I had the usual collection of toys at Christmas, John Bull printing outfit, the inevitable Rupert annual, colouring books, paint box, a kaledoscope, is that how it is spelt, it was triangular shaped about 10 inches long and filled with shiny coloured bits of paper and when it was shaken different patterns would form, I loved that. During the war years toys were difficult to come by, but I remember one of my mother's cousins making me a desk which was painted bright green, it stayed at the family home for years and my neice and nephews and later my son all played with it.
The one thing I really yearned for was a proper china doll, but I never had one, all the dolls of the time were made with a china head and hands but the rest of them was made of some sort of material and stuffed with kapok or some such filling. When I was about 6 or 7 years old a little shop in Parliament Street, Aston, run by Mrs. Griggs had a raffle and the first prize was a large baby sized doll, not china, but made of chalk with a
painted face, and hair with a kiss curl on the forehead, joy of joys I won this doll, I was thrilled to bits, I can see it now dressed it a pale yellow baby dress, I kept it until I was in my teens then it was given to my neice
Lynne. To this day I still quietly yearn for a lovely china doll and have often thought I would treat myself, then I thought I will wait until I have a grandaughter and I'll buy her lots of lovely dolls, to date I'm still waiting for a grandaughter, I think I'm more likely to get the doll!