This thread is to discuss the programme, which is fiction based on a true story. There is obviously a lot of poetic licence involved and imagination stretching by the producers.
This does not give us the oppurtunity to have a pop at the police force involved.
Try to remember that the accents portrayed are by actors so don't exspect them to get it bang on ( remember Crossroads, some of their accents could of come from anywhere, including Mars )
Enjoy it for what it is, just a peice of entertainment with the added bonus that its based in our great City.
Rant over!
Apparently yes . See thought it was reasonable but was hoping for at least a bit of CGI to show landmarks...council house scene maybe? No idea the exterior building they used for the police HQ? presume it was supposed to be Steelhouse Lane (guessing it was somewhere in London?) The other thing that surprised me was some of the ethnicities suggested to live in Birmingham then....Chinese? Afrocarribean? Was this really the case in the early 20th century?!
Some of the first council houses bulit in Brum were Lawrence Street Gem Street and Milk Street bulit 1890, my family lived in them. There were larger estates built in the late twenties..No council houses in the twenties Slatertim