off all the time in the pubs and show off his scars from the cat o nine tails..pubs included the queens head farm st and down summer lane so for all we know he could have been one of the peakys you recall down that way..