Naah, the band are spelt the same cos they were named after me! :tranquillity: And, as far as I can see, my statue is still included on every post.Sorry the horseman statue question was for Oisin. I saw a band called Oissian once think thats how they spelt it.
Yes I know you were referring to Brum. I didn;t know old Brum I was too little except when we visited relatives. I read in a nove somewhere Oisin was linked to O'Sheehan, but it was a long time ago. Title along the lines of Keep it in the family. A black comedy/murder.Naah, the band are spelt the same cos they were named after me! :tranquillity: And, as far as I can see, my statue is still included on every post.
I'd also like to clarify that I was referring to Birmingham in my post, not Coventry. It seems the most recent developer went out with a goal to demolish every reminder of my the carefree days I spent in the 60s Brum.
Referring to post 2007, in the picture below, said to be 1870, the same buildings are still there but certainly look a lot more run down
Well spotted Rupert ! If old Brum followed London's lead then they might well be Russian cannon, captured in the Crimean war. (The muzzle was heated then an oversized ball was hammered in to render the cannon useless).I wonder if two of those posts are old cannon from Trafalgar...with a cannon ball in the top.